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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. The isometric 3D configuration might suggest that. But gameplay-wise it's a different animal. Ruiner was more-or-less a cyberpunk Dark Souls. Synthetik is much more tactical in nature.
  2. I've had the same shit happen when consuming coffee in high concentrations. But then I've learned that it's OK to leave a cup unfinished. But yeah, best to stay plenty hydrated after the first cup as Ignatius suggested.
  3. Still playing thru random user maps in Prodeus. I hope the campaign gets finished this year so the game can be out of early access. I dare say it's basically Doom but better.
  4. I made an artichoke-avocado pizza for lunch. Now nibblin on dark choco Oreos wiff coffee
  5. A hall of mirrors but instead of mirrors it's framed pictures of ahegao (Some kind of hentai-themed horror movie, idk)
  6. He turn the bootyhole into a Jello pudding cup
  7. I srsly want to either punch Gaetz in the face or kick him in the nuts. Maybe both. I mean, we knew he was a poop stain before this latest scandal, but now it's confirmed.
  8. It won't stop snowing this year. And it's still icy everywhere. This winter is bullshit.
  9. It's Monday morning and I'm about to head off to work, but I literally don't feel like doing a damn thing - not even play games, watch YT, nothing. Just wanna go back to sleep. Also had this song come up in my dream but I have no way of knowing the name of it. I think it's some early 90s slow dance track, but no lyrics. It is a real song though. But I can only identify it by aural memory. I know only one other individual who's familiar with it. Maybe if I can recreate it and then send them my version to see if they recognize it, I can finally properly identify the original by name.
  10. Monster Hunter Rise seems to be trending lately, but I don't have a Switch yet.
  11. I'm about half-certain that some womens at the gym have been checking me out lately. I say half because I'm too afraid to make eye contact.
  12. Got a call from scammers claiming to be US marshals right before my lunch break at work, saying that some rental car was found south of the Texas border and 12 bank accounts under my name, and that said car had blood and cocaine inside, implicating me in criminal activity. Wasted at least half an hour with these clowns when the one claiming to be "chief" abruptly hang up after I asked them if they were actual US marshals and that I suspect identity theft. I think they had Indian accents. Should've just let the phone ring, but it was a local area code. Bastards are getting clever I guess. Or, maybe I'll answer it next time, ask for their address, and tell them that my name is Fleece Johnson and that I'm horny.
  13. Sore af after a 50-minute run after work at the gym. Hope to get it back up to a full hour, to pre-COVID levels. Guess it takes time to build endurance back up.
  14. I'm at least half-immune now, though I've never experienced symptoms since this all started. Second vaccination is on 4/20 of all days (not by my choosing)
  15. My advice is to avoid all conversation and eye contact to be on the safe side. That way nothing can go wrong.
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