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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79_xwxrjoCw
  2. the US, even with Bolton in post, will do as it always does with nations who follow agendas of non-alliance....draw resources away thru funding regional opposition like the Saudis, which will probably mean more strife for Yemen, continue funding Israel, support its covert operations & hope to bleed its foe to a position of more malleable compliance cue Iranian nuclear goals back in media cant see direct military confrontation between the US & Iran (although nevert impossible with Merkin military history since WWII), but will greasy, corrupt, malicious men of blood play their games of subterfuge? of course, same as its ever been
  3. The Looming Tower - pro's & cons, excellent at reincorporating OBL footage into a dramatic production, the individual stories of certain key & minor players (the kid in the boat ffs, that was hard to watch), blended with clunky inter-agency rivalry plot-lines which could be retold with a lot more heft Jeff Daniels is good, its more nuanced than fkn Homeland, eg: how recruits are/were derived from US militaristic misadventures & the introduction of Mohamed Atta brought the focus right in, but it can meander & chunks come across like national confession-box hand wringing when the lessons clearly havent been learned still gonna stick with it Atlanta S02E04 - dont think i've seen a more surreal portrait of German culture & just the right side of patronizing (you could've transplant any Euro-festival aspects & the skewering would still have worked as well), plus that ending.....immense
  4. in the ongoing mission to excavate through our dearly departed Dad's jazz collection, tonight i discovered Fletcher Henderson prescient:
  5. One can only hope that sometime in the near future they die together on a love toilet, holding hands and bleeding from every orifice now THAT is a thing of beauty, bravo sir, bravo
  6. *adds custard creams to weekly shop list its been a while
  7. Vienna gets props for all those lush pastries, mein gott, also Dzihan & Kamien plus peak-era Kruder & Dorfmeister but pastries folks, the kind Jung boshed at Vienna's Cafe Griensteidl fyi, this is Jung after Viennese pastries
  8. maybe try going with the Bozza's "cripes", yikes reminds me of Scooby Doo FWP - buying ham sandwiches y'day eve for the smack head who sits & nods out by the local Tesco in all weathers & there's a good dollop of snow currently getting said sandwiches thrown in the bin, because "I got food CUNT", he was ok with a coffee & some rolling baccy after calming down doe to be continued
  9. if you're in the US its a convoluted labyrinth accessing affordable health care in & of itself, i dont envy you would this approach offer specifics that might overlap with your diagnosis (assuming you've been given one)? https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=4fmuWt7kKs3SsAflj4_oBA&q=dbt+therapy&oq=dbt+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l10.688.1858.0.4126. another route is via mental health advocacy services or maybe contact NAMI, i only know about the latter through an ex-hex, but they're non-judgemental, thorough & might be able to support you in finding someone local to you - the US is a big fuckin land mass after all https://www.nami.org/
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGTd3HR62fo
  11. if you havent try The Night of the Purple Moon & A Fireside Chat With Lucifer (for "Retrospect"!) after these initiatory paths Media Dreams ("Constellation") could be the jazz-DMT to compliment the finest of ales or stouts cosmic
  12. Atlanta's almost too good - dry, laconic & deadpan, surreal observations & tangents, the studio engineer's software crashing & consequences scene was a thing of beauty
  13. You Were Never Really Here - wooooaaah, beard alert, good to smuggle munchies into the cinema, get pre-blasted and immerse better than expected (due to all the hype), Taxi Drive comparisons are appropriate & dayum that hammer gets some action, dont wanna say any more cos of spoilers but it nails the effects of pstd like few other films have managed, wicked blend of subtle & visceral worth the shekels for a cinema mission if you have the time
  14. it works both ways, not all women want kids & of these a relationship can often be the catalyst where this is finally actualized
  15. cross referencing the Jordan Peterson fred & this one: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=62KsWrfxJoSykwWzgYe4AQ&q=jung+ufos&oq=jung+uf&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l3j0i22i30k1l2j0i22i10i30k1l2j0i22i30k1j0i22i10i30k1j0i22i30k1.1184.3916.0.6276.
  16. Annihilation - looked like a paint-ball colour scheme run amok, has a few moments but i dunno how to spoiler t'ings so there you are now Star Wars The Last Jedi - like a bad Meccano skeleton with audio files & design standards from past films stuck on. Telepathy moments = cool, cute animals = bbq the cunts or at the very least turn em into the equivalent of pork rinds/scratchings, that shit would sell fuck loads
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