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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I'm not quite all the way thru Session 2 yet. Left off on e0 I think. But violvoic is like the belly of the fuckin beast. So much wicked shit going on this time around. Is it just me though or are they using some of the same patches they did for Ae_Live? Because it seems like there are recurring sounds.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHquvXvu-u0 @ 33:00 He did it. He actually fuckin did it.
  3. Yesterday I splashed hot (vegetable) oil on myself whilst frying chebureki at work, and then I realized it was Friday the 13th. Superstition confirmed?
  4. God damn y'all are obsessed with cum I mean, in this context I get it, but
  5. Far Cry 5 is still fun, but glitchy as fuck. For example, I witnessed the following glitch deaths throughout the course of my gameplay: - A civilian walked into his own campfire and burned to death - A field merchant was sitting calmly at the river bank, preaching about the tranquility of fishing, only to get mauled by a mountain lion from behind - I shot down one of the Eden's Gate "Chosen" planes, and then the pilot stepped out and attacked me, and then I shot him and he skyrocketed into the air
  6. I have a hard time sleeping if I work out later in the day (2-3hrs before bedtime type of thing). I literally Googled the question "is it better to work out in the morning or in the evening" the other day, and part of the answer I got was that evening workouts actually result in a 25 percent reduction in sleep. So there you go.
  7. ^ I saw that 7 Eleven vid about a month ago. The same guy also uploaded the 2014 version of the same store:
  8. So ancient gamers mean ones who play games dating back to 2007? I demand a trial.
  9. If you take a dump on his grave, it will actually fertilize the soil over time.
  10. Sean's cat Winterbottom at the end of Tewe on Chiastic Slide (He mentioned it somewhere in AAA thread)
  11. Blomkamp in a nutshell: awesome visuals, crap storywriting
  12. Firebase didn't even make sense tho. Audiences today are too cynical to suspend disbelief for the sake of unadulterated enjoyment. They basically were like, "let's make the protagonist a GI who automatically turns into a badass when he gets some super high tech weapon decades ahead of what was available in the late 1960s, then let's make the antagonist some local farmer dude whose family was killed by American collateral damage, and inexplicably acquires the power to transform into a monster that can destroy anything in its path." What.
  13. Guess I shouldn't be hastily optimistic even if this so-called "Blue Wave" does indeed flip a bunch of seats next November. Because many on the Democrat side are still likely siding with the big banks and corporations. And they'll find a way to screw us over too.
  14. I have to wait til Friday to order the whole thing. But still, it'll enough material to have us sorted for the next decade.
  15. That's awesome! I find when I get in a rut with exercise, it's the first couple weeks getting into the swing of things again that is hardest. I bet you get addicted to it, great stress relief. Not only is it a benefit, but in the long run, I think a necessity for life longevity. Mornings are better anyway because of the endorphin and metabolic boost you get for the rest of the day.
  16. Apparently an anonymous Republican congressman had this to say (part of longer rant): I'm not sure it's even about identity politics anymore. It's about Trump loyalists versus everyone else, and whom the country is gonna side with from here on out.
  17. I finally started hitting the gym today. My plan from here on out is to do it right before work, at least 5 times a week. See how many lbs/kilos I can shed over the next few months, but more importantly improve my overall health. Really just trying to step out of my comfort zone more in general lately.
  18. Discovered Cannabis Works (Tatsuyuki Tanaka) 8 years ago, and have always found his stuff intriguing
  19. So we're basically getting four LPs in one release. It's like they're increasing their overall efficiency. I guess in a way they're making history, from a music industry standpoint - not so much in terms of the sound itself, as much as all the mechanics and methods involved, if that makes sense.
  20. “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”
  21. What the hell? How did a former Home Improvement cast member end up on WATMM
  22. Metaphorically speaking, the country is going through a phase of sickness right now. I think over the past decade we were infected with harmful bugs that weren't as apparent before. And now that they've all surfaced, everyone is seeing the symptoms now. As naive as it might sound, my hope is that these bugs are slowly in the process of getting flushed. The bigotry, the xenophobia, the greed, the belligerence, the corruption, etc.
  23. total epidermal orgasm If it's the one that was 41 minutes in the 2-hour pre-release "uncut" file, then yes.
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