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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. gone the full Jung: The Red Book Alchemical Studies Secrets of the Golden Flower Memories, Dreams & Reflections & Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principal so far, so mind fucked, The Red Book in particular is staggering in its scope
  2. and that sweet sweet smack too of the 4 junkies i've known, 3 got their habits doing time, ironically all 4 now work in NHS detox programs
  3. haha, the truth is out there, if i had flippers instead of hands, maybe
  4. theres a restored version of The Man Who Fell to Earth showing around London thats a classic for the big screen, the fkd editing & Bowie's occult goings on off set, all the tv screens, cracked psychic genius the Disinfo Guide to Magic has a good chapter on Lovecraft and the attraction of the cult of Cthulhu, deconstructed from all angles i dont want to believe but synchronicity/association blocks are the real headfuck territory, nevermind a few lights in the sky
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg5UMMiC5zo
  6. maaaaaaaaan, i can roll crease-less beautiful creations, only occasionally now due to vapin, but would accept that challenge forthwith prefer a pure/no baccy (wtf is it w/folks n this dreadful material) 1-skin rizla so they come out like slightly bulbed mind-melt cheroots let action commence
  7. aces in the pack (for me) are the original mix of Time to Find Me (Come Inside), fuck the sketchy remixes of track that couldnt possibly be improved, & Spangle, proper olde sunday afternoons blissed out psychosis of the best kind my copy of Polyfusia is badly battered, so this thread has inspired finally getting a better quality copy sooner rather than later, cheers y'all
  8. https://soundcloud.com/cwmbran-city/david-bellamy
  9. using personalities & their voices to change the point of reference over to something wtf, you could subvert things/shake it up eg: imagine being on a bad trip while listening to David Bellamy or The Krankies, shudder, wont do that now retrocreepology
  10. I've seen a few financial bankruptcies around me, immensely destructive, but the thing about the NHS is if they get it wrong it can be your arse Which is worse, your wallet or your mind/life? Its not a perfect world, tried and tested, cancer care for example is world class here, but other areas are a cesspit When you wait 2 years for basic post-op neurology protocols to be reviewed that should've started 6 weeks after an rta in june '14, shit can get hairy & ugly v quickly. Its not Syria or Iraq, but not all wars are fought on battlefields
  11. free healthcare that seriously compounds health problems have some ombudsman hell fire on your case, cunts some times life in Britain can feel like a 1930's Soviet-era gulag
  12. went to the coast prepared for a rainy walk, sun came out, then hours of deepest liminal sea/land world delights explored this island has its perks
  13. Curtains Blowing off the John Foxx & H Budd Translucence lp came on in a mix out in mate's motor earlier. No audio link sorry. It never fails & @ around 3mins is instant re-e-wind-worthy & something beyond serene/wtf is that https://www.discogs.com/John-Foxx-Harold-Budd-Translucence-Drift-Music/release/294213
  14. the electrification of Bristol's rail lines the deteriorating quality of our local chippy compounded by finding the ultimately supreme equivalent down the coast, this is serious business summer effectively ending in a few weeks enough free opiates from Britain's NHS to indulge Zammo & a small army, its either all or nothing with this system the cunt roofing his garage @ weekends a few doors down, 8am on Saturday is wrong mate, gonna borrow me Ma's dog and have him leg rape you
  15. Wheeler Dealers cars you'd never buy with jobs you'd leave to serious professionals, hosted by 1 bloke who's a short arsed mockney bobby dazzler & the other a lanky more foppy-haired English middle-class type who at some point seems to have converted his interests from model railways to cars. Neither have beards btw, this aint no Richard Rawlins muscle car bollix (cant believe i know that cunt's name) dont mean to watch, but, just occasionally, if its summat like a Scimitar or an olde Maxi......the TV equivalent of Burger King
  16. the subliminal racist satanic Hollywood mind control agenda working hard even b4 the end of the Cold War & 9/11 Trekkies take note
  17. fkn edits aaaaaggggggghhhhhhhh sampled The Innocents on this mix quite a bit, cos it has that whispering, barely audible voice work that a lot of modern "horror" filems could learn a lot from, suggestion rather than implication, settling into deeply uneasy https://soundcloud.com/cwmbran-city/gibbering-heights
  18. bet their weed is intense had 2 experiences now, neither alone.....moving lights at low altitude in broad daylight w/zero sound, the most recent of which me mate filmed on his phone. If he ever sorts thru his myriad of familial chores it'll be on youlube b4 too long the most bizarre aspect of both "events" /iswas that i've never really thought about them after, only to describe to them to others who've asked the first situation was 2 orange orbs in formation flying low over an olde colliery about 8pm mid-summer..... the same light was also filmed by a South Wales Police helicopter over Cardiff & out into the Bristol Channel. It even appeared on the regional news bulletins. Whoever leaked this their boss musta been fuming then late last month on an escarpment above Hay on Wye my mate filmed the single orbs flitting from one hill-line to the other, again completely silent for a good half an hour, the light would glow for 20secs, go off, only to reappear 2 to 3 miles/best guess away almost instantaneously. This 1 spooked me far less as the main SAS base near Hereford is only down the road & they do all kinds of exercises local to this view-point
  19. ps: would highly recommend select chapters from this superb anthology of all things strange (the 2nd edition with the red cover, rather than the 1st edition/black covered version) theres loads of bollix, so you have to steer the ship quite well or get scuppered by folks like 2012-enthusiasts like Pinchbeck, but the Austin Osman Spare, Crowley, Burroughs & Gysin sections are f*ckin mint: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Book-Lies-New-Disinformation-Magick/dp/1938875109/ref=dp_ob_title_bk and if you enjoy the likes of this, go further down the rabbit holes with "Austin Osman Spare - The Occult Life of London's Legendary Artist" by Phil Baker, "The Magical Universe of William Burroughs" by Matthew Levi-Stevens (its all in this one folks) & "Psychomagic - The Transformative Power of Shamanic Psychotherapy" by none other than Alejandro Jodorowsky......the latter is like a fire-side chat with 1 of the world's most innovative film makers on his various methodologies and its routes in S American shamanism & not the vagaries espoused by the likes of Castaneda either.
  20. Bizarre synchronicity here, as i recently named some mixes with the title "Rabbit Hole".....make of that what you will Overall, the dearth of sampling certain realms of tv/docu programming has run its course a bit imho, i mean how many 70's tv shows could folks actually reference? Eg: Tales of the Unexpected was infinitely more out there than the more kitschy Sapphire n Steel....... Isnt it more fun to reach beyond a specific decade like the 70's? There are far more resources out there & lashings of weird atmospheric gear to hunt down.....films like The Innocents had incredible sound design. Watch it with quadraphonic sound in a dark room at night and the "rooms.....like dark woods" quote will manifest directly in your soul. Throbbing Gristle's soundtrack to a compilation of various Derek Jarman 8mm short filems, In the Shadow of the Sun, is an audio-visual feast of occult goings on. Read any resource around Jarman's interest in magic & you'll soon find it was these short 8mm works that were his true "vocation". The soundtrack ebbs away a bit, but the start phase is immense and 1 of my fave TG works plus the vid rrrrocks too, just skip to 2mins 44secs for the opening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GN3Tibs-R8 Andrew Liles pretty much owns this field w/out even really trying. In interviews he claims and states a clear avoidance of attaching hocus-pocus intent in his work, but the atmospherics he can produce in certain tracks are mind-bendingly bonkers. My personal favourites are, first & foremost, "Is There Anybody There?"......to use the word haunt would be a tad lazy, otherworldly might be more accurate tag. I dunno how the fuck he created this, but its utterly utterly compelling: http://andrewliles.bandcamp.com/track/is-there-anybody-there-binaural-mix Check his contribution to a Nurse With Wound track, fittingly titled "The Golden Age of Telekinesis (Early Mix)": his "Anhedonia" is sublime: his "The Last Few Minutes of a Lonely Life" has more subtle melody even if its warmth is where the truly disturbing elements really exist: https://andrewliles.bandcamp.com/track/the-last-few-minutes-of-a-lonely-life-or-goodbye-mr-pips Would add various bits with anything related to the engineering skills of Integrated Circuit Record's Colin Potter, specifically works by Andrew Chalk, Darren Tate & J Coleclough.... far more fun if you just plow into their catalogs in your own time. The Hafler Trio also manage to conjure sounds that few get close to. What Andrew McKenzie's specific intentions are remain a bit of a mystery, but if you can filter thru the more pretentious silence-spaced clicks n guff theres a sub-surface of atmospherics that touch on something where words n descriptions start to break down. I used a bunch of his records for the start of this mix, cos they absolutely nailed the sounds & echoes of the long empty hospital corridors where my Dad was seeing out the last days of a terminal illness: https://soundcloud.com/cwmbran-city/velindre-journeys Plus lets not phoget any audio you can find by William Burroughs, cos that bloke grasped the true nature of reality better than most & if you've caned TG, Psychic TV, Coil or numerous other sound pioneers over the years, his influence remains critical.
  21. Porridge (the film rather than the tv series) dunno if its a nostalgia groove, but Ronny Barker's "Fletcher" ducking n diving over prison bod McKay never ages & years later Grouty turns up in Game of Thrones (+ Kate Beckinsale's old man) golden oldies/10
  22. fuckin Roidlympics "Team GB this, Team GB that, Russians doing sketchy this, Russians doing sketchy that" we got about 3 golds & for how much time & £$£ investment? wasnt it Bill Hicks or Chappelle said about legitimizing a fully legit/fully roided up equivalent..... fuck yes, already 1/2 way there get 50 stone mutants shot-putting, or breed the world's first 1 ton man & see that cunt roll & put me in charge, a drugged mind is the only logical planner & overseer
  23. Thinking of picking one of these up at some stage, where did you get yours? See plenty on eBay but dunno how legit/reliable they are. gripped here off the great capitalist monolith: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/512009404X/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new the Arizer Solo is mint, but the batteries are a right cunt to replace & the chargers die every few months....however the Air does the same job, bats are 20£ rather than fifty & the chargers/mains/car are cheaper too The Air has 5 settings as opposed to 7 on the Solo, but tbh its sleek, much more discreet & if u drop it (which will happen) the Air can take more of a bashing You can use both indoors with windows open/closed & no-one around would smell a thing Plus the flavours......the flavours.....
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