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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I bought the full game but haven't played it yet. I have a bad habit of this when it comes to Steam purchases. I'm guessing it's a Souls-like then? One of the best I've played in recent years is Hyper Light Drifter. I had to do a fresh restart on Fallout: New Vegas recently because of bullshit corrupted quicksave & autosave files. So this time I'm doing another run with autosave on travel only, but otherwise only manual saves just before ending play sessions. Apparently save files can get corrupted over time if overwritten too frequently, so quicksaving is out from now on. As much as I love this game, it isn't without its jank.
  2. http://pm1.narvii.com/7431/d398f256c8fd4f81167e8dfa97f8da611b55982br1-828-489v2_uhq.jpg
  3. I haven't listened to much of their stuff TBH, but I still remember that music vid of Da Funk from back in 1997 - my first encounter. All I remember is that there was some dude in a dog costume talking up this blond chick in some city at night, although it's unclear what their relationship was. Anyway, live long and prosper Bros
  4. After these last few posts, just chiming in to express my appreciation for Velma's thicc ass.
  5. I just got the VA for Lamar Davis from GTA V to say my name in a livestream lol
  6. Doesn't help that Trump's racist leftovers are scapegoating Asian-Americans over this either.
  7. I'm impressed that he managed to make Merzbow with an acoustic
  8. "Mark my words" is the most pretentious comic book villain-level threat ever. Cringe-ass motherfucker. Whoever says that in earnest gets a KFC drumstick up their booty hole. And why the hell is almost every female reporter on FOX a lanky blonde
  9. http://pm1.narvii.com/6408/f2a320348bba28ac55271954426b6d221c08d9cc_00.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/7108/333c16493ed6ea99093e82845a00bd349ecb25ddr1-922-720v2_uhq.jpg
  10. So you can play SNES games on Switch then. I've been wondering about that. Because if you can play games on it from any Nintendo platform pre-Game Cube, then I'll consider buying a Switch for that aspect alone.
  11. Yeah and the fact that the Unmaykr (an obvious cornball respelling of the Doom 64 original) uses the same ammo as the BFG but is only really viable against bosses. And the game makes you go through all those Slayer challenges to unlock it. Plus your limit on shotgun shells is ranges from 16 to 24 depending on upgrades. Dumb. And that's not to mention all the shoehorned grenade-chainsaw-blood punch combos you're forced to use just to replenish health, armor, & ammo. Doom 2016 is better. Idgaf what all the edge-lord "hardcore" Doom fans think.
  12. No idea who this chick is, but thank you @zkom for posting this in the Funny Pix thread (I know she was edited in after the fact, but still)
  13. Japanese counters are a nightmare, let alone all the kanji and grammar nuances we have to memorize. For those who aren't familiar, counters in Japanese vary depending on the object's physical characteristics. For example, if it's something in small pieces, it takes ko (個), long, thin objects take hon (本), flat objects in sheets like paper take mai (枚), small to medium-sized four-legged animals are hiki/biki/piki (匹), and top of that a separate counter for birds and rabbits is wa (羽). And many more, etc, etc...
  14. Sshock 2 in VR would be wild. I wonder how they'll incorporate inventory management into VR though, because it can be a rat's nest. Doom Eternal is overrated IMO. The irony is that it was the main reason I bought a desktop nearly a year ago. Sure it's more challenging than Doom 2016, but at the sacrifice of a coherent story and steady game progression. It's mainly a game to show off one's taurine-enhanced reflex skills on Twitch more than anything.
  15. I spent most of September playing it but never finished it. It's definitely reflex-intensive, since it's not uncommon to get killed by some enemies in one or two hits. Still on Fallout: New Vegas, approaching the end of Dead Money DLC. I think it's safe to say that this game as officially attained cult status, not unlike Deus Ex and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. And I purchased Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, & Hand Grenades for later. Supposed to be a pretty fun VR sandbox.
  16. I'm jealous. The US education system is a joke compared to yours. I didn't even begin learning German until I was 15.
  17. Bout time I play this game again
  18. Bruh I just made one of these for dinner for the first time and it's f.i.r.e. Only thing I did differently was use a meatless burger patty instead of spam. Still delicious.
  19. Casio SK-1 maybe, although technically not a synth. Or Korg Electribe SX maybe (which does in fact have $400 price tag). Idk, my synth knowledge is at best amateur level. Either way though, I can't help my Korg bias. There's probably still a ton of stuff my Minilogue XD can do that I've yet to try.
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