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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. well yea obv, and if people keep panic spending etc
  2. Depends on how the economy does...
  3. f-n sweet:) it does look like it, will wait for a price b4 saying anything tho...
  4. When Societas X was happening, on the NTS chat, there was someone called "transmissiones" sending some weird messages coded in base64 that when decoded said "September 2021" I'm p sure.. Maybe the date was more specific tho.. I have screenshots somewhere but can't find em rn. Probs a joke anyway.. that chat was p nuts lol
  5. Feels truer for every new news story having to do with this...
  6. I agree on Age Of, but r+7 and g.o.d are p ok imo...
  7. I have always enjoyed his music, but I rediscovered it lately and there truly isn't anything like it. My favorite track by him wasn't uploaded... and so:
  8. this rlly helped improve my mood today, I also think it's p idm
  9. all of the observable universe is actually a running max patch that autechre will set up in 2084 for their 20th album anniversary "tooty"
  10. I'm not just talking about the sjw crazies. I know there are a lot of normal left wing people and I respect them. I just don't find myself in agreement with left wing ideas and policies. u do live in Europe right? the right and left are very different beasts over here and in the US...
  11. I study engineering physics ~ 1 year left. Might end up doing synthesizers or in McDonald's, we'll see.
  12. i understand your points on china, but i was talking about the US in particular. but that wasnt really clear 4 more years of trump and I swear pigs could start flying or some shit, who knows what will happen.
  13. i hope you're joking lol. of course this is never actually going to come to pass u say that man, but idk.. isn't china literally genociding right now? everyday it feels like its more likely that countries will go full authoritarian in the near/medium future rather than stay democratic.. hopefully it's just media alarmism but idk...
  14. I understand that you'd rather see someone who is going to vote for someone you are not a fan of stay home instead but it's not how it works?? not yet
  15. I want this thread to be printed and framed, kept in a museum.
  16. i thought it was being a liberal not being manly enough also not liking idm
  17. For me there is a case now a few counties over in Texas. No longer feel comfortable making fun of it, lol. I'll almost certainly die if I contract it - high blood pressure, asthma, overweight, smoker, etc. ? shit b safe dude
  18. seems like vsnares got the coronavirus? according to his fb stories, hard to tell. edit:
  19. if people keep being this dumb panic buying shit then the economy might end up taking a hit regardless actually...
  20. im glad watmm finally its coming back to it's roots and talking about poop again
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