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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Just watched Inland Empire for the first time. I was expecting it to be more terrifying. Not as much scary as it was surreal. I didn't fully understand what was going on, but from what I hear it's one of those films that needs to be viewed repeatedly to be properly digested. Interesting to see Terry Crews make a cameo though.
  2. There's a secret ending? The ending I went for apparently pissed off my surviving friends in the game, but I tried to make up for it in the very end. I dunno, wasn't really satisfied with my final choice.
  3. Yep, on Halloween. I guess his surviving fam intended to keep it a secret for two months.
  4. So far I haven't slept since 2020, barely staying awake rn. Trying to stay up until sunrise. Finally completed Cyberpunk 2077 right around zero hour. It might be a few months before I touch it again. We'll see. Whipped up some cold soba noodles at about 1 AM, dipped in tsuyu and washed down with green tea. And I just now found out about MF Doom's passing. Fuuuck.
  5. Yeah reach out to him if you can. My pops died just a few months after I last met him and I think we only talked once in between. That was two years ago.
  6. HNY...although I'm still in 2020 for about two more hours. Already been contemplating plans to start a streaming channel on YT for the last four months...hopefully I can get my first stream going by the end of January. That's the closest I have to any kind of resolution. That and a job change.
  7. Yeah I'll admit he makes a valid point.
  8. "Are you any kind of Ahtist? You're no Ahtist. The Ahtist respects the Silence that serves as the foundation of Creativity."
  9. Revisited this classic earlier today
  10. Because cats are natural introverts and have latent psionic aptitude
  11. They definitely upped the challenge, but the story elements feel off to me. It's like the series went from Aliens/Metroid to some Marvel superhero flick. I guess it's to appease all the Chad wannabes. Might play Eternal again on Ultra Violence later next year, but I can't help but feel that something was lost in the transition between games.
  12. I see there's a Steam sale for Death Stranding. Any good I wonder?
  13. My sleep routine has been completely broken for the last 24 hrs. I literally stayed up all night for no good reason.
  14. I just realized that the flag of Indonesia becomes the flag of Poland if 180'd, and visa versa
  15. Bought a brand new backlit keyboard for my desktop. But for some reason it won't work when plugged directly into the USB port. It works fine though if I use the wireless adapter for it, which looks like a chinchilla tail and flops around easily.
  16. I have a Korg Minilogue xd, but I'm too stupid to use it to its full potential. An Elektron Machinedrum would be cool to have tho Once Diaper Don is out, Academi (formerly Blackwater) should be officially designated a terrorist organization
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