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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. is quite good, id probs start w whistleblower although I haven't listened to that much of their discogs myself
  2. : ( oh no you d I spent an inordinate amount of time yesterday looking for that sonic avatar, but no luck.. does anyone have it? I need to see it sean pls
  3. J3FF3R00S' old avatar
  4. this dudes channel is nuts 4 this stuff, going for 10 yrs strong!
  5. fixt need new reviews
  6. https://politics.theonion.com/democrats-somehow-lose-primaries-1819567233
  7. Lmfaooo what even is that site now ? check out the main thread 4 some good banter
  8. So just woke up here in Sweden and from what I understand the CIA has rigged this caucus thing in order to induce a heart attack on senator Sanders?
  9. I'm guessing because of the leaderboards and stuff maybe it would be weird do you know anything else about whats going on with this site??
  10. your show is gold, pure gold I need to catch up!!! there is so much to listen to!
  11. edit: oh also probably the most smoothbrain takes I have read on watmm since fucking idk.. craig andersson?
  12. @Joyrex pls allow us to react to guests' posts
  13. @triachus I believe you mistakenly posted the same thing twice but I cant actually tell because loading this page has killed my browser
  14. y do yall weird discord sleuths come posting all at the same time p cringe tbqh
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