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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. http://images3.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED137/5d567283beca9.jpeg http://33.media.tumblr.com/931de36283a7031ddfdc94d9749d0b1f/tumblr_nlfq54RQQ61qbcq3wo1_400.gif
  2. Ah, X-Files Metroid...never finished it and haven't touched it in almost a year. If I pick it back up though I'll have to start over from the beginning. Feels weird picking up where I left off on games I've taken an extended hiatus from. I agree though, dope game overall.
  3. I met him IRL a few years back. Pretty sure he's not that short.
  4. I haven't touched Cyberpunk literally since January 1st. I've mostly been out of the loop since then. All I know is that it's been getting steady updates while CDPR have been dealing with hacks/breaches at the same time. Not sure how much has actually changed since then. My experience has mostly been stable, although I do recall a T-posing NPC once close to V's apartment. The outskirts of Night City (Nomad territory) was always the most fun to me for some reason. And while I'm almost solely dependent on guns in most FPS games, the katana ended up being my most used weapon in this one - surprisingly effective. I'd say it's pretty sandbox-friendly overall. And it wouldn't be too far off the mark to call it a melding of Deus Ex and GTA.
  5. For some reason I always thought Farnsworth was an acknowledgement of evidence of the end times (Its true meaning remains unclear to me)
  6. Whenever I Google-search ae_store, American Eagle comes up in the search results. American Eagle can fuck right off with their oversaturated cologne and mediocre high school prep kid bullshit. Why insult me like this, Google?
  7. http://lh3.ggpht.com/-ieHRz-I1weM/TlehLyFQUmI/AAAAAAAAF8g/at4ufmBxQyg/stellar%2520by%2520ignacio%2520torres%25201_thumb%255B1%255D.gif?imgmax=800 http://pm1.narvii.com/7066/72ce477754b5e004b451b6a5f48f294541595f42r1-474-710v2_uhq.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/7118/40f27fd3c5495e16a1d9ca883a7b491c9edf09c8r1-575-401v2_uhq.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-arB58OPstTE/VXnO8wqUBjI/AAAAAAAABEM/aHpFO14-EgM/s1600/nesdog.gif
  8. Finished S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SoC again yesterday, then started a new F:NV playthrough with the Asurah Reanimation Pack & Project Nevada mods. Man, the weapon & character animations are so much smoother now - can't believe I didn't install this mod a long time ago. Also gonna try to haul all 37 gold bars out of the Sierra Madre this time around. I know it can be done - just watched a streamer do it.
  9. I'm only ever on here, YT, and Reddit anymore. But there's gonna be cringe no matter where we go sadly.
  10. I've been hearing the term thrown around for at least a decade now. Used to be called "the den" when I was growing up. Although I think it applies more to married men than bachelors.
  11. This side effect should be major news. Then we'll see an uptick in vaccinations for sure.
  12. Hmm...you should check out Ion Fury then - a Build engine game from 2019. (There's supposed to be a DLC coming out soon)
  13. I recommend Black Mesa if you haven't played it already. The Xen chapter onward got a complete overhaul and could definitely be a reason why this third-party remake took 15 years to complete.
  14. http://pm1.narvii.com/7568/d7a0008d27632e10495a78ef6fd6595d7e958a5cr1-1099-599v2_uhq.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BbtjU4hzROI/T1UKd5d7EyI/AAAAAAAAEAY/BPL1MK6x-e8/s1600/Corgi+jumping+off+dock+funny+animals+gif+picture+dog+image.gif
  15. District 9 sequel confirmed https://movieweb.com/district-10-american-history/
  16. I haven't seen that many quote boxes here since Compson in 2013
  17. As someone who personally helped an inebriated fellow Japanese dorm resident of Korean descent walk safely home from karaoke in the wee hours of the morning during my study abroad days, I would be willing to pay Oyamada to eat a poo sammich.
  18. http://pm1.narvii.com/6829/1345167683cdfbe97b3ec91c15496ee5f4445e8av2_00.jpg
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