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Everything posted by marf

  1. You'd think they'd at least focus on a joke in a comedy trailer
  2. Ill admit it, I really liked Orange is the new Black
  3. Any Russians on this site? What do you have to say for yourself? C'mon (punches air, bob and weaves)
  4. marf


    Lazar doesn't explain anything. He just says what he has seen and if he doesn't know something he admits it. Unlike a real con artist who always has an answer
  5. Thinking about getting into Max again. Mainly for the expert sleepers module. And the 10 dollars a month subscription is doable
  6. I bet you it's going to be a while lot of nothing. Sure Trump probably implicitly colluded but that's not a crime. He openly said he loved Wikileaks.
  7. Pissing on Mccain's grave. Check. I mean, Even shitty people don't talk ill of the dead. He has public ongoing grudges with dead men
  8. marf


    Because nothing shown is proof of anything at all, except that there's an unidentified thing that happened. Could be a physical object skewing sensors, could be an actual craft capable of doing what it seems, could be fucked up machinery, could be dozens of things. The reporters are reporting the facts, the facts lead to nothing, though. Some disparate facts and a shit ton of strange experiences, even from credible and professional people, does not mean much without explanation and tangible, undeniable answers. People have been asking questions and sharing experiences for decades (if not hundreds/thousands of years) and there's still nothing beyond the blurry photos, the odd video that seems real but doesn't show anything, and lots of people swearing by an experience that no one else can back up. I love that there's some amount of light being shed on these topics and the world's governments are becoming a touch more okay with discussing it all in public, but really there's no proof of anything. Ever. Nothing. There's lots of things without explanation, but they all just lead to more questions. Not a one ever has been an answer. You raise some good points. Of course it could be nothing and everything. What I don't understand, however, is why governments are suddenly cool and open about these "encounters", while all they had to offer as an explanation until a few years ago was swamp gas and misinterpreted star constellations. Why are they now declassifying year old footage? Why are credible eyewitnesses now coming forth to comment? Why are established non-tabloid papers now reporting on this while they avoided fringe shit like the plague? This is so surreal, it almost feels like a dream. I also wouldn't compare this to blurry photos, I mean, they used some of the best sensor technology available. Also weird that they mentioned a fleet of those things, and that they observed them for two weeks until sending jets there. The CIA used to plant UFO stories in newspapers to cover up their U-2 program. Wouldn't be surprised if this is a hoax along those lines, given that we're knee-deep in Cold War II. But then again, the spray-tanned turd is enough of a distraction for people and most don't give a shit about flying saucers. Im going with Bob Lazar. They are slowly leaking this stuff to the public as to not create mass hysteria. Just like they said it would do back in 1979. I believe in Bob Lazar
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/03/08/president-trump-autographed-bibles-survivors-alabama-tornado-outbreak/?utm_term=.4c7bceeba2f8 signing bibles. These people are really practicing some serious cognitive bias
  10. Though the ancient Celts were probably pretty hardy as they were hunter gatherers. No feudal system where you had do get permission to hunt on the kings land.
  11. it offered a lot, but with the head druid hunched over like an emaciated Colonel Kurtz combined with the Roman duo (the one of The Bill infamy) doing in the druid's drug stash, as an archaeologist had to bail. There are flourishes, eg: the outcast's form of divination is well done & the titles draw you in, but it was too much too much maaaaan. If you enjoy a good read, this is mint and fuck off Lopez: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=FVGJXM-MLp-n1fAPgY6-qAg&q=sacred+britannia+miranda+aldhouse-green&oq=sacred+britannia+miranda+aldho&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.33i21.3649.11614..14265...0.0..0.136.1394.7j7......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i22i30j33i160.3vimCr-_Qyk the Roman coliseum in Caerleon featured in one of those ultimate teenage microdot dose-fail nightmares, where the last however many hours were spent in the remains of Arthur Machen's ghost city populated entirely by demons. Proper lush. Ill have to get that. Thanks Im only anal about historical period tv if I know what is actually documented. Hate when they deviate from that. Im constantly wondering. Would there hair be that well groomed? Would they be that tall? But I can suspend disbelief. Im only anal about music. Tv and film Ill give a chance as long as it's directed and acted well.
  12. marf

    Brexit :(

    only hope is new markets open up, which is very possible.
  13. marf

    Brexit :(

    The irony. Hey I get irony. I know Im a yank. Is these hard brexit people who are nationalists might actually break apart Britain in the end
  14. My Dad went to school with Divine. My dad was as singer in a popular band in Baltimore at the time and had a national top 20 ish hit. Things were different back then, More regional with radio stations. Many stories. Anyway, his hit song is in the original hairspray and also in the top 20 songs that changed Brian Eno BBC Arena doc
  15. marf

    Brexit :(

    There's going to be a shit load of underground economy. If shitloads of people get arrested and they can't deal with the overflow. Maybe they'll rethink it
  16. marf

    Brexit :(

    They need a second referendum. Now that people are properly informed. Im guessing it's like over here. Immigrants. British identity. Back to the idyllic 50's. Just like here. People don't understand economics.. Even economists don't really understand it. It's a butterfly effect. Try explaining that minutia to a common everyday laborer. Bumper sticker politics, sadly works. Maybe riots. Maybe picketing for a second referendum would work . Protests have worked. This is all connected. The Rupert Murdoch crowd, man. I know it. Ive seen some people comment on hard Brexit. They want it. They see Britain giving 34 billion to the EU. There must be more to it than we are just giving our money away. Tell them. Also, Some English kid said to me that Britain has to answer to Brussels. Like it's some take over. Obviously his parents opinion, He was only 13.
  17. John Lynch, seen him in other stuff, He always looks like he's either at a nervous break down, just took a swig of whiskey or is just plain sad and nervous. In everything Ive seen him in. Anyway, Adam Nagaitis steals the show. Really amazing presence. I honestly don't know where they can go from where they left off.
  18. marf

    Brexit :(

    Who started this referendum? Maybe the lack of information to the general public was by design. With the facts the public was presented with they voted hard Brexit. The rest of the mountains of debate came later
  19. marf

    Brexit :(

    First Time I've ever commented on this subject as a Yank. Never even been there. Kind of foreign to me. But watching from here it seems the referendum was put forth with little time and public education about what it actually meant. So it seems to me the British public voted for a hard Brexit and the MPs are trying to finagle this thing into a quasi remain. One thing that sticks out is the tremendous leverage Ireland ad Norther Ireland now have against Britain. They could serve as a proxy for all the economic woes that come with Brexit. Im sure it is way more complicated than this.
  20. Britannia on prime is pretty good. Fascinating time period. We don't have much written documents about the Gauls and the Celts. Tacitus, Caesar's writings, Druids didn't document anything. So there is plenty of Artistic license. But I enjoyed the first season.
  21. Same here. Just watched all 9 seasons. I feel part of the family Not ashamed to admit it's a great show. Just well acted and directed, doesn't matter the antagonist. A good directed show. Never was a Zombie person either, but I do like apocalypse stuff, plague stuff, so there are analogies. So many British actors nailing those accents too. I go through a slight depression. Like a day after I finish a marathon session. Like now what am I gonna do?
  22. I do a great impression of Alex, "for sure".. I think you mean the amygdala gland which controls fear. I wish I had less amygdala. Anyway, if he is inured to heights and knows what he's doing than he wouldn't have that fear. Disclaimer, I haven't watched the film, yet
  23. I loved the Wizard of OZ right up until it turns color. I love the dust bowl era. The pastoral sepia tone look. The twista', The trippy tornado sequence in her room. All that was so good. I love that era. Very twilight zone.
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