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Everything posted by azatoth

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/19/donald-trump-urged-spain-to-build-the-wall-across-the-sahara Stable genius Trump with solid suggestions
  2. Flatland did not wow me as much as the gushing about it would have suggested. This track sounded much better. Will keep an eye out for it.
  3. nope. Sadly, the trumpanzees are a whole new political leech that is going to effect conservative politics for the foreseeable future. It will fizzle...eventually. And the judicial system is getting packed with a bunch of conservative judges, not to mention the SCOTUS. That shit will be there for decades after the moron is out of the WH. One way to fix the SC after Trump is to add some more seats on it and fill them with more sane judges to offset the crazies already on it. That would of course mean that the D's need to get their candidate into the WH and get a substantial majority in both houses. But that would mean that the Dems need to get their shit together and getting people to vote and have new fresh candidates to replace the crusty old guard that would just keep the status quo and just use bandaids to fix the damage done by the GOP. And the GOP have done an excellent job to cement their power with gerrymandering and all kinds of voter disenfranchisement shenanigans, so it's going to be very difficult to change anything. Shits only going to get worse, unless there is a serious push from the people to fundamentally change the fabric of the US political system and society. But lol the planet will be a hellscape before any of that happens.
  4. Denying the deaths of thousands, what an absolute shitbird. Not that he wasn't one already, but he might have sunk even lower. America, having this absolute moron as your president surely is a sign that you are a failed state and it's going to be irreparably damaged even after the cheeto-in-chief is gone. The world at large (if anything is left) will never trust the US again, because there is always probable risk that someone like Trump will be elected president again because you are a gilded banana republic.
  5. What do you mean by cut their losses? It seems after various stops and starts over the years, they've finally completed the writing for the most part and started recording, which the most they've done since 10k Days. And who cares if it's taken them this long? There are plenty of other music to listen to and find while waiting for a new Tool album. Even if a new album never gets released they'll have a solid discography.
  6. Was pleasantly surprised to hear the haxan cloak on castle rock (ep.8)...worked well. it's shaping up to be a what's going on sort of thing and i hope they don't drag that out.
  7. Be assured that any protest will make the giant orange toddler mad.
  8. Disenchantment was a slog. Although it did look like it might have started to find its stride in the second half. It's no Futurama, that's for sure. Watching Castle Rock. Enjoying it, quite nice. The sixth episode was dope.
  9. Trump also fucked up the Russian flag. Low IQ. Sad.
  10. Finally Trump is surrounded by people on his own level.
  11. John McCain outlived by his 106-year old mother. Fuck that guy. His critique of the current administration stayed at the level of "deeply concerned" and didn't vacate his senate seat in time so there would have been a special election.
  12. I am not too sure about the people working the stock market knows what they are doing either. They are doing the same things as they did before the crash of 2008 and keep buying up shares like Tesla even when it's losing money and building crap cars. I think they have been huffing their own farts for so long they can't see straight. There will be a massive crash within five years, guaranteed.
  13. bqbqbq is my least favourite track... got my slabs of vinylz finally...have been giving them a listen, lushness. they were similar to what was posted here, but nothing dramatic on the discs themselves. playability fine...
  14. azatoth


    absolute unit of a track
  15. I wonder if Trump will get Secret Service protection if he ends up in jail?
  16. Got the dispatch notice yesterday. Estimated delivery next Friday.
  17. This is some BS, no dispatch notice for me yet.
  18. I guess I am too white and/or too old to get footwork or trap. But I don't get the gushing that acid gets around here either (not that I don't enjoy the occasional 303 gurgles and farts). People like different things....the mind boggles.
  19. Yo CD people, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you get them, but them vinylz is what I was asking about.
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