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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. oh I mean you no harm. I actually brought a sandwich I made for you. Of the knuckle variety.
  2. Well they already want closed borders, so this is just an excuse to continue converting oxygen into CO2 while pretending to say something different.
  3. Nearly had a heart attack during a certain Bojack Horseman episode
  4. mmmm manly man muscles. Certainly more interesting than this... colon.. virus.. thing More likely, T levels have plummetted since like... everything seems to lower T when it comes to working out and all the crap surrounding it.
  5. I remember I had fun up until I got into like Mid-diamond, and it slowly turned into a daily grind. This was like 9 or 10 years ago by now so I felt I maybe could "go pro" as I was a teen, and was improving very quickly. Got into top 30ish masters before I decided it wasn't worth it because I knew the 3 hours I put in every day minimum was going to change to 4... then 5.... then 10. Pros regularly play 12+ hours a day so. Yeah not worth it. And I didn't think of it as practice. I just had to play a minimum of 3 hours worth of games a day to simply stay where I was because strategies and all of that were in flux. I had started to practice on top of that, but that's when I finally saw the black hole that is pro gaming.
  6. What's odd is that it so obviously looks horrible. It does not look like they work out. Maybe to people who have no clue what they're looking at, but even most people can subconsciously tell something is not right. And I know you'd know, but what is worse is that these guys know going into it, that synthol calcifies or hardens or whatever, killing the muscle tissue due to blood flow being cut, and that eventually they'll have to get it removed , often along with good portion of the muscle, or die. People have had to get amputated because they waited to long to get it removed. I guess it just blows my mind. One of those things where you simply can't understand the mental state required to think using synthol is a good idea.
  7. Definitely. Btw that guy is obviously on steroids, but with synthol or some other kinda "sight enhancing" thing. Best way to tell is to ask yourself: "Does it look like an actual muscle OR a tumor" It's gotten even worse in 2019/2020. Many people in more poor countries and such becoming hooked on synthol, can't even bench 200 pounds but look like they should be benching 1000. At this point you can just youtube it and see what it does to these people. They definitely have bigorexia or some other mental illness. It's one of those things you can't believe people think look good. IT looks like tumors... An example for anyone interested - Throwing it in a spoiler since it isn't pretty to look at, and honestly it can get much worse than this:
  8. I got to top of Master league when it first came out. Then I tried playing again after the 3rd expansion and had trouble in gold league. Lol Man it was one stressful game. When I was in masters I had to play like 3 hours a day to just stay at the rank I was at. Otherwise my skills wouldn't be improving fast enough for it.
  9. No, from what I understand they dropped the 2018 cutscenes and just have the old ones. Apparently Blizzard said the game was going to get all new cutscenes, and a new campaign, which never materialized. So that is a valid complaint, however it's still WC3 with decent graphics, and that's all I need so far. And idk if I mentioned it, but ladder and clans haven't been implemented yet. I'm assuming that will come out sooner or later, but idk if they cut the feature entirely. I hope not. So basically it's a bunch of little complaints that add up, and of course it depends on what YOU are looking for.
  10. A lot of the backlash is laughable. Only a few valid complaints really. I do prefer the 2018 graphics and cutscene to the old one here for instance: BUT these people saying it's a disaster to me are just using hyperbole as clickbait. And that is slowly becoming the narrative. I bet half the people complaining haven't even tried the game out. It seems classic mode has the old balance, and reforged mode has "The Frozen Throne" balance in the Reign of Chaos campaign. I'm only a few levels in currently and will have a more informed opinion soon enough I'm sure.
  11. So basically, if you just wanna play the original WC3 with some updated features and a currently active community, get it. Otherwise, don't. So far I don't see what the complaint is about the graphics. You can switch back to 'classic mode' in the options menu at the main menu, and the old graphics just look bad compared to the new graphics, especially if you are used to the new graphics.
  12. I don't think those are just roids. Looks like it's something called Synthol, especially evident in his biceps. Disgusting stuff, I wouldn't google it. (google it)
  13. From what I gather people were expecting a remake. I just want to play the original WC3 with updated graphics so I am not disappointed. Though I honestly haven't been following it since 2018. On youtube there is evidence that new features that were in the game back in 2018 have been cut out. There's also backlash because Blizzard says it now owns all custom maps made with their editor, no doubt because of DOTA, lol.
  14. A new "superbug" shows up every what.. two years? Pretty much everytime it's overblown, news coverage designed for ratings to make you worry the next polio may be here, based off of relatively few deaths. Then as soon as it appeared it's gone from news coverage because ratings have started to go down and news cycles tend to drop things and never talk about them again if ratings are down. There's a good chance that one day one of these superbugs is going to be very bad, but the coronavirus thus far? Malaria... 2-3 million people infected every year, 500,000 deaths a year. Kills thousands of children every day. Even 20000 cases a year here in the USA. And that's just malaria. I bet this thing will for the most part disappear (from public consciousness) like ebola did in 2014. Then in 2022 when the budweiser superbug enters the news cycle, they'll talk about that on repeat, people will become worried, then after a bit it will die down. They've got it down to a science. And by the way, if China feels like it needs to shut down transportation, then that is what China should do. What I'm saying is that as of 1/29/2020 99.9% of people shouldn't be worrying about the coronavirus.
  15. Reforged of course. went ahead and bought it since I haven't played WC3 since like mid 2000s. I wish there was a WC4. It's a shame WoW EXISTS. lol. Some people are saying it is just an update of the skin and not a 'remaster', but really I'm not looking for a new game entirely or anything.
  16. That man simply is not equipped to hold that much fruit. And speaking of the virus. I am kinda tired of seeing the news over-play these kinds of things. It could become an issue worldwide, but more people have probably died from falling refrigerators in the past week than the virus. I remember when there were a few dozen cases of Ebola in the news here in Texas and they didn't stop reporting it.
  17. Heard Corona is changing their name to Ebola Extra avoid association with the coronavirus.
  18. That's true for so many rpg series that started in the 90s, 00s and had iterations in the late 00s/early 10s.
  19. Has anyone made a beer joke yet? Actually I wonder if Corona has had an uptick of sales this past week.
  20. If Tuca and Bertie hadn't been cancelled, Bojacks ending would just be bittersweet instead of just sad. It may be years until another cartoon styled this way.
  21. Bojack Horseman last season on January 31st ? and ?
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