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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I decided to experiment with hot oatmeal this week by mixing in flax meal. Found out that it's thickest and most flavorful at the bottom of the bowl. Some innuendo there perhaps.
  2. TBH I'd rather get cervezavirus than get fake oversized biceps
  3. LOOK, FAT #youradamnliarman #berniebrosarecommies #biden2020 #bringbackpoliceacademy
  4. Already have, back in my teens. Second Aliens is my favorite, just like Judgement Day is now my favorite in the Terminator series. Same director, after all.
  5. I heard all Terminator films after Judgement Day are trash. The recent Terminator: Resistance game is good tho. Although apparently the same devs made a trash Rambo game prior to that. Irony.
  6. I never watched the first two Terminator films until the past 48 hours. But I'm glad I did.
  7. Although I've never been to mainland China, several of my fellow exchange students in Japan were from there. Never really had issues with them. It was helpful to have Japanese as a common language too. I agree that the government under Winnie the Pooh is fucked up in its own way, but given the "president" in my own country I can't really judge. On the other hand the Chinese folks I've met are generally pretty down to earth.
  8. Finally watched the original Terminator today. Now I understand the references included in Terminator: Resistance. Hell, there's even a reference to the final showdown scene in Duke Nukem 3D. And even a weapon reference Resident Evil 4. Might get to Judgement Day tomorrow. Can't believe I've been decades behind. Oh well. Better late then never.
  9. I finished Terminator: Resistance last night. But already started a second run because I'm not happy with how my choices affected the primary NPCs late game. So I want to make sure they actually survive this time. Otherwise, idk why IGN and Metacritic crapped on this game, because I found it quite decent. And it's actually part dating sim, but with only the most important parts. Plus you get a shit ton of plasma weapons to mow down killer robots with on top of that in the second half. Now I need to actually go watch the first two Terminator films on which this game is based. Many in my generation and prior might consider it blasphemy that I haven't actually watched them yet.
  10. If I had to hazard a guess, America at this point is probably viewed as a massive slum run by a few wealthy well-armed drug lords, whose boss happens to be an old fat retarded oompa loompa hopped up on smack.
  11. He's spreading his wings and that mic looks like it's ready to go deep in them butthole lips
  12. ^ Damn. And fuk a pege brek. And the virus. I prefer Modelo anyway.
  13. Feeling an unusual sense of fatigue. Like I'm tempted to go to sleep earlier than normal, but I'm not yawning at all. It's like a weak, numbed kind of fatigue. Yet I have no desire to do anything else right now. EDIT: And I slept damn near 12 hours. Guess I really was tired lol Yep. iTunes is ass. I don't miss it. Not keen on Apple in general anyway, but iTunes has always been a pain in the ass for me as well.
  14. Might not be long for me as well. Bought my first analogue synth last weekend and am tempted to buy a drum machine in the near future as well. So making more tunes may be back on the table soon. Compared to my 20s though I probably spend about a third of the time on gaming now that I did back then.
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