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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. if you like it chuggy & deep, Milo aka DJ Nature ex-Massive Attack/Wild Bunch, is the tits https://soundcloud.com/natureboy
  2. most of the time the locals would just eat it alive
  3. the progressive shit yes, but DiY are an institution maaaaaaaaaaan, swing yer pants to DK tried a deep/proper aaaaaaahse thread but seemed few on this forum have any significant interest bunk house is 1 of the most relentlessly awful experiences in modern times doe too true, drop the bomb kill them all
  4. be interesting to see who Mourinho starts letting go, could be a minor clear out aye just Gooners sounding off about wanting an Ajax football brain at the helm, their patience hasnt snapped so much as waned first time time such tie-dyed Wenger worshipers, who think the board are bottling a transition move & dont see them challenging for a title until he's gone, have gone this far realpolitik of football in lots of ways as for Koeman at Everton..... no offense to Toffees but thought he'd be moving up a tier
  5. called Benteke's flop at 'pool, v much interested to see who comes in with them, Utd and Citeh, on the flip whether Spurs can hold onto their better assets. Vardy @ Arsenal? A couple of Gooner ex-colleagues wanted Wenger out this summer and Koeman to come in prior to any signings. If Vardy gets close to last season's tally he'd be an asset anywhere, but surely the only way is down from such a momentous peak. Kane to Utd for £50million+ ? They can afford it, but perhaps Poch's momentum should keep him for another season at least.
  6. Nottingham's finest still doing it like few others can
  7. possible Brexit & Trump as prez whatever next, gods? cue Putin in the Baltic states, drinking their voddy
  8. aye Camping was outstanding, a scathing insight into English life ;) the last episode with all the ketamine sex and the site owner's deterioration into hypersexual psychosis was genius (and the engagement ring fucking scene took some beating) Hunderby was good, but Camping was darker, more surreal & funnier too
  9. trying in vain to conjure oneiric acts via a Jodorowsky-inspired lucid dreaming technique, as laid out in his Psychomagic text: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=psychomagic&oq=psychomagic&gs_l=serp.3..0l10.4382.112986.0.113496. only once or twice have i actually been aware of dreaming during specific dreams & even then the flow/momentum of events in the dreams envelopes the desire to shift focus &/or plot
  10. he sees his work as a collage project in the sense that every type of media involved is of equal importance, and made with equal effort and deliberation. i.e the album artwork, other visual imagery - either in additional inserts or the way a release is packaged, text (lyrics, track titles, quotes and essays included in a release), indeed live performance as well, and of course, the actual music in the audio sense. all of these elements are working together to reinforce each other and give context to one another, and can change how you interpret one aspect compared to another. all of it comes together as a final piece in the same way a collage does. i hope that makes sense, because i'm doubting myself while writing it Your instinctive doubts were correct. Intention doesnt carry much weight if the resulting sonic repertoire is so poor. If the sounds are bunk, no amount of gimmicks are going to enhance it. Interpreting some form of multifarious "collage" just goes to show that the both the artist and yourself over-reach by implying this to be further evidence of something meaningful. Shirt off emo bollix. Suit on emo bollix. Same thing ultimately: shit art. again, i have to ask; what have you heard of his? i can only imagine someone holding this opinion if they put on cocaine death and and still wanting once, which IMO are some of his weakest albums. it's a bit of a shame that his most well-known records are only so largely because of their notoriety - being covered by rolling stone et al, and rarely beyond "great music to scare your roommate," followed by pitchfork catching on with "wow intense." i like these records just fine, but they pale in comparison to his back catalogue. even so, your reply boiled down to "i don't like the sounds so it sucks," which is just acting stubborn and shitty. labelling everything else as a gimmick tells me you just haven't tried to sit down and spend time with his material. gimmickry is null when most releases you buy of his will come with a literal further reading list - it's well researched, not just extra tackle to try and make up for something lacking. admittedly, i don't get as much as i used to out of his, uh, emo bollix material (back when i fit the category that Dan C described above), and obviously neither do you, so check out: all are guests in the house of the lord (collaboration with kevin drumm) self titled LP mermaid skeleton ghosts of niagara (collaboration with c. spencer yeh / burning star core) tiger smells a corpse fossil and black vase (full band lineup live recordings, with kris lapke / alberich and ben barnett from dropdead IIRC) annihilationist and unmasking the insect are also top notch if you're into minimal and restrained noise enough to make me realize it was mostly profoundly awful, but thats just liiiiiike my opinion maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan and if you compare to Whitehouse, as a yardstick, well, there is no comparison. 1 is zen that i can get off on, the other is zzzzzzzzz plain enough? and dont take allusion as the core method there, take those bunk sounds as debasing any intention with shit aesthetics to create waveforms that have no place in my particular universe if you enjoy it, then i can only express pity ;)
  11. stacks of good continental European viewing on All-4, where to even begin http://www.channel4.com/programmes/walter-presents
  12. New building sites attracting discarded needles & works/sharps sticking through leaves while dog walking, a gnat's cock's width away from getting spiked while cleaning up. Lazy, lazy cunts. British urban centers that transform into alcohol-soaked wastelands of ultra-violence after 7pm. What is it about this country & booze? Middle of the week? Get fuckin annihilated. Sprinkle with shit cocaine, steroids & seagull kebabs. Middle lane fucktards on the motorway. Just sitting there. Oblivious in their own world. Arm missiles. Aim. Obliterate. Sorted.
  13. he sees his work as a collage project in the sense that every type of media involved is of equal importance, and made with equal effort and deliberation. i.e the album artwork, other visual imagery - either in additional inserts or the way a release is packaged, text (lyrics, track titles, quotes and essays included in a release), indeed live performance as well, and of course, the actual music in the audio sense. all of these elements are working together to reinforce each other and give context to one another, and can change how you interpret one aspect compared to another. all of it comes together as a final piece in the same way a collage does. i hope that makes sense, because i'm doubting myself while writing it Your instinctive doubts were correct. Intention doesnt carry much weight if the resulting sonic repertoire is so poor. If the sounds are bunk, no amount of gimmicks are going to enhance it. Interpreting some form of multifarious "collage" just goes to show that the both the artist and yourself over-reach by implying this to be further evidence of something meaningful. Shirt off emo bollix. Suit on emo bollix. Same thing ultimately: shit art.
  14. the thing i love about Whitehouse is how refreshed you can feel after exposure to a few tracks..... especially if yer head is in a bit of knot. Wriggle & Why You Never Became a Dancer specifically off this release come to mind. there's a world of difference from this kind of focused 'noise' and its emotional resonance, to the bs wannabe-Whitehouse that folks like Prurient put out imho. William Bennett is a psychic healer, in comparison Purient is an electro-goth imitator (excluding certain Vatican Shadow tracks). (apologies if that offends any1, but its true)
  15. kin ell, even in a den of inequity this bloke takes the biscuits n gravy
  16. the homeland has some timeless gems if you aint feeling this yer already dead: Fila Brazilia sampled the opening bars of Vaughn-Williams on 1 of their Pork lp's:
  17. Tulip = unspeakable things Cassidy = Joe Gilgun never disappoints
  18. if u liked that you got to got to watch Kwaidan http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058279/
  19. https://kraak.bandcamp.com/track/axrub
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyJ_H7h98ro
  21. a cornucopia of short Derek Jarman 8mm filems themed around magic & alchemy w/Throbbing Gristle soundscapes as audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GN3Tibs-R8
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GN3Tibs-R8
  23. sorry u prob need to be British and of a certain age for the bloke above and even then its prob unacceptable
  24. absolute truth, Ruth (the soundtrack by Artemyev is available too via a rummage) https://www.discogs.com/Edward-Artemyev-SolarisMirror-Stalker/release/7270620
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