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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Speaking of which, what's the status on artists like Team Doyobi? VHS Head? Then again Seefeel saw like a 15-year hiatus between their last two albums I think
  2. It's weird to think that I was actually inside the WTC at one point when I was a kid, back in Sept 1995 I think. I don't remember much aside from the fact that my fam and I were waiting in line for a good hour in the lobby to board the elevator, which then took us up to the 100th something floor. I just remember the building swaying slightly from that height looking down at the city scape and I think there was some popcorn vendor on that floor too. Last time I was in NYC was March 2003. It was kind of surreal gazing down at that same foundation years later only to find construction crews moving about. But one thing I do kind of miss was taking shots with those cheap yellow Polaroid cameras and then taking them to Wal-Mart or some other retail chain to have the film processed into physical photographs. This was just four years before the first iPhone model hit the market I think. (Reminiscence by an aging millennial innit) Also borgr for pege brek ?
  3. 1. The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.5 B years - same as the officially determined age of Earth. Coincidence? 2. The Doge meme from 2013 which would later evolve into swole doggo in 2020 was derived from the real life shiba inu Kabosu. Yep, that's the name of the iconic shibe we've seen in countless meme copypastas. I think she was 8 years old back in 2013, so idk if she's still alive today...
  4. Edward Snowden do be havin the right kind of fangirl tho
  5. Burgers are the lifeblood of the Dank Memes thread (which I've been falling way behind on lately...gotta step up my game). I'd consider a Burger to be the Dank equivalent of being knighted. As for Farnsworth, that's confused me for the longest time. But I am relieved to hear that it has a positive connotation.
  6. If there's a competent Terminator game, the best one I can think of in recent history is Terminator: Resistance released in November 2019. Movie-base games were generally pretty janky back in the early days of consoles, mostly due to technology constraints at the time I think. Goldeneye 007 was a rare exception. (no pun intended)
  7. Can't help but reflect upon how a political pandemic got defeated by a biological one, at least in one country. Regardless though the cost of human life can't be trivialized.
  8. It's more refined for sure. It's just difficult for me to categorize which genre Glasper fits into, because it seems like he always straddles between the two.
  9. Can't tell if this is jazz or hip hop tbh. But basically the same vein I think
  10. It's been said that he's basically Genghis Khan with a programming degree
  11. Only enough to recognize cyrillics and a few basic greetings and swear words. Trying to learn more on Duolingo lately (along with Indonesian). I still have no love for despots though, Putin included. Main reason I got interested was when I got into the Ukrainian game series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. over a decade ago. That and I get the impression that Russian gamers are master shitposters.
  12. a1 - Mixed bag, in terms of cohesion and fragmentation. If we're talking demographics, it seems to be majority white male Westerners, mainly Gen X and Millennials. Mostly politically left-leaning urbanites though. a2 - Popular music these days likely depends on trending internet memes. IDM itself never really seemed to gain popularity since I was introduced to it in the late 90s. It always seemed to cater to a niche audience. But it may have had some indirect influences on more well-known artists in recent years. Die Antwoord's "Ugly Boy" for example is a cover of Aphex Twin's "Ageispolis". a3 - I'm sure it does if you know where to look. (SoundCloud, Bandcamp, etc) Probably causes listeners to vibe, purchase, and seek out similar artists, idk. Maybe even inspire them to make their own music.
  13. Just bought this on Steam and played it. So yes, it is a real game. On Steam. Also played Cyberpunk first. This one seems to have aged better after the fact.
  14. Tea For God looks p cool but I wonder if it's only Oculus-compatible? This upcoming VR title looks intriguing as well - looks like it'll be available on Steam in April (I only know a few Russian words so far, but this is just a demo vid)
  15. Good. I think it was last week I heard that the goon squads were planning a second raid on all 50 state capitols tomorrow. At least they had the courtesy to spill their intentions in advance.
  16. Maaan I can't get enough of Prodeus. It's like pixel Doom 2016 but with the tactical feel and weapon/enemy variety of famous GZDoom mods like Brutal Doom and Project Brutality. Hope the campaign gets completed this year. Haven't done much VR gaming tho since I got my Index six months ago. I played a bit of Boneworks last Nov but never finished it. HL: Alyx is still awesome - would like to stream it later this year if I can figure out how.
  17. So it's far-right message boards that turned her into a Trump goon in the first place. If I remember right it's not much different from ISIS recruitment methods seven years ago.
  18. I barely remember LotR now, but I think I remember that character somewhat. All I remember (x3) is that he was a failed king or something. But more importantly that he was a sad, pathetic piece of shit that tried to drag everybody down with him into his downward spiral of decay and misery.
  19. Most recent (minor) crush is a fashion model, but not really famous enough to be a celeb - Mercedes Terrell. I'm at that age tho where looks aren't everything. I think I was crushin a bit on ScarJo and Chiaki Kuriyama too when I was in early adulthood. But the more I realize that "crushes" are of the same species that have the same imperfections as well as excretory system, rather than as some kind of ethereal supernatural beings, the less inclined I am to put them on a pedestal.
  20. Never really got into jazz much, but this piece legit hits me in the feels
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