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Goiter Sanchez

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Everything posted by Goiter Sanchez

  1. Making a conversation about having sex with Cheryl Cole suddenly stop by playing a lush version of Autechre's Kalpol Introl.
  2. Holy shit! Incredible revision of the original! It appears to be sharing the same sounds from the Gescom track 'Cicada' (also from 1994) in some portions as well!
  3. Yeah, it's going to take a while before I can no longer subliminally hear her orgasming during Paradise Circus.
  4. Finally!!! I seriously doubted this would ever happen!
  5. Nine Inch Fails. Aye apparently this is the difference - I.e. Basically no difference at all I want my peaks and valleys back.
  6. Thanks for posting this, enjoyable listen. And yes, there is something mesmerizing about Reznor's dulcet tone.
  7. I don't understand the 'IDM' hate on this board... As far as compositional potential goes there really are no limits which is why it's trite to even refer to it as a genre. Sure, maybe it's not 'relevant' now but I am struggling to understand why so many people on an electronic music board are citing 'cultural relevance' as a hallmark of artistic validity. I'll admit that around 2000 there was an awful lot of reverbed white-key melodies with syncopated clicks going around, but any genre has its share of detritus which serves to buoy the best producers in the scene above the trash.
  8. Kellogg's All Bran cereal doused in water rather than milk.
  9. 'Prison Body' could be a band name, but again probably more appropriate for a metal project.
  10. 'Speak In Tongues' sounds pretty good to me... There is logo potential there. Speak In Tongues
  11. Great track, regardless of whether it sounds similar to something he's done before. Unfortunately just as it grows and peaks that DJ starts jabbering away.
  12. Buses and multitrailer trucks always seem to engage their Air Brakes right as they are passing by me while I'm walking somewhere! It is startling as fuck and really annoying!
  13. I am enjoying 'Copy Of A'. I see there is a lot of dissent in this thread regarding the trajectory of Reznor's career following 'The Fragile'. Perhaps my viewpoint is unique and more unfettered upon hearing these 'Hesitation Marks' tracks because I haven't actually listened to any NIN post 'The Fragile' (although I can certainly hear skeins of TDS/TF thematics and gimmicks in the sound of these new tracks, in spite of liking them).
  14. I like the restraint in the new track... It could build to something greater but it stops. I agree though, the lyrics sound somewhat disingenuous at this point.
  15. That is a stellar live track! Audio+Video combo = Gold Also, this is great news regarding the new EP!!!!
  16. Not three hours ago I listened to Tomorrow's Harvest for the very first time. I'd been holding out on any and all material related to the album so that I could tackle it all at once. I packed up my tablet with the wavs and my Grados and drove out to an abandoned gravel pit about 20 minutes out of town. Today was sunnny and windless. Here's a picture I took of the location right before I started up 'Gemini'. Needless to say TH was A LOT to take in... One thing that I can confidently say is that it didn't disappoint in the least and I was utterly swept up in what I was hearing and seeing. There were swarms of small green insects crawling on the branches above my head that seemed to pivot and skitter in time with what I was hearing. Birds darted in and out of the scene as well, adding to the aural tapestry of the album with their sounds. An eagle dove into the ocean on my left just as the drums picked up on 'Cold Earth'; couldn't see if it came up with anything. Overall I felt as though I was experiencing a BoC fan-vid waking dream of collaged documentary footage: it was a glorious experience that I will always remember when I listen to TH. As dark as this album is purported to be (and it certainly has its moments) 'Palace Posy' stood out as a revelatory moment of levity; it is such a fun track that initially struck me as having been cut from a similar emotional cloth as MHTRTC's Aquarius in the way that it grows and shifts melodically, THEN that bizarre vocoder drops in and I was just floored! I can barely recall track 11 because I was still reeling from Palace Posy! 'New Seeds' was also a standout on this cursory listen; that unrelenting ratatat tribal arpeggio sound that they are messing with on this album used absolutely brilliantly on this track! So that's one listen thus far and I am even more excited to dive back in!
  17. The track is good... Nothing 'experimental' or signifying a new direction for the project like I was gearing up for though.
  18. A friend did that recently with regards to donating to a charity she supports. I didn't respond. FWP: no idea what I should watch while I eat pizza. FWP: I wish I had some pizza.
  19. I'm excited to se how TTA's Josh Eustis fits into this new era of NIN.
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