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Hail Sagan

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Everything posted by Hail Sagan

  1. Mega late to the party on whatever this is but happy Halloween anyways
  2. Great part. Steezy as hell with those manuals and late shoves. Great spot selection as well. Gotta love the undeniable stop motion homage to the old ON video at the end too.
  3. I’m happy I stuck with it. It has flashes of brilliance with occasionally amazing dialogue and stand out performances, especially with Bruce Greenwood and Carl Lumbly. Honestly though the whole cast I found to have been really solid. It kinda dragged and got a little samey feeling in the middle but just when I felt my attention starting to wane something would draw me back in. It finished very strong as well with those last 2 episodes. Considering the sheer amount of characters, flash backs, horror and mystery elements and all the nods to Poe this could have easily turned into a shit show. Not the case at all. Very well-executed imo and perfect timing for Halloween.
  4. The same you’ve obtained by sharing this comment and the other 8000+ that have preceded it. Absolutely nothing.
  5. That’s some weird shit, especially since dude served as EOD in the Army. I mean, volunteering for a month at a military base is something but by no means does it justify walking around in a uniform like you’re active duty IDF or some shit Get the fuck outta here bro. Just say you support them instead of trying to get all that mileage out of your Halloween costume. IDK, maybe it’s some military custom for the IDF but I doubt it. Borrowed Valor.
  6. Honestly I skimmed through the time stamps of interest. Got give him props for being thorough, though him saying LD Spectrum is the worst track on Cheetah triggered the shit out of me.
  7. @7:45 confirmation of hamas shitbags blocking people from heading south.
  8. fuck hamas, obviously, but the complete dehumanization of every Palestinian by a former prime minister and the nearly (or in other cases truly) impossible task of traversing a devastated region with dwindling supplies while possibly leaving people you know behind trapped under the rubble is the saddest thing ever. You would think there would be some other strategy in place to try and get the refugees out of the area. Egypt’s reluctance to take on the burden of 2 million people that we all know Israel wouldn’t welcome back in is unfortunate. You would hope a deal could be struck to have a temporary camp set up and the promise of re-entry after operations have ended but there’s no way Israel is doin that shit right now. Hamas hiding behind women, children, hospitals and allegedly (I’ll just assume the worst from them) telling the Gazans to remain put and call the Israeli bluff is the most cowardly bitch boy type shit imaginable.
  9. Baldur’s Gate 3 is like the perfect counterpart to Elden Ring. They are both massive and beautiful worlds that are exciting and brutal at times (souls games more so of course, but I’m dying plenty in BG3) but that’s where the similarities end. I liked souls games in part because the story was minimal, which was a pretty new at the time when Demon’s Souls first came out. You learned to appreciate the mystery and adventure of not knowing what’s next and would pick up on lore in things like item descriptions, etc. Obviously the challenging reaction-based combat also set apart from most everything else at the time and was also a huge part of it becoming such a rewarding experience. With BG3 the story is front and center and yet somehow the acting and the writing is so fucking good that being about halfway through it as of writing this, it has never felt like a grind at all. Not gonna lie, I definitely did some soul farming in all the from soft games I’ve played and that’s about the only element of those games I don’t like. Another thing with BG3 is I have NEVER seen a game with so much consequence to your story based on your decisions, and at times, misfortune (or sheer luck). This is also the best turned-based combat I’ve ever experienced where every battle seems to require a new strategy, clever use of your environment, and new foes and creatures to contend with. Whereas the souls game require timed parrying, rolls and hitting your estus flask after running behind a pillar BG3 is chess, or at least high stakes poker. It definitely takes a bit to get used to but no 2 battles are ever the same, and even the same battle ain’t the same if you die and come back for redemption. Also, you can kinda do whatever the fuck you want in Baldur’s Gate. Oh no the bridge fell apart and we can’t pass, just drink a vaulting potion and jump over it. The guy who outlevels you with the big sword that’s permanently aflame? Use a spell to command he drops it, steal it and make your escape. Can’t open the door? Break that shit down.
  10. Gotcha. This one is a certified cassette rip per the video description
  11. Yeah man. That’s what I meant by there not being any new material on the Bristol cassette. It’s combined and it’s in a new format which is cool, but no new songs.
  12. If you go to the 6:20 mark you’ll see what looks like the official tracklist
  13. @4:05 William ain’t NEVAH gonna stop
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