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Everything posted by caze

  1. that's weird, I thought if anything it was a bit too heavy on the philosophical/political dialog (to the extent that it was hard to keep track of the plot at times and I often had to pause the video to keep up with the subs). there was action stuff there of course, but it wasn't the focus of the show IMHO.
  2. Stand Alone Complex was infinitely better than the original movie, which wasn't great really. The new Arise series has been alright, the plot hasn't been anywhere near as complex, and requires far less pausing to read the subtitles. I've not seen the latest one though, is there subbed version available, because that dub sounds awful?
  3. It's great, story is pretty fucked up at times. Not sure if there's translated versions, but there's not much dialog in it, my French is terrible and I followed it pretty easily.
  4. looks to me like the dog kicks out a 2nd time before the lip.
  5. just buy regular corn kernels, and pop them in a pot with a tbsp of oil. as long as you shake the pot around a few times and don't have it on too high a temp, you'll cook every one of the bastards. also, for extra awesome flavour, melt some butter in the microwave with the following spices for 30 seconds: 1/4 tsp each of Cumin, Chilli Powder, All Spice (or you could try clove & cinnamon), Salt (and sometimes I add Smoked Paprika or a tiny bit of Garlic Powder), pour over the popped corn and shake about. also, anyone who adds sugar to popcorn needs to be shot in the face.
  6. Badlands and Days of Heaven are great movies, I despised Thin Red Line though, and couldn't watch Tree of Life or To the Wonder, rubbish.
  7. the bronsan bonds still had some of that campy ridiculousness that needs to be in a bond movie for it to be a bond movie, yes they were pretty shit, but the daniel craig movies have had little of that, far too serious, little effort to encapsulate the essence of bond.
  8. won't be hard to better skyfall, the first half of that was great pretty good (including some lovely photography), but the 2nd half could have been any generic action movie, there was nothing bondish about it at all.
  9. EDIT: damage control keep up, http://forum.watmm.com/topic/86083-how-does-the-world-view-america-these-days/?p=2380013
  10. yeah, was listening to some stuff there and got kicked out and can't log back in again
  11. Didn't think much of the new Fargo (was good in some ways though, shot beautifully for example), but then I didn't like the first couple of episodes of S1 either and ended up loving that.
  12. re my earlier waffling re acid and conciousness, this looks good: http://www.orbooks.com/catalog/beyond-zero-and-one-by-andrew-smart/
  13. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/oct/13/woman-nephew-broken-wrist-hug-lawsuit-no-damages lol
  14. I'm sure most Vegans aren't assholes, but the ones that are just stand out, being vocal assholes means they're the only ones most normals come in contact with so it's easy to assume the worst about them as a whole.
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