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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. The GOP are basically the Yee-Yee Taliban now, thanks to Trump. The damage is already done. Time will tell if this nation survives this ever-widening political divide in the long term, like a fissure in a large magnitude earthquake.
  2. Got to try every class in Synthetik 2 so far. The Recon unit is the newest one and pretty cool. The cape is a nice touch too.
  3. Gabe Newell is the only billionaire I trust tbh The rest can take a one-way ticket to Proxima Centauri b or wherever the fuck so we never see them again. But then again they'll make off with more than half of Earth's wealth in the process.
  4. I've now put over 900 hrs into Fallout 4. Been holding off on the main questline for the past week, but might finish it today. Tomorrow will mark a full year since I've touched No Man's Sky. Expeditions was the big update this year, plus the new settlement mechanic (hi Preston). So I might start a new run tomorrow to see what's new. Apparently Synthetik 2 is in early access now though - would like to give it a go soon. Same with Duskers, which recently got its first update in over five years. I've seen the creator be more active in the Duskers subreddit lately too, which is a good sign.
  5. I dropped my phone just before cooking dinner. In an attempt to catch it from falling, I smacked it into my nuts and it fell to the floor anyway. This was about an hour and a half ago.
  6. This got me thinking about the Old West mentality a bit more. This attitude is especially prevalent among white conservative males in my city. Some of them will go full-on keyboard Duke Nukem in the local Facebook pages or subreddits, oblivious to how cringe they sound. I'm liking this dance-off revival idea though to settle disputes. High Noon is so 1880s. Time to bring back the mutual Service.
  7. Getting Trump out of office and distributing vaccines were two of the most important things we've accomplished this year, but this farce of a Rittenhouse trial is a grim reminder that these white supremacist shit stains aren't going to back down. And if they ever occupy the highest echelons again, the country might as well collapse.
  8. I don't understand all of this stupid NFT bullshit. I mean, who knew a picture of a cartoon monke could be a commodity worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  9. My concern is that the US government becomes so corrupt that elections basically become auctions. Please don't let Lizard Man take over.
  10. In other words the world really started going to shit when Harambe died. But then again I wasn't around during the late 1930s & early 1940s. Or medieval times for that matter.
  11. Actress has been one of my go-to artists for winter over the last few years, especially R.I.P. Same with Oberman Knocks (Trilate Shift especially)
  12. I just opened a 25 lb (11.35 kg) bag of rice I bought last weekend. And I was scooping some into my rice cooker pot, there was a brief, shrill sound that sounded like one of the velociraptors from Jurassic Park but at a higher pitch and speed. Scared the bejeezus out of me. I've had a mouse infestation before, but after this happened I prodded the bag with the holding end of my broom to see if anything would move or stir about. Nothing. It's also snowing like crazy rn and my car is already pretty much buried. Off work today due to federal holiday but since plowing snow is one of my primary duties, I have my work cut out for me tomorrow.
  13. Damn I wanna play that. But I already have a Valve Index and don't feel like buying another set.
  14. I enjoy both, but for different reasons. FO4 has smoother gameplay, but NV has better writing. You're not wrong about the jank though. Last night I walked out of a building with Dogmeat and immediately died in a nuclear explosion for no apparent reason.
  15. We all know that the ability to swivel one's head 90 degrees in a split second is a signature trait of reptilian physiology
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