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Everything posted by marf

  1. Damn, soviet era holocaust film. I need to see this. Can't find it anywhere. Other than really low res torrents
  2. https://youtu.be/3DVR27dKuQY?list=FLWIRaKQuOpIpBeuQd7Mvcjw I'm sure this is old. I must have watched this 30 times last night https://youtu.be/XDXrP9HET2A?list=FLWIRaKQuOpIpBeuQd7Mvcjw
  3. the actors are British funnily enough. i liked it, I'm American and afraid of other culture and deferences
  4. the nazi's put out a chocolate bar for the troops that contained amphetamines
  5. Trump is just an embarrassing asshole. GWbush started wars that killed hundreds of thousands. Granted, leaving the Middle East at this point might cause more death by inaction.
  6. Rip, funny as fuck John Witherspoon , 77
  7. I enjoyed the AHS 1984. 5 episodes only. I wish Emma Roberts was my girlfriend
  8. well, everyone has different taste. Id say very good compared to the first season.
  9. marf

    Brexit :(

    I'm kind of amazed what that guy said to me didn't surprise anyone. A native born English person with an Italian surname being discriminated against.
  10. It just doesn't sum a person up. And if it does, that is sad. I used to live in a rural area and everyone just did what they had to do. I never really heard the question much. I went the doctor and I think the nurse liked me. The doctor asked me what I do I feel on behalf of the nurse. You know. To see if I'm not a loser./ Ive had some health issues so I really didn't know what to say. Then I had an old couple ask me in this city and I said cyber security cause I know the majority of old people are computer phobic.
  11. marf

    Brexit :(

    I told him Berlin or Canada would be better than the usa. he agreed. he's mainly looking for English speaking places
  12. marf

    Brexit :(

    I had this back and forth with this English guy on an auction site. He sounded really depressed, He's like. "I just want to sell this and get out of this horrible country, please go enjoy living in paradise and troll someone else" I asked if it was Brexit and if he was British. "I am, on my Italian side my relatives from New York fought in WW2 in Normandy and my British family did the same, but my Italian relatives are treated as Americans now, yet it is a bit like Nazi Germany in the UK, I am treated as a foreigner and rejected from healthcare, education, social situations and job opportunities by race, name and looks, many people just want to get rid of europeans from the UK. Even newer groups like Muslims and Indans are now more common and more British and they are even more racist/discriminating against people of European descent. It is becoming a bit like early Nazi Germany and I just want to leave and not be persecuted, I just wish my grandfather had went to the states with the rest of his family. I don't speak Italian and there aren't many of us here of Italian descent, I don't know anyone else. I would apply for US asylum but I don't know if they will take a UK application seriously. I will have to see what happens. Sorry for the serious message but the Brexit thing has been out of control"
  13. I loathe the "what do you do" question. I don't do much, I work for money. I don't really have a career. What do I do? Lie through my teeth or get a career?
  14. Missing 411 hunters; Really interesting. crazy stuff. YT sounds below is from one of the stories
  15. Who would like to be high functioning asperger? I think I would. I already don't really like people that much, but then you get all these special powers.
  16. I don't understand why they are still doing long intros. Now with the bing watching thing. Cut the intros down to three seconds.
  17. Props to whoever recommended Snowfall, (rip Mr singleton), Excellent show and a true story pretty much. I somehow new the main character Franklin was British. Something about the way he walks. Something I can't put finger on, but I just knew, and he was. Rest of the cast is American.
  18. Thats cool. I watched a doc on him, He does have a nice house
  19. If our sun blew up we wouldn't know it for 8 minutes
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