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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. Tell you all what, the next challenge will happen soon apparently. I say we invade and create the most forward-thinking music possible.
  2. hoping for a little longer tracks, sounds p nice nevertheless
  3. Oh my God it has actually almost been a year Fuck 4real, this does NOT feel like a year ago already Or, none of their stuff they felt was suitable for that mix - I really think it was their favourite songs and things that interested them, which if you think about it, a weird way to celebrate a weirdway to celebrate a record label's 30th anniversary (especially since none of the music in the mix was on WARP ) Imho the Societas X thing was a way for them to say "Look at all of this music yall are missing out on, go find more while we do our stuff" kinda idk I do know I found alot of cool music off it :)
  4. this is a great zeffolia thread I had a couple of cacti, they died :(
  5. how long ago was the last release? I member enjoying his stuff
  6. u sounding like @Groundbreaking Pies' pathetic friend
  7. My grandfather in Colombia has worked since he was 14, he will officially recieve his pension once he turns 120 years old. (no joke btw)
  8. the quite goodest record ever made
  9. yea but we posted about that on this thread i think, or was there another thread?
  10. drukQs Is it pronounced Druk-Queue-s Dru-Cake-sss or Drukkssss ??? discuss
  11. Make watmm the electronic music streaming servicetm imo Just kickstart it! :)
  12. I saw this but is not even close imo these where the only likely stuff.. we never got an answer to what this was iirc, I heard rumors it was a tribute band but idk
  13. you severely underestimate the weaponized fanboyism of twoism
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