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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. saw Korean churches around VA, they were like little palaces, terrible architecture but then jesus did die for their guns
  2. lol, too many prescient sketchy sketches, sublime stuff clearly a time-traveling inter-dimensional NWO occult glitch
  3. burnt the roast spuds, aka according to the family they were overdone & "poor form" for a sunday, but if they aint crispy they fail the lush test imho vultures ate all the chicken skin too while i was carving & plating oop, ffs, only savages do that no-one has seen the rhubarb crumble in the top oven yet, revenge will be schweeeeeet
  4. havent seen Gozu in yonks, but long overdue a re-watch for its relentless strangeness, cheers ears
  5. Alexandria is full of DC parasites, even if David Lynch grew up there, still, what effect could this have on the Putin regime? With the US its usually about contained chaos & bad foreign policy, but with Putin and China growing in influence, the US seems caught up in a hall of mirrors justice takes time, Russian mercenary & US forces clashing on the ground in the ME recently, errrrm love & light or 1 term President or summat
  6. the Coil Archiver got pulled from youlube, but resurfaced here: http://live-coil-archive.com/introduction/
  7. or swap the liquor up & you got Jimmy Buffett
  8. + highly selective inbreeding the Habsburgs are a better example, interbred to the point of annihilation but it took a few generations to really take effect maybe Merka can do a Charles II of Spain style with the Trump dynasty, see you in 200 yuge years https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1366&bih=634&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=nayNWpCzN820gQbzwoWYDg&q=charles+ii+spain&oq=charles+ii+spain&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i67k1j0i5i30k1j0i8i30k1l7.113020.113608.0.114095.
  9. @auxien - the older Soviet flick is one of the finest films of all time Death of Stalin - the hype & Iannucci made me think it was out an out comedy, dont think it would've worked if it had. When its funny its beastly. Beria is the highlight, every scene, didnt think anyone could grace a screen like Malcolm Tucker, but Simon Russell Beale is on it to a different level. Solid.
  10. run to Mummy she'll tidy up your bank balance too
  11. Perlon, now there's a label Melchior is worth a serious rummage for gems
  12. so what if anyone says anything on the internet? be it about u, ur mom or ur favorite band? go outside, punch a wall.. that's real. watmm is just a place for menopausal 50-somethings anyways.. who cares its the tactics of a cabal of fkn assholes i can take a joke on the chin, but theres a small group of you who delight in aggravation aka not something any of you would do in person, man-child
  13. "idiots" is plural, "again" implies something that isnt community minded or constructive criticism, its about shutting down communication between site members other than yourselves even you understand that, so by all means continue deferring away from the specifics & covering for the wank stains who, again, hide away & dont have the bollix to come out & take ownership anonymizing shit-talking it is playing silly games, something i'd understand from a clique, but not a "community" i know repetition is a template for House, but keep hiding whoever you are, what a sad, lonely set of gimps who masquerade & pose for the crowd and Lopez's point was a valid question....something some of you actively avoid i'm just gonna post tunes from now on cos whoever was in on this are a bunch of shit out cunts, end of, who dont have the nerve to say it in the thread & certainly wouldnt last long saying it to me in person
  14. the bike was funny enough, but then that tractor segment, jesus christ pls have mercy on this lost soul
  15. are you actually disturbed by a few home truths? the horror, the horror how open-minded for a self-declared liberal pragmatist you stirred the pot, so part of those statements by default were directed @ you & your whispering chum scum crews i could give a flyin eff what you think, say or do from now on, you seemed on a level a while back, clearly not the case, my mistake anyway, 'ere u go petal, salty in such a way that it doesnt offend your preciousssss sensibilities: edit - you still dont have the fkn balls to name names, which sums both you and the chatmm clique up disturbed? get a fkn life
  16. @ Lane - do you see any highfalutin from myself in any other threads other than about House & the film thread approx 3yrs ago, where the clan massed its ranks & a childish ban ensued? you could same for the metal thread, i still love those sounds & its good to see the genre evolve, jungle isnt really my bag doe, as far the Ae-autism i leave well alone i didnt criticize Ian Pooley, more that his Chord Memory rmx is the only Daft Punk record i own on vinyl.....genuine dancefloor slayer at about 4am, on the other hand their Roule label put out some immense music https://www.discogs.com/label/783-Roul%C3%A9?sort=year&sort_order=&limit=500&genre=All this isnt the case of an olde Prog rocker looking down at Punk and leering at the disposability of it all or lack of musicianship more that the lofi fred highlights the huge gulf between timeless music and the latest ADHD genre for people who have nothing invested in the music beyond their latest hipster fix add the snide whisperings in pvt.....thats the trait of genuine saps right there, what kind of "community" behaves in such bottom-feeder, childish, infantile & pathetic ways? clearly not every1 but a hardcore few do, so fuck those people whose entire personal identities are caught up in this forum & idm'z whateverthefuck @ Spiral such grand gestures dont wash, you knew what you were doing by posting a chatlog screencap & anonymizing the guilty party, it was meant to provoke a reaction, so from this adult's view it was clearly stirring the pot = i thought you were better than that, oh well, to think i dropped a fiver on what you were offering as a free release
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