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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. Goddamnit. Like others said, he will be missed as someone who brought unique views and colour to this, and other places. Often I found his posts inspiring and life affirming. I feel like there's a tree growing from the top of my head.
  2. I’ll definitely deny having read any book if my friend wants to go through and explain all the detail that an entire book has.
  3. I haven't used it for a while but downloaded the updated version last week with the intention to. Will report back if I have the same experience. If it's a heavy session maybe it could be latency introduced by the way live/max processes are handled and prioritized? If you're on twitter it seems James Holden will respond to questions regarding this device btw.
  4. I'm a bit shocked at the amount of errors and oversights on my part I'm confronted with on a seemingly increasing basis. Not sure if I notice more errors or make more but it's fucking with my mind that even though I think I'm focused and being thorough I'll still fuck some shit up.
  5. Who doesn't! He's probably sitting because it's nearly impossible to DJ lying down. Unless you somehow get the equipment to slightly below the level of what you're lying on and someone hands you the records or there is some sort of special hatch you can reach into.
  6. Could be due to increased dopamine and noradrenaline levels? Damn, that's rude. Maybe he has a good reason he's sitting down?
  7. I think the burger originates from a YouTube video of member “large cat” eating a burger while challenging papa to an online chessbattle and repeatedly shouting “remise”.
  8. I’d say it’s more of a sweater than a shirt.
  9. Thanks for that. Seems like a smart and pragmatic move. Hopefully other countries will follow this example.
  10. It's kind of inevitable and pointless to bring it up, isn't it? OTOH it's also kind of silly and counterproductive to shout people down and make up some facts because you're right and feel the details don't matter. The Dutch government for example paid 5 million euro in settlements to the families of kids that permanently developed narcolepsy after they received the pandremix vaccine. Although it's controversial wether or not the narcolepsy was caused by the vaccine I feel it's better to stay with the facts rather than dismiss them, it's fuel on the anti-vaccination/conspiracy fire. I should probably stfu.
  11. Not really that far fetched as there are several active posters here that have identified themselves as healthcare professionals... And then you go on giving the advice. Lel.
  12. Somewhere in the back of my mind is the nagging fear that when the T-meister’s gone we’ll find out that things are fucked beyond recognition regardless and we’ll miss having someone so clearly incompetent to blame.
  13. Quite partial to Ambience. It's free and available for osx and win. I like that it has a built in gate, variable reflections, variable quality and freeze settings. http://magnus.smartelectronix.com/
  14. I chose the timeless medium of the sticker as a platform to spread your important message. Finally all those years of studying graphic design and printers in business school start to pay off, they turned out beautifully. Hope you’re ok with having your face distributed freely.
  15. If your blender had already shipped you’d be able to find out in a jiffy.
  16. Guy, we need to convene (possibly digitally, hmu wrt your local ‘rona stats). There’s several things (mainly one thing) I’d like to spar on concerning your interests intersecting wrt those of mine. Let’s make this happen, ok?
  17. Continue this year’s only resolution; waste less food. Did okay but there is still room for improvement. Besides that I hope to: Keep the 20-ish kg off that I lost this year and hopefully lose another 8. Find a new/different job. Expand diy/electronics knowledge and skills. Started at the beginning of this year and am reasonably happy with the stuff I’ve built but there’s a lot to learn still, obviously. Meditate more. Drink less. Will do a dry January to symbolise this. Maybe try to taper off my drug use a bit. Hope everyone has a good one. Looking forward to a slightly awkward nye celebration that I kinda wanted to spend on my own.
  18. I forgot his username but I think the ceo of peepeeland made a similar proposition some years ago and I’ve found it to be true to my ears.
  19. If you want exposure and attention you have to work harder to make appealing/interesting things and to stand out. If you do it just for the art, regardless of wether or not you make it accessible in a public space you should not give any consideration to how many comments or plays or views you get. If this woman/girl hadn’t posted her track would your track have gotten more attention?
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