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Everything posted by marf

  1. Mckenna died awfully young. From brain cancer. I wonder if the drugs played a part
  2. the older i get the less i want to do psych drugs. its a little tiring. give me a pipe of opium any day...(ironic)
  3. ive noticed an uptick in the discussion of depression in a few places. i think this might be a sort of seasonal depression. i get it in feb (dark winter). but some people get it in summer months. maybe?
  4. satanism? never understood it. you acknowledge there is a good guy and a bad guy. So you worship the bad guy.
  5. i know im "clinically depressed" when i stop getting hard ons and stop desiring sex.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkAL9vMVuG0
  7. gay rights. black people. these are the two groups with some serious politically correct clout in america. Sweatshop labourers, migrant workers don't really have their people out there fighting the fight i guess
  8. i think you need to be willing to make a fool of yourself in order to get anywhere with women. seriously, who cares anymore. engaged, single, married. i don't know what anyone is into these days. ive been in a 3 some with a married woman. not that i think its right. but some people have different belief systems
  9. im pretty sure she didn't actually get my number. She was just humoring me. Its a small town so i guess ill just say hi next time i see her. Im more disturb by my total inability to read women. here i thought she liked me
  10. do sex with her conclusion; i looked up her twitter account. she talked about me awkwardly asking her out even after she awkwardly told me she was engaged... a very first world ending on this one
  11. is aspergers something people envy now? sometimes i think some of our favorite musicians are aspergers
  12. really adorable girl said hi to me today. we chatted. i asked if she wanted to hang out. she said sure! i gave her my number, then she flashes her engagement ring and tells me not to get my hopes up, but she still wants to hang out. very confusing
  13. i can understand why the artists we listen to would not like this site. i come here a lot, but i can understand. The music they make is not about boundaries. Not about getting boxed into some genre. Aphex was dj'ing under a table in the 90's Fair to say he doesn't like attention. I can understand this too. id be interested to know Snare's reason for wanting to stay off this site I remember Cylob mentioning somewhere that he thinks this site is homophobic.
  14. what r frantic handbrake switch offs? eh, hard to explain in words but it's like he has 3 or 4 different phrases lined up and he switches among them quickly. The Box Energy remix is full of them as well as Drukqs. Not many artists do that--write 5 songs in one and make you dizzy by zapping in and out of the different permutations...yeah, completely impossible to explain in words i got you. and he keeps the flow going seamlessly
  15. what r frantic handbrake switch offs?
  16. he just happens to be unknown, he just happens to make amazing idm, he just happens to be released on rephlex records. you guys are jumping to conculsions!
  17. favorite 80's album and what i was actually listening to back then are two different things. Its embarrassing. I guess Peter Gabriel's So was the most important for me
  18. i dont find any media scary. music, films, nothing. its all make believe. it provides a mood yes,but scare me? no
  19. i hate sports but i love this thread. lols
  20. in the philip glass article the interviewer asks if in 20 years time he'll be playing prestigious concert halls like glass. very prescient mr. interviewer Cunningham makes music too. maybe so he didnt have to bug richard?
  21. To make something moody and cool. I think he accomplished that
  22. I like fallout on that Neon Indian album. I like another track that sounds very boc. no vocals. the rest. is crap. Too 80's vocal cheeze. Without being good. I get what everyone is complaining about now
  23. This is a really good track. i dont care what you say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1uJU3_AMs0&list=FLPMglIBb-CET9eoa1WFjjzA&index=1&feature=plpp_video
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