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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. pls mail me the digital vinyls to my home address many thx
  2. listened to all seven already yeah? dem ears are quick boyo ? tbh u just gotta look at the waveforms to instantly know imho
  3. merge all of the ae subforum threads imo
  4. Related to this, I have wanted to try n restart the spark of "A Very WATMM Christmas" and the ol WATMM Awards but butt
  5. "Guess what the next ae album is going to sound like" and other guessing threads, I did it for a while butt cant be arsed nowadays
  6. I don't think there's music I rlly don't like in general, like I can enjoy syro and collapse quite a bit at times just not as often as rdjs other work
  7. related and worth membering:
  8. It's godly, I have recently been rediscovered him too.. mentioned it in another thread I think but my fav track by him wasn't uploaded so I did:
  9. Didn't they say today that the new stuff is gonna be alot different probably? (soundwise) dunno if im miss-remembering
  10. Yeah, maybe people don't remember but there was a thread on this when it happened and it was deleted out of respect. Nevertheless, RIP.
  11. The chat is optional, you know. Not a requirement for listening to a stream. yea idk, just don't take it too seriously imo just have fun! :)
  12. Definitely, so happy todae :D
  13. I'm curious, what does watmm think of the doom music stuff? still a bit surreal to me that abrasive stuff like that is slowly but surely becoming more mainstream
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