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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I have a Korg Minilogue xd, but I'm too stupid to use it to its full potential. An Elektron Machinedrum would be cool to have tho Once Diaper Don is out, Academi (formerly Blackwater) should be officially designated a terrorist organization
  2. I might save some Buffalo Trace for eggnog later. Dunno how good it'll taste tho
  3. I went to buy a bunch of shit right after work, only to realize I left my wallet in the car at time of checkout. BUT It was at a self checkout unit and there was a mobile pay option. But I had to spend like 10 to 15 min setting up an account with the retail chain before actually being able to pay by phone. Had to download the app and all that shit. The alternative was to void everything, go all the way out to the car to grab wallet, and come back in and start over from scratch. Fuck. That. Like I said, shopping right before Xmas is the worst.
  4. In-person shopping just before Xmas is a nightmare
  5. "2020 is still better than country music" fax
  6. CDPR just patched the game with the 1.05 update. So it's a sign that they're seeking to make amends for a shaky launch. Regardless, I'm finding myself enjoying the game more, the deeper I progress. Just defeated a super-tough Cyberpsycho who was a walking tank. He was half mech - had this military-grade riot shield in one hand, and a big-ass energy cannon grafted to his other arm. Had to keep him alive for one of my main fixers though. Toughest enemy I've encountered so far. Plus I couldn't help but share this bit of scenery from in-game: I guess my point is that all's not lost for Cyberpunk. There's still potential for redemption, kinda like with No Man's Sky.
  7. How did I miss this thread after all this time... Yeah there's something special about this one. Almost feels like being in some kind of stasis while listening to it.
  8. Yet another complication; CDPR pulls Taiwanese indie horror game Devotion from GOG due to unhappy Winnie the Pooh: https://www.theguardian.com/games/2020/dec/17/taiwanese-horror-game-pulled-from-sale-again-after-backlash-in-china Truly a shame with all the hot water they're in right now, because I genuinely enjoy Cyberpunk. I hope they can recover from all of this somehow, because it would be a tragedy for a project that underwent 8 years of development to go down the drain. EDIT: Apparently Devotion is no longer on Steam either. I guess major companies are obliged to appease the insecure CCP at every turn.
  9. I heard. CDPR senior management must be shitting bricks over this, on top of the backlash the game already received over buggy console ports.
  10. Overall it's been performing well for me on PC, with occasional bugs. CDPR probably shouldn't have bothered porting it to 7-year-old consoles in the first place, especially since the release of PS5 and XBOX Series X a month ago. But I understand those are hard to come by rn. I'm still having quite a bit of fun with it tho. Gameplay-wise things didn't turn out the way I originally expected, but in a good way. You get a hacking & stealth tutorial at the beginning of the game, but nearly 20 hours in I've come to realize that they're pretty much optional in combat. And I was thinking with the abundance of guns that I'd be engaged in a lot of firefights, but ended up falling in love with the katana. So I'm basically a street samurai now lol
  11. I feel like gaming is generally a foreign concept to anyone older than Gen X. My own mother was stingy af about even letting me touch NES growing up.
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