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Everything posted by marf

  1. Phantom Thread, surprised to enjoy it. Day-Lewis is an amazing actor
  2. I finally went on a poppy seed tea trip for about a week. Spent about 150 dollars on seeds. You get the about 1 and a half cups of seeds in really cold water (water should cover seeds) but leave enough room for the stuff to shake, add squeezed lime for acidity. Put it all in a 1 liter seltzer bottle. Shake vigorously for as long as you can really, 20 minutes? I got my seeds from doing my research. Partially unscrew the cap and squeeze the juice out. Maybe double wash. You have to find the right seeds. (organic unwashed "English poppy" seeds. ) Anyway, it is amazing. It's not like an Pharma opiate high. Its more like a mystical trippy feeling, with of course pain relief and a very calming effect. Loved it. But I woke up with numb hands, and after I stopped I got depressed. Im predisposed to depression and no high is worth depression. So, Tried it, maybe I'll try it once in a blue moon but not continually. Definitely a high Ive never experienced. Increased energy. floaty, good feelings, trippy.
  3. Some people live their life getting off on ethical paradoxes
  4. rewatching the mist tv series on Netflix. Good, wish they did s second series. Compared to the rest of the absolute dross on Netflix. I mean, truly shit shows on there. Watched some outer limits from the 50's. David Lynch must have been totally influenced by that show as a kid. The first episode with the alien in the box. amazing. Outer limits leaves me feeling less molested than the twilight zone
  5. so if you observed something like a space ship fall into a black hole. They would experience it in a normal time frame, but because the gravity is so intense It would take a thousand years for observers to watch the ship go over the event horizon. I think . Not sure
  6. Get rid of the artist pages. Please. It's Brain dance. Not Edm, also. Please. No more category shit. I hate what this has turned into.
  7. I wish I could build and audio amplifier with effects you could affix to your teeth and push buttons with your tongue, For like reverb, right molar, echo, left molar. So you could yell SILENCE! like the guy in Dune and it'd echo and be loud as fuck
  8. And he's getting old and smokes like a chimney. Id watch the 4 hours. Bloopers and all.
  9. They impeached Clinton I believe. Just forget it and focus on winning the election. This will only help rally his base.
  10. Yeah, I loved that Dead doc on Prime This is one of my favorite little docs.
  11. Watched Dune again after maybe 20 years. I fucking love the movie. I would LOVE for David to have full control on a directors cut. So much potential for an even better film.
  12. gah, How the fuck can this happen? Heart breaking
  13. marf

    Brexit :(

    I don't have have a point. Im just upset about it. You mention a few structures, but they are the exception. I like ruins. Im sad it's been ruined. At least it's real. But I come across more structures that have been reconstructed in the 19th century than anything, and a pang of disappoint comes over me. I wish more than anything I could time travel. The point I guess is the folly of man. We never appreciate we are living in history. But something like Aula Palatina in Trier, That is a wonderful thing. Brugge, a wonderful thing.
  14. marf

    Brexit :(

    Do people in Europe realize that most of the ancient structures around them have been rebuilt? Due to bombings, Dissolution, revolts, raiding, decay. What you are seeing is not really real. About as real as any fake castle in Disney world. I have this thing for true extant structures from the ancient world, and sadly there aren't many.
  15. I love opiates. But can take or leave it. Im going to order some unwashed poppy seeds and do a recipe I found for making milk of the poppy. Having a really hard time worrying that the melodies I'm writing have already been made or are somewhere out there going to bite me in the future
  16. One crazy paper from CIA. Including a poop ray gun https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP84-00499R001000080001-7.pdf
  17. Halloween 2018. Disappointed. Made for the adhd generation. Not that great
  18. I mostly listen to music with guitars
  19. INspo by The Shining? Am I pointing out the obvious? Do you have to pay royalties on the old jazz tracks?
  20. Democrats have to eat themselves. The republicans fall in line and know how to win. We have to beat Drump. Just wait for the most charismatic person to shake out of the process and pick them.
  21. Children of Men has this really great flow. Like a bowling ball rolling and it's started and doesn't stop and you are watching beside it. Going in and out of your line of sight.
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