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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. the family stuff is the only thing we know, from interviews and from mdg.. the rest is speculation based on facts we have
  2. we'll know someday 4sure, until then there is plenty of other gr9 music out there :)
  3. they could atleast b nice enough to put up a black square on their website for us to speculate about
  4. Just for the record the info is there if u actually want answers: https://bocpages.org/wiki/Interviews-all#Tomorrow.27s_Harvest_era Also mdg was last online on twoism October of last year. Pls rename thread to new album speculation based on facts we have also imo.
  5. Probs the best argument for socialism tbqh. Imagine being able to force artists to produce good art until they drop dead hell yea.
  6. Na from the interviews n stuff it seems they keep making music however they got family to deal with n so that's what they're doing.
  7. Looking for some jungle tunes apparently Bizzy B is doing live jungle mixes, one is going right now!
  8. Warp has blocked a ton of stuff on later years, I'm particularly bummed about this vid getting blocked
  9. can u even retroactively change the uploaded sound of a soundcloud track? didnt know that was even possible
  10. I also have the "11 donkey rhubarb remix" one...
  11. if you listen to idm your eyes are beta cucks anyway beta cuck eyes can still b strong!
  12. dark modes are for people with weak eyes
  13. Have you ever used 'aphex' as an adjective?
  14. rename thread to what is a dingus thread imo
  15. im gonna b honest I barely kept up w elseq when that happened, when im gonna have enough time to consume all of the ae idk
  16. I still don't get why people care so much about sound formats I think it has been too long since this discussion was had on watmm
  17. idk man didn't Oversteps come out 2010?
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