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Everything posted by azatoth

  1. The nazi eagle on the neck makes it more likely that this is a nazi instead of some sniper BS.
  2. ... take a guess at the locations in which the tracks were recorded. five overall, three recorded in cornwall, two in london. might also relate to the locations shown in the video? it got me thinking of the countdown numbers round
  3. Hope they don't draw this out unnecessarily.
  4. And for a bunch of millionaires they have ill-fitting suits. Absolutely no class the bunch of them.
  5. Trump jr always looks really awkward when standing. It's like he must put conscious thought into it. And he's starting to get that mid-body fatness like his dad.
  6. The Russians are just exploiting what has been in the making for a couple of decades already. Talk radio has been dividing the country for years and the election of Obama is what finally broke the brains of these people for good. And the GOPe are just running this grift as far as they can and enriching themselves and their donors until something happens that will put a stop to it. Either it's a final crash (most likely) or something else. Meanwhile the Trump administration is doing irreparable damage to the courts and the institutions in the country as well as to the US standing in the world. We might be witnessing the start of the end of the US empire. Ironic that it's in part with the installation of a leader that exemplifies the worst of American "values" and a little help from electoral manipulation by a foreign state, something the US itself has experience in.
  7. Party over country is what the GOP is about. Are there any sane GOPers anymore or has the whole party been infested by Tea party wingnuts, white supremacists and conspiracy theorists? If there are any sane members left, they are complicit with their silence. Sure, there are those like Jeff Flake and McCain that are "deeply concerned" yet they vote lock-step with whatever the crazies propose. At least McCain is dead soon and Jeff Flake's outspokenness against Trump is just because he isn't going for re-election. It seems to me that Congress in America is more about getting re-elected and bending the knee to your donors than to actually represent the mooks that voted you in there.
  8. Camacho was a better president than Trump. He actually acknowledged there was a problem and sought help to fix it.
  9. A good rule of thumb when it comes to Trump and his tweets accusing someone of something is that he is projecting. He's doing the thing he is accusing someone else of doing. And there is no point in thinking that Trump's actions are in any way coherent. He is a 70+ year old ignorant fat slob, who probably have some sort of dementia, who is way over in his head and thinks world politics is the same as real estate business in New York in the 80s. There is always a winner and a loser, no mutually beneficial deals in his mind. He has been surrounded by sycophants his whole life and he still tries to do that, hence the low quality of people in his administration. They are not there to offer advice, they are there to stroke his ego. If they have their own agenda that can be packaged into ego stroking the orange babby, then they are going to take it (Stephen Miller and probably Bolton too, who is looking to start a war either in NK or Iran).
  10. azatoth

    Now Reading

    The Book of the New Sun, is still sticking to me. A few scenes from the book sure, but more so the feel and sense of place that the books evoked in me. Can still imagine in my minds eye how the reddish light from the dying sun paints the ancient cities with the well trodden stones of the streets gleaming with wetness and the vegetation and lichens on the town walls and the oddness of the flora and fauna the characters encounter in their travels. I totally understand why this is considered a classic of science fantasy/fiction. Damn well written stuff.
  11. Snowflake babby can't handle protests. And his supporters think he's some strong bigman. He is so cowardly he can't even fire people, he makes others do that for him or does it via twitter or TV.
  12. That baby Trump blimp is great. It's exactly the thing that is going to bug the shit out of ol' Donnie. I hope Donnie gets similar treatment when he comes to Helsinki, where he will no doubt be manipulated like the mushbrained fool he is by Putin.
  13. If the question is if Donnie has a clue, the answer is always no.
  14. Boomers are the worst, it's the most entitled generation ever and the reason why the world is hurtling toward disaster. It must be all the lead that was all over the place back when they were growing up that fucked up their brains or something.
  15. azatoth

    Now Reading

    Finished Wolfe's Urth of the New Sun a while back. Nice ending to Severians story and weird. Some scenes on the starship made me laugh with glee how neat it was. Read LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness, liked it too. Now thought to continue with Wolfe's Solar Cycle, with Book of the Long Sun and eventually Book of the Short Sun. BOTLS has a different feel to it than the BOTNS, but the prose somehow captures me and makes me want explore the odd far future.
  16. So the solution is to just sit idly by and let...what exactly, sort out this mess? I guess mobilizing at the grass roots level a movement that will get better candidates in the elections and slowly via the political process get the changes? But putting faith in the political process when it's already broken doesn't seem like the best idea?
  17. is so weird, you hear this narrative and if u go into the right circles u hear the exact opposite narrative I think the problem more than anything is the increasing polarization and especially the lack of proper dialogue between the two sides, wherever the pathology will rise on the right or the left is kinda irrelevant.. point is the pathology should b prevented and as far as I understand it the only way to do that is trough dialogue How can you have a fruitful dialogue when one party simply denies reality, facts and victimizes themselves? And the polarization has come from the right wing. No compromises is a badge of honor to them. Incendiary rhetoric is also from the right. Ignoring facts is from the right. This whole us vs. them mentality stems from the right. That's how they work. Thinking that only dialogue will solve the polarization is a typical "liberal" or centrist notion. Most liberals are happy with the status quo (because they are rarely affected by the injustices in society), and the Overton window has moved further right, thus also shifting these "liberals" right-ward. Just have a look at what the "liberal" papers like the WaPo or NYT have been writing since Trump won. Searing hot take op-eds where they condemn the left for being too harsh on the Trump supporters, writing human interest stories about racists and nazis because of balance, I guess? Ostracize, do not give platforms to racists, fascists or bigots. By having a dialogue with these people, you are essentially accepting their positions as equal to whatever liberal positions you are supporting, you know like the radical notion of equal human rights versus wanting certain people (hint: they are not white, straight or men) to have less rights than others. How are these things still up for debate in the year 2018?
  18. The US has been moving so far right the last decade or two, that it's really no surprise that people can be openly racist or fascist and it doesn't even register anymore. If Reagan would run for president now, he would be called a far-left candidate by the state media (Fox News). It's garbage and I have little faith that the US can pull out from becoming a legit fascist state (more than it is already).
  19. Season 2 was alright, but it had problems due to the writers trying to outsmart the reddit nerds who obsessively dissect every single detail of an episode. Wished they had explored more on the themes of the first season, such as the nature of consciousness and free will, but instead it was mostly robots running amok and incompetent PMCs getting killed. How about for season 3, the writers concentrate on writing a coherent story with better character motives and cut out the "mystery box" bullshit in trying to pull a fast one on a marginal group of obsessive fans.
  20. Did they call in an expert to make sure he was dead?
  21. America, where discussion about civility is more urgent after a white lady is not served in a restaurant than discussion about the thousands of children kidnapped and held in detention centers. Going great, USA.
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