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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Ha, I know Jeremiah IRL. It's so surreal that millions of people know who he is... Anyway, talented fellow.
  2. Jesus... Poor Hampton Fancher is gonna snap and murder Ridley Scott IMO.
  3. Your post added a dollop of joy to my shitty day.
  4. All I ask of this album is that it is at least ambitious (in the way that, say, "The Becoming" is ambitious).
  5. FWP: People on FB pressuring me to do things. For instance, PMing me personally and begging me to go to a show or event. It's about as aggressive as marketing can possibly get and it's a perfect way to ensure that I'll feel weird about you and your stuff.
  6. Alright Alco you're on my list of people to take the piss out of.
  7. Maybe once a month this wonderful thing happens. There is a church 20 yards or so from my apartment. There is a choir that rehearses there on the weekends. Occasionally someone will open the back door while they're singing. And for 5-10 seconds per month there will be the most glorious transcendent sound I've ever heard happening in the middle of this ghetto. I'm talking like these lush sophisticated harmonies like augmented chords and strange third-order chords and the like. Picture the soundtrack to Edward Scissorhands, perhaps. Anyway, it happened this afternoon and I couldn't enjoy it because of a medication-induced tummy ache.
  8. nope only hilarious coffee
  9. Yeah I'm sure that Delet doesn't hate gay people. I don't think his using the word has anything to do with gay people. But the problem is that the word is a trigger. There are gay people who got called faggot all through high-school and that word still carries the same impact. But yeah those people should totally lighten up, right? i was called all sorts of things in highschool. Really had a miserable time. At no point did i blame language. Wow i can't believe how passive aggressive you are about this whole thing. BTW no I'm not a dupe I browsed WATMM for roughly 6 months before joining but that's it. Also I'm bisexual and as the result of years of torment the word 'faggot' causes me great anxiety.
  10. hmm looks interesting, i wonder if this is supposed to be an homage/recreation of the roland V-synth elastic audio engine. If it is count me in. Alright it's 5:11am time to watch the tutorial videos.
  11. this might be jazz if so friggin' bump for this amazing cache of freeware vst's etc http://plugins.gersic.com/index.php?daCat=-6
  12. FWP: My body is covered in moles. Lots of them. Giant moles. Tiny moles.
  13. a huge public memorial for dave brubeck. for some inexplicable reason they put me and my sister (the step-grandchildren lol) in row 2 of like 500, behind all the big jazz names that came to give respects. man, you lucky Personally if I were sitting behind Chick Corea I would make a little puncture wound iat the base of his neck and then drink his blood through a straw
  14. I watched all of those and actually found them very beautiful and life-affirming (which is the opposite of how I feel about porn).
  15. FWP: the homeless guy that stands next to the coffee shop across from my apartment that I go to everyday--whom I give a dollar to everytime I see him--has started giving me very dirty looks. I don't know why. My guess is that I must've inadvertently slighted his dignity.
  16. I think the real difference between the two words is in their potency. Regardless, they were both designed and used for the same purpose. If we acknowledge that the n-word is not kosher to toss around, then we should at least consider that 'faggot' might have a qualitatively-similar impact that happens independent of oversensitivity or political correctness.
  17. I'm very curious what the mods (Delet included) would think/say/do if I started using the n-word on the reg.
  18. I think the whole point is that the words carry the impact regardless.
  19. Yeah I'm sure that Delet doesn't hate gay people. I don't think his using the word has anything to do with gay people. But the problem is that the word is a trigger. There are gay people who got called faggot all through high-school and that word still carries the same impact. But yeah those people should totally lighten up, right?
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