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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Bet he regrets that tweet. Also, what kinda statement is that? Edge-y. Though am curious about why that tweet was so specific. Edit: Apparently Kobe traveled almost exclusively with his helicopter.
  2. Here is a dumb "movie" I made in the 5th grade with that old game "The Movies". It's a parody of kung fu movies:
  3. Ah, so the nazis weren't dangerous until they were able to make laws. Got it.
  4. Everytime I read or hear an interview from SP, it always reminds me of one of my old philosophy professors. The good ones of course.
  5. yeeeah now, describe the food in greater detail
  7. I very much think a corporate dem cannot win the presidency for a number of reasons. However I don't necessarily think Sanders can either if I'm being honest with myself. However I do believe Sanders would do much better against Trump than pretty much any other candidate. In this day and age people prefer "real" populist politicians. in terms of corporate dems, many are just Hillary 2.0. Not only in beliefs and the way they play politics like it's still the 90s, and also have a number of gaffes in the past that Trump could effectively harp on. He could point to Warren and "Pocahontas" her to death. Biden comes off as kind of a creep and may or may not have some mental problems, so he's even lower hanging fruit for Trump. I think Trump would "Jeb Bush" Biden to death with ease. Maybe Warren could overcome what Trump would throw at her but it's not clear. She isn't the most clairvoyant politician considering she for the most part has abandoned her progressive supporter base. Against Bernie he'd probably just say it's a bunch of pie in the sky promises. And even though Trump has done much worse than either of these 2 in the gaffe department, it's basically been proven that it simply won't work against him.
  8. Well one foot in and one foot out is still in. I know he ran for Vermont senator as an independent. He's also bit his tongue and played party politics with the democrats in the past.
  9. Something I really envy Bernie for is his ability to not eyeroll at things like this and ability to remain collected even when his "party" is against him. There's no way I'd be able to hold it in if I were in his position, after all the crap the conservative """democrats""" has given him and will likely give him well into the future. He's definitely playing politics by doing this but it's in all the right ways that he needs to. I'm sure the democrats would love for Bernie to become angry with them, and yet he doesn't and so they don't have an excuse to distance themselves from him or try to kick him out.
  10. Anyone ever play Dwarf Fortress? really cool and interesting game
  11. yup I think that's the only place they can go barring new lore to play with. Maybe there is another crazy jedi/sith war 1000 years after the movies. Only issue I can see is the whole theme of 'balance' from the movies which require the context of the jedi/sith war. Then again Darth Treya was about balance and I'm sure she will pop up somewhere during old republic times.
  12. Let's hope. While I'm sure he can make something interesting, I just know the Marvel humor injected into the last few films will still be a mainstay. I hope the next trilogy will be about the old republic. I want to see the jedi and sith war.
  13. Finally saw RoS. I surprisingly liked it. It is maybe the best of the sequels? It felt like a funner though messier Force Awakens, probably because of the conclusive nature of the film. Rey actually feels like a tangible character with a personality. Finn and Poe's roles however felt disappointing, but I kind of expected as much. Even though I enjoyed it, it still feels like the sequel trilogy is... optional. They went in without some kind of road map because MONEY and now we have a really fan fiction-y trilogy that instead of sticking to a vision, became this weird reactionary trilogy that changed it's mind every single film to the point where all three feel almost standalone and feel at times loosely tied together by a hand wave-y plot. I enjoyed seeing Sideous again, and Kylo Ren becoming good even if it felt way too sudden and contrived (and then like never speaking another word after he became good.... what was up with that). Of course I think the Sideous thing as a plot overall could have been done much better by giving it more context in episode 7 and 8. TBH I would have been fine if they split episode 9 into two movies, since JJ basically kinda ignores large aspects of TLJ so it feels like more of a sequel to episode 7 than 8. There were rumors suggesting he wanted to do this, and I think since episode 9 feels so far left field of episode 8 it would have been justified considering the direction they went. There were so many things introduced in episode 9 that would have been better introduced in 8. But despite all of that I felt JJ did well enough with what he got. I'm surprised he managed to stick the landing at all.
  14. I've decided to spiders. Goodbye.
  15. My username is: Q And my password is: 3
  16. Definitely one of the best tracks I've ever heard. If I had a nickle for every time listening to it gave me chills I'd be retired
  17. Sounds exciting. I'd also love to see him work on another Deus Ex but that seems not very likely.
  18. I keep getting confused because a remake of System Shock 1 is coming out in addition to System Shock 3.
  19. Woah, listened to Love 7, Swurlk, and then Abundance all in a row basically. 3 very different tracks at first glance, but they each share incredibly similar melodies (at parts, not whole track or anything). I would never have noticed if they didn't come on so close in the shuffle. Love 7 - 2:10ish Swurlk - 1:10ish - actually I'm thinking it may be a purposeful/obvious homage I just didn't notice until today then Swurlk - the main chord progression at beginning Abundance - 2:57ish- when the choir comes in, verry similar progression however Aphex's holds the notes longer than Swurlk They feel very different and yet are so similar.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if he's listened to it before and subconsciously re-created it. I've definitely done that before. It'll be impossible to tell till it's out though. Afx has been very good at disguising samples in the past, in a good way of course. There's a lot you can do with a few FX. If it is sampled, sounds like there may be a chorus effect on top of Aphex's The Timbre is fairly close to me. not only the same chord progression but that same delay effect is there, and the rate it's pitching upward and downward while the same pitch in Microscopic is uncanny. It's also easily sample-able. Yeah there's a lil bit of doubt there since that sound isn't exactly hard to re-create, though it's still awesome.
  21. I keep meaning to get around to those at some point. They look really fun (and frustrating)
  22. Actually no I haven't. I had no clue about Larian Studios until I saw they were doing BG3, and now that I've played DOS 2 a bit (in the second act on explorer mode) I am super excited to see the best possible studio is making BG 3. Decided to check them out and I'm wondering how in the world I've never heard of at least Original Sin 1 and 2. Every time I've looked up "Games like Baldur's Gate" I'll see Icewind Dale or Planescape Torment, but I just recently found out about Divinity like 2 months ago. I remember you recommending some games like BG2 to me before, but I don't know if you recommended OS 2. Do you really not like Original Sin 2? It Feels like I'm playing 3D chess with RPG mechanics. I still haven't played Icewind Dale, and I almost beat Planescape Torment, but my save folder corrupted randomly toward the end. So I need to tackle that one again.
  23. I'm currently playing Divinity: Original Sin 2, damn amazing and engaging rpg battle system. I actually look forward to playing it at night which really hasn't been a thing since my early teens. It's basically Baldur's Gate 2 on steroids. Thus far BG2 has the better story but Divinity definitely has the better battle system. But of course it wouldn't exist without BG2, so.
  24. Lol well. I have a friend who said he would listen to it to kind of relax, and it would give him constant head tingles. And by head I mean the one up top.
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