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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. way to go dude. i had the same experience a little while ago. im feeling much better about my music and i feel like im actually moving forward. Feels good don't it? Being stuck is pretty much the worst feeling in the world. All I want to do with my life is make music and I feel kinda worthless when the notes won't flow.
  2. Just finished a song I've been working on for months and months and months... And as a result my confidence is back up.
  3. Linpadual's stuff is really beautiful...the videos as much as the music. The one where everyone's playing volleyball is my favorite. Who is this person? Any ideas?
  4. $5usd to the first person to have sex with it
  5. Yeah laziness is my tragic flaw. I sometimes wonder what my life and accomplishments would look like if I was a highly-motivated person. Having said that, I am still an ardent amor fati adherant. FWP: My stomach is full of Denny's "food" and I kinda wanna die.
  6. my 'friend' is hustling me for money like i'm a some randon client
  7. I would not want to be in disagreement with those monkeys.
  8. does it teach you anything about arrangement/composition? IMO there's no better way to learn those two things than analyzing music you like.
  9. where is that MSPaint of TR saying 'now i'm slipping on the tears you made me cry"?
  10. Music theory isn't (or shouldn't be, at least) prescriptive: It's not designed to tell you what to do. Rather, it's purpose is to look at the history of music and detect patterns and interpolate systems. It's essential purpose is so that everytime you sit down to play or compose music you don't have to reinvent the wheel, or so when you look at a keyboard you don't just see 12 random, unidifferentiated notes that you have no idea how to organize. If you do delve into music theory, then don't let it limit what you do. In the battle between your ear and theory, your ear should always win out.
  11. You should go listen to music about being disillusioned. I highly recommend this industrial band called Nine Inch Nails.
  12. nice All those DOD distortion pedals are amazing. I have a DOD Corrosion (black letters) that I use for 101 acid magic: I've never heard more gnarly textures in my life.
  13. I gave "Came Back Haunted" another try and I definitely liked it more the second time.
  14. I went into the single wanting to like it but he made it very hard that's what she said
  15. wow beautiful envy
  16. It's never too late *points to first world success thread* Go
  17. /clicks 'unpause' on redruth/delet hug
  18. Oops I posted "it's just so hot" thinking this was the FWP thread.
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