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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. lol, I'm just teasing. My whole family is conservative except me so it's facepalm central here. We haven't seen each other in years because we're constantly in a facepalmed state.
  2. The photo will age both poorly, and incredibly well. Especially knowing Zuckerberg wants to run for office someday. Will be even funnier if "Peat Bog Pete" and Zuckerberg run against each other.
  3. It's politics, people have strong opinions and sometimes like to express them without telling you why.
  4. what is dumb is how obviously bad each nominee is in comparison to Bernie to the point where Bernie should be dominating, and yet he really isn't. Then again nearly half the country likes Trump so I guess there is a continuum.
  5. Both have that reptilian look don't they :3. I wonder how many hours they practiced those smiles to emulate hoomans
  6. I really want Sanders to win, but at the moment the votes are split between multiple candidates for both types of democrats. It's simply unclear to me what that may mean. With New Hampshire for instance, if Pete or Amy wasn't running Bernie may well have gotten second instead of first. It just depends on how many people in the Pete/Amy camp would have chosen Sanders as their second best candidate. And of course also for Elizabeth Warren. I'm sure now the centrist democrats are being pressured to end their campaigns due to the splitting, and Pete, Amy, and Biden will quickly whittle down to just Pete (or Amy?)
  7. Well I just think of that as "American Liberalism". But are centrists/borderline conservative in other first world countries. TBH it's probably not helpful to use all these labels since they mean very different things to different people. I think of them as conservatives because to me they are to the right of me by a decent amount. But Republicans in Texas think CNN pushes socialism, which is laughable.
  8. Btw feel I should mention, it's great Bernie won, but he won by quite a lot in 2016: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_New_Hampshire_Democratic_primary
  9. oh yeah I know. I mean I haven't seen any of it, but I already know. It's basically something that can go unsaid now. Fox News appeals to conservatives, and CNN pretends to be liberal. They only time they have treated him well is in the interim between his campaigns. But during its: "Why would you vote for a million year old socialist? Did you know that socialism killed lots of people in country X, Y, and Z? Also, He so ugly. And since when is policy important in an election? *SIGH* wish we could find a centrist with the charisma of President Obama to latch onto..."
  10. I can't blame Noam for his pessimism since he has seen a million conservative democrats and republicans take office since the 30s. If I were constantly let down for over 90 years I would be very wary as well. IDK if Bernie could beat Trump if he gets nominated, but I do know for sure that he would do better than pretty much every other democrat gunning for the presidency. If he does get nominated, then I am curious to see how the "liberal media" will turn on him. I REALLY hope I'm dead wrong about that, but I just can't imagine the likes of CNN getting behind Bernie, ever. If they do then my mind will be blown. The only incentive for them I can think of to get behind Bernie, is that many corporate democrats will get seats in the house/senate/whatever.
  11. Many (if not most) AAA game development studios that have defined AAA gaming the past 10+ years have had some major controversy in the past 1-3 years and have been falling from grace one after the other after pulling some BS that betrays it's fanbase. And it keeps happening, every few months it seems. You'd think they'd have enough examples of what not to do at this point, but they all keep doing it, and everytime they're called out they just shovel generic and robotic PR talk to their customer base that just angers or annoys them more. Seriously, it's absurd how many Game Dev companies have screwed up big time in the past few years.
  12. I really don't think it was a good idea to impeach Trump without knowing that it would almost certainly pass in the senate. Now his approval numbers are higher than they've ever been, and the narrative surely now is that Trump has been proven innocent in some way, even though though the outcome is solely based on the fact there wasn't enough democrats in order to pass. The same type of people who fall for televangelists and wear these red clown hats with slogans on them.
  13. I don't think they're doing anything illegal. But there are many ways they can undermine him, and have played these word association games with him for a long time. The Cuba thing is just once instance I was reminded of. But they know people have a difficult time remembering where they've heard something, so they love to use the tactic to associate Bernie with negative words or places US citizens associate with negatively. Like "Cuba" or constantly touting the phrase "Bernie-Bros" in 2016. I'm only listing instances that immediately come to mind, but I know I could find a few dozen more with google. What is undeniable is that "liberal" cable new media as a whole hate Bernie. In 2016 or 2017 there was a tally of how many pro-hillary/anti-hillary and pro-bernie/anti-bernie articles and op eds. There were 3ish anti-bernie ones for every pro-bernie ones. And with Hillary it was like 10 pro-hillary ones for every 1 anti-hillary ones. Like I said: Hate Boner. They also love to use that trick "Some people say you did this...." in order to not get in trouble by lying or slandering, and it's a joke how often I've seen them use it on Bernie. This pro-bernie ad highlights how the media likes to treat him. This highlights the ways they contribute to stopping him. They do it by constantly shoveling out negative press about him and positive press about one of the centrist Dems and hope that people don't actually look into Bernie and just go with what CNN has to say about him.
  14. The one where you turn your head 360 degrees then vomit on the priest.
  15. I just realized you thought I meant that Pete has had the Iowa caucus rigged to take away votes or something. What I meant is the hate boner the media have for Bernie which is undeniable... hence the short reply. They usually treat him with mild contempt, and treat their favorite candidates (and republicans) with kid gloves and constantly undermine Bernie and his campaign. It's not illegal to dislike someone and choose to ignore that person. But it is obvious they are trying to stop Bernie from winning in any way they can by associating him with Cuba for instance. So it has a ripple effect on things like name recognition, especially to the poor souls who think cable news is being truthful to them. I don't think it was literally rigged, but they sure did push Pete as "winning big" and didn't mention Sanders for as long as they could. Now the narrative is shifting to them having a kind of tie, and it seems fitting they name Pete first before Bernie. I mean, it IS basically a tie, but still.
  16. Yep. Tho do feel similarly being fairly liberal since I consider the democrats a fairly conservative party. Though I don't think conservatives are fascist, and thought people were going overboard when they compared Trump to Hitler. Though plenty of neo-nazi types like Trump... because as they say he "Says what we're all thinking".
  17. lol. Reminds me of all those hit pieces on Bernie back in 2016 about Bernie having some kind of affiliation with Cuba. IDK how well it worked, but for like a week Bernie went on CNN, MSNBC and they all asked him about his affiliation with Cuba, as if it was true. The media is a joke.
  18. Vote not fully counted yet I think (3% left?). But of course how convenient for Pete ButtKeg to be the temporary winner for two days and get as much media coverage as possible and then Sanders conveniently takes the lead as the very last votes are counted. I'm willing to bet this will happen again, and it'll be chalked up to conspiracy theories from the crazy Bernie Bros, even though it's obvious they undermine him in any way they can without actually changing the votes. Whether they end up closing polling locations early Bernie is more likely to win in, or spending days counting votes and letting the guy they like have the initial press coverage. A blind person can see what is going on.
  19. Yes, there was a LOT of that rhetoric I remember when Mitt Romey did that Op-Ed forever ago now. He was basically told "Get in line with our team or get out of the party". You would be laughed at in the Democratic party for saying that. It is somewhat true in the DEM party as well but it is NOT a rule.
  20. i've heard the "trump bad" or "orange man bad" thing many times. it is true about stringing together meme like sentences.. i've heard that from far right and far left people who spend a lot of time w/cable news. but certainly.. the talking points from the right have been rolled out on fox and via people like limbaugh for a long time. basically the RNC and republican congress members have coordinated really in lock step since the 90s and earlier but i remember it really in the 90s. it was really kind of amazing how in unison they stayed. also, dems do the same thing but are not as disciplined and have different masters. i remember thinking when obama's 1st 2 years were kinda dragging on and how the dems were bickering over all kinds of shit and not wanting to be partisan w/bills they were passing.. particularly healthcare.. and i was wondering why they didn't all just get in lock step like the republicans and pass the damn bill. obviously there was more going on.. but the republicans under bush didn't give 2 shits what the dems thought and were doing anything they wanted. those fucking republicans stay on message and they all get their marching orders and then those marching orders go out on fox news and the masses line up at the trough to gobble it up. Yes. It's why they're such a "strong party" even though they're definitely in the minority. And not every conservative is like this, but a large portion of them are. To them it's basically like a religion, or faith based, or something to where they believe in what they're doing an incredible amount, that they're stopping the evil democrats from taking over 'Merica. It's pretty silly how often I hear the same phrases repeated. I have heard the same justifications and 'rationalizations' NEARLY WORD FOR WORD from conservatives who know each other. And somehow this isn't a red flag to them that maybe they don't have their own opinions and need to spend more time thinking about why they believe what they believe. It's like some kind of hive-mind-y mantra to them. I would genuinely like to see some kind of studies or analysis done on the 'memetic' culture driving conservatives as it's definitely a much larger and more powerful thing among Republicans/Conservatives/Alt-Right than among Democrats/liberals. Even online, there is a reason memes like pepe the frog (among 100 other things) are basically symbols for the alt-right... and what does the left have?... feelin the bern? Why are memes so much more powerful in driving conservative beliefs than liberal beliefs. And I don't think it's chalked up to just "symbols are for the symbol-minded" as otherwise intelligent people can suddenly sound... indoctrinated when politics is brought up.
  21. Was at a Trump party today (became one spontaneously). : I was around a lot of Trump supporters today during a BBQ (friend's family I was at for like 2/3 hours). And man just hearing them talk about him is very entertaining and kind of enlightening into the way they think when it comes to their politics. They were in a good mood after the impeachment feel through. They all talk similarly... like they have these little sayings that they string together into sentences/thoughts. Basically memes they each throw at each other, to the point where it feels like they're reciting a script at times. One which I hear all of the time is: "Oh They'll blame Trump for problem x" -- preemptively before anyone blames anyone for anything -- the same people who blamed Obama for everything. I heard it 5 or 6 times in an hour from several different people. The equivalent online is "Trump bad", which waves away anything Trump could possibly do wrong. Also thinking like that shows they don't really care if Trump does something bad, they have already made up their mind beforehand about Trump. If he shot someone in Times Square they would just say "Well I guess the guy had it coming." I asked someone what Trump would have to do to make him dislike him. He just kind of looked at me slack jawed for a bit. Obviously he had never had that thought, certainly not from his fellow Trump supporters. After a few second of silence "thinking" he just shrugged and said "Eh, I don't know", basically showing me the question is irrelevant and unimportant. Besides that I mostly avoided talking politics as I was more interested in observing Trump supporters in their natural habitat while they graze on BBQ, trying to understand this most elusive of species.
  22. I don't think Warp quality is a thing anymore in terms of new talent. The majority of what Warp releases shifted forever ago into music I'm just not into. But of course there is the occasional (newer) amazing artist like OPN that make the label still worth shifting through. Also all of the legacy artists that are great. edit: then yeah we have similar opinions. I'm at the point where I don't really expect to be Wowed by new Warp artists. It's a genuine surprise when I am.
  23. it was cancelled because of... cancel culture.
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