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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. [youtubehd]JYw0NnHDRzc[/youtubehd]
  2. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is my latest gaming sensation. It's all pure awesomeness, and I actually enjoy it more than the main Far Cry 3 game. The 1980s style retro-futurism along with its deliberate cheesiness is perfect. And it's pissing me off that no one else is expressing how awesome it is in the Blood Dragon thread, yet expressed fascination by it prior to it being released two days ago. WTF, guyz
  3. Kidney Stone Temple Pilots Barbara Licehand Selenium Dion Poo Poo Dolls Smashing Blumpkins
  4. That sounds like it could be an adventure! I successfully got FC3: Blood Dragon working, and
  5. I had no friends in high school. fixed lol truth bullet Just giving you a hard time amber. I wasn't not a social butterfly in high school either. I'll be the first to admit it. Having been an exchange student in another country five years ago though...that's a whole different story.
  6. I valued high school more as an institution of higher learning than a place to make friends whilst growing up.
  7. Getting back into S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat with the Stalker Complete mod installed. Trying side quests and exploration that I missed on my previous (and first) play-through last summer. I actually feel like I've learned a little Russian just from playing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. I think they've inspired me to want to learn more.
  8. 1 1 is awesome - definitely among my Exai top three. It's like that bass towards the end stimulates alpha brain waves or something.
  9. Old but Gold [youtubehd]L1BDM1oBRJ8[/youtubehd]
  10. (unimportant FWP update) Elevator in my apartment complex is offline "until further notice", and the water will be shut off tomorrow from 8 AM to 5:30 PM. Laundry room is on the bottom floor and I live on the top floor, but at least I'm getting exercise. I will shower before bed tonight and hope I don't need to use the toilet in the morning before work.
  11. CISPA shot down!

    1. GraveGlitcher


      *wipes sweat from brow* hopefully Craneda will follow suit.


  12. A crisis at work concluded with a happy ending. Edit: No one was in danger, but we averted the ruin of a barbecue for about 60 to 80 people.
  13. For lulz, see Metacritic for Exai reviews: http://www.metacritic.com/music/exai/autechre
  14. I've had the same problem the past two years or so. I've just taken to shaving my entire head with a 3mm attachment as a solution. Helps blend it in better that way I think.
  15. retroactive cat mandible

  16. Pretty much agree with these, though I haven't played the last two games you mentioned. I don't know how the hell Dishonored got a 91 on Metascore. That game got boring fast, and I never bothered finishing it. Far Cry 3 was better than I expected. The main letdowns for me were a couple of story missions where stealth was mandatory - if you get detected by the enemy, you fail and are forced to restart the mission. I hate mandatory stealth missions with a passion. Also, some of the hunting quests require you to hunt rabid dogs with an RPG or flamethrower, or large game like bears or tigers with a pea-shooter Skorpion. That made no sense to me. As for Bioshock: Infinite, I had the same experience with the ending. I couldn't understand it by playing the game alone. I understand the idea of infinitely many journeys to one destination, but all the time-travel stuff and the protagonist and antagonist supposedly being the same guy still confuses me. I tried OGSE last night, but I couldn't even make it past the Cordon, so I got so frustrated I ended up uninstalling it. However, I tried the Stalker Complete 2009 mod on it today, which is basically an HD pack for vanilla. All the textures are redone, bugs are smoothed out, and the lighting and atmospherics are tremendously improved. Also, enemy AI is improved, so they can flank the player and use grenades. You can also pay merchants to repair your gear. It's supposedly one of the best mods out there, if not the best.
  17. with a mod? I love Stalker but the vanilla is just too broken. Just the vanilla. I've been under a rock, so to speak. I've yet to try any modded version. I don't suppose the setup procedure is too complex though?
  18. Playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl once more. It's one of those classic shooters that has a bit of an acquired taste, but you learn to love it once you get into it. It's like Fallout with Counter-Strike style combat. Even over six years after its release it never fails to impress, at least for me.
  19. Members Online Today: 666

  20. I'm currently buzzed from finishing a 16.9 oz Stiegl. Cervezas were my main chug until this Austrian lager came along. I'm honestly not a frequent drinker tho.
  21. The Destroyer was Bad. Ass. Looks like his latest 10-trac LP is available on BandCamp: http://alecempire.bandcamp.com/album/the-golden-foretaste-of-heaven I've only just begun listening though, so it's too early to provide a full review/impression ATM.
  22. tilted dog head

  23. Dickhead driver to the rear right of me speeds up, then immediately cuts me off by passing me three lanes over to the left. I want to get revenge so badly. Same thing happened exactly one week ago. I swear people in this city become cunts once they get behind the steering wheel.
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