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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Gangs of London. Once you realise the ginger lead is boss eyed, it’s hard focusing on which eye is looking where, never mind your own. Boring as fuck, punctuated by some superbly choreographed fight scenes. Got to ep5 & quit.
  2. @sweepstakes Think of Essex https://www.google.com/maps/place/penis+biters/@51.9281583,1.2662094,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x47d971bf29afa8af:0x4fed862bf1bda7a3!2spenis+biters!8m2!3d51.9281583!4d1.2683981!3m4!1s0x47d971bf29afa8af:0x4fed862bf1bda7a3!8m2!3d51.9281583!4d1.2683981
  3. “Will I be as effective as a boss like my dad was? And I will be, even more so, but until I am, it's gonna be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective."
  4. wanna compare shit? https://www.suttonccg.nhs.uk/vanguard/Resources/PublishingImages/Pages/default/Bristol Stool Chart - A3 poster.pdf
  5. Approx 100-110 billion humans have existed. They get prioritised in all after-life activities - dinner reservations, union representation, appointments with the gods & balk at social distancing practices. Ouija boards & seances are just chatlines to their prankster brigades. Know your ghosts.
  6. The idea of shitty sauces with banging steaks. Ych y fi.
  7. It’s a big power trip for some of these shit heels, compounded by the job attracting a certain pathology that rage boners over causing distress, disrupting the lives of others.& control. How do you weed that commonality out of recruitment? Diversity training? Discord chat logs? Police here can & will fill you in without any moral quandary or hesitation. They haven’t been shy historically providing targeted intelligence to Unionists in the north of Eire to aid in the assassinations of prominent civil rights activists & they have a sickening history with BAME communities. Google Mark Kennedy if you’re a paranoid hippy. Insidious to the max, but in my worst nightmare I wouldn’t expect to be asphyxiated by the full weight of one’ of these cunt’s knees crushing my neck on a city street. A proper shoeing in van, parked out of cctv view? Definitely. Shot for jogging? Wtf. Broken nose at the football? Occasionally. SWAT teams storming your home dressed & armed like paramilitaries? Sickeningly farcical. The whole asset seizure reallocation funding stream too. Beyond. The empty platitudes of fuckhead actors looking at p’45’s, while mouthing inane bollocks, makes me want ISIS to storm in & cull these excuses for good though. A post-celebrity world. Imagine that, but it’s as realistic as expecting equality of schooling. Never going to happen. Excuse the pessimism.
  8. Well worth anyone’s time: https://drugscience.org.uk/podcast/11-policing-drugs-undercover/ Neil Woods comes across as a self acknowledged cunt who did appalling things in the name of the law. His testimony shows that, at least on this side of the pond, reform is a million miles away. The political will isn’t there cuz = Control.
  9. Bristol’s slave past is the only reason the city as it exists now is even possible. Lot of old slave emancipation insurance payouts expanded & consolidated the city’s infrastructure. It goes deeper than this one symbol. That statue was an abomination. Given the age of the black community’s presence in the city, just like Cardiff’s Butetown, compounded by the current climate means it got shitcanned. It isn’t a lesson that needs to be re-contextualised in a museum or heritage center. It would’ve served better as scrap, recycled. Reminds me of Richmond VA & Stonewall Jackson.
  10. I was not looking at her ass officer
  11. Aye, the disorder part is down to lack of supervision & inappropriate care plans. Good to have a partner onboard too. If you're speech & language qualified, at some point you'll be able to get on with that work. That objective still stands, as do you. Elbow-bump!
  12. @Gocab if memory serves, Tony Soprano joked about wives being transported in trailers behind cars to Dr Milfi
  13. Reprocessing comes in the form of what’s known as graded exposure. Imagine a saw where you file off all the jagged teeth. There are 5 facets - triggers, emotions, thoughts, images & sensations. Ask about EMDR, seriously, as back up if nothing else. Bilateral stimulation. Most English NHS health boards offer it, but if you’re met with any institutional belligerence, ask a local mental health advocacy service to attend preliminary appointments with you. Just a heads up mate.
  14. Did you at least score some quality, legal drugs?
  15. American Fiyah - The Final Chapter. Gruesome, big budget, found footage epic. All the individual street shots & air camera shots really bring it home. Can’t stop watching.
  16. Eh oop duck, frontline is a battle. I don’t want to patronise you with “thank you for your service” line, but I work with ptsd clients & mental health cases gone tits up due to failed care plans. If you want any guidelines for approaching primary care gp’s or first-step self care methodologies, more than happy to help. Clicked on your profile but couldn’t see the dm button. Fully respect your privacy too & don’t mean to pry. An olde mate is/was a veteran of community high dependency care, mainly doing palliative care packages ie people who want to die at home, got redeployed to a&e and his words mirror yours. He’s had lot of experience dealing with death after death & he’s staggered by this shit. Take some time the next few months. Extreme stress can subside naturally over time, but every situation & person is unique even if themes overlap. EMDR would be my best advise if things are on top, but it’s face to face & access is thorny. That’s where advocacy works. Anything I can help with send us a dm. You’re not alone.
  17. https://www.discogs.com/Lucy-Johnson-Soundtracks-2013-2019-Vol-1/release/14764713
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