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Everything posted by marf

  1. I thought a couple days ago, ya know., I haven't seen Cokie Roberts in a while. So Random. This has happened to me many times before people died
  2. dam, rip. the conveyor belt of life seems to be speeding up
  3. marf


    you are worth 100 million you believe, you are worth 10 billion you don't believe
  4. Finally watched The Thing 1982. Have to watch that a few more times. The old effects are still the best
  5. I'm watching 100. Its pretty good, Its bingable, until the new shows come out in the fall
  6. and Pitt's voice gets on my nerves. Seems like an ok guy but sounds like an idiot trying to sound smart
  7. John malkovich has nothing to do with global warming, this is getting ridiculous
  8. I was middle aged when I realized Pewee Herman got his style from Tintin
  9. are Meryl Steep and Glenn Close the female Robert Deniro and Al Pacino?
  10. gun control is practical in places like New Zealand Australia. Gun culture is so interlinked with rugged individualism in America. Just mentioning It people will stockpile weapons.. There are more guns in America than Americans. Politicians are also bought. We know that. I know the whole video game debate is often guffawed at. In the 80's they were blamed for things, but First person shooter games really started taking prevalence around the time Columbine happened and it's all been fucked ever since.
  11. Does anyone here really think gun control is going to solve this problem?
  12. Holden is annoying but the Expanse is damn good sci fi. If you are into that
  13. marf

    Brexit :(

    Well, you'll get a real proper Brexit now
  14. marf

    Brexit :(

    I have zero knowledge how a prime minister is elected.
  15. WTF, Simon and Garfunkel. The best sounding duo that ever put music on wax. What's wrong with you people
  16. I thought I was a semi good-looking guy until I got my new license. What is with the inevitability of the let down of the driver license photo?
  17. season 3 was the best out of them all. imho. only say that because it went by super fast. so I must have liked it
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