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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Cyberpunk 2077 just patched to ver 1.2 with a 28 GB Steam update. This is the biggest one I've seen since launch. It's been three months since I last touched it though - not sure if I'm quite ready to dive back in yet. I still have several untouched games in my Steam library like Outer Worlds, NieR:Automata, Manifold Garden, Ghostrunner...and I never finished Control, Shovel Knight, Gato Roboto, Carrion, etc. I did beat Fallout: New Vegas again last Sunday though. As much as I love it, it can feel overly complex at times.
  2. http://41.media.tumblr.com/749b21540be2df7c740d94ba0634a6cc/tumblr_nf02au1Gvj1ra65i4o1_400.jpg http://images3.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED533/592ed5c792827.jpeg
  3. I deadass T-burger up in dis bih
  4. http://pm1.narvii.com/7024/03aa38821396d2e6e9901306168c39e18a25c71br1-750-734v2_uhq.jpg http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/43400000/Cockblocking-Time-random-43447309-680-936.jpg
  5. Those infants will be so proud of their mother once they're old enough to browse family photos
  6. http://lab.cccb.org/wp-content/uploads/dankmemes_lab.jpg http://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED612/5a50cda88f853.jpeg
  7. Have you ever taken drugs and killed a bear?
  8. If COVID dies down by this summer I have a feeling shit's gonna get crazy. There may already be another "baby boom" on the way. (Will continue hiding in case horny, lonely women go on the prowl)
  9. http://pm1.narvii.com/7372/2e989901d274560910732ca6622dedae6420058fr1-509-512v2_uhq.jpg
  10. Yeah I wouldn't go Fahrenheit 451 on old books. Granted I rarely read books myself, but they are basically chronicles of human civilization. They could have unforeseen value millennia or even eons from now to whichever post- or non-human intelligence may discover our ruins and remains long after we're gone. My latest FWP is that my local Costco stopped carrying Vitamin Water Zero - my favorite lunchtime beverage for some reason. I'm so pissed.
  11. Looks intriguing. I bought it like a month ago but haven't played it yet, just watched a stream or two. Looking up whilst using ladders may have...unintended consequences though.
  12. I made a 12-track album back in 2008 that I never released, but am thinking about "remastering" this year and maybe put on Bandcamp afterwards. Just needs a lot of polish - too raw and repetitive in its current state, and I used way too many chords that are spaced apart by 4 notes (I'm sure there's a musical term for this chord type). But I was still living in Japan at the time and was in a hurry to finish it before coming home for some reason. It'll take time, but then again rushing it was my biggest mistake in the first place.
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