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Everything posted by caze

  1. Aww. He was at a party in my house when I was a child apparently.
  2. that video was blocked here, so went looking another version on youtube and found this, the song sounds pretty much the same backwards:
  3. caze

    Now Reading

    Oh shit, I forgot I bought Submission, must read that next. Just about finished Time's Arrow, it was very good.
  4. It's such a silly argument though, I mean I watched it, what does that prove? I really only wanted to see if anyone would try and assassinate him, tried to ignore his fascistic ramblings.
  5. Yeah, he was awesome. :( Loved his albums with Burnt Friedman, Secret Rhythms.
  6. you just can't see far back enough on the gigapixel shot.
  7. it's just a way for people to hold overtly racist views while pretending to themselves that they're not actually racist. these people believe that races are actually real scientifically quantifiable biological categories (they're not), and that when the 'research' 'shows' that black people are stupider than white people (for example) it isn't evidence of their prejudice, it's simply a 'scientific fact'. the most charitable definition of a race realist might just be that they are a racialist, i.e. they simply believe in the existence of biological races, making no value judgements beyond that, but in my experience it doesn't end there, it's just cover for their prejudices.
  8. lol. apparently though this happens every two years, so not just a sign of how low the US has fallen (it's always been this bad): http://www.snopes.com/us-pulling-out-of-un/
  9. just finished the curry I spent all day making, was lush. marinated some chicken breasts (about 6 large ones, chopped into medium chunks) overnight in ginger/garlic paste (about 15g of each), juice of 1 lemon, 4 tbsp yogurt, 2 tsp garam masala, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp tandoori masala, and 4 tsp kashmiri chilli powder (the really red but not very spicy one) and cooked in the oven at full whack (~250c) for 20mins. made an onion/tomato/whole spice stock: 2 small onions, 5 tomatoes, roughly chopped, added to the following whole spices which were added to some hot oil for 30 seconds (1 tsp cumin, 2 tsp coriander, 1 tsp black cumin, 1 mace, 2-3 bits of cassia bark, 2 black and 4 green cardamoms and a few cloves) and 4 tsp of my standard ground curry mix - cooked for an hour over a medium simmer, adding around 500ml water to keep it from sticking, sieved the result to get a fairly thin base sauce. also made a cashew nut paste by dry frying and then boiling 1 cup of cashews in 250ml milk for 30 mins (added another 250ml water during cooking). blended the result with an immersion blender and added enough water to make 500ml of paste. only used half, stuck the rest in the freezer. dry roasted and ground up 1tsp each of melon seeds, urad dal, poppy and sesame seeds and added that to 1 tbsp each of coconut and almond powder. brought everything together at the end by frying some fresh chilli, ginger/garlic paste, tomato puree, added the stock slowly, then added the cashew paste, jaggery, and lemon juice, a bit more garam masala, 50ml cream and a drop of water to thin it out a bit. added in the cooked chicken. served with naan and pilau rice. really would've been nice to have had the lovely rioja that's sitting in my press with it, but still got a week and a bit to go before I can fully enjoy food again.
  10. ...aside from the standard incompetent nutjobs I mean.
  11. I'm amazed there was never an attempt on Obama.
  12. caze

    Now Reading

    I used to do that all the time, back when I read lots and lots of books. Can only handle a single one at a time these days though.
  13. check out Trump writing his inauguration speech on this totally-not-blank pad:
  14. obviously not, seeing as he's dead and only communicates to the world via computer simulation.
  15. The latest season of Sherlock was a load of old bollox. The 2nd episode was somewhat watchable, but the other two were utter nonsense. It's become a parody of itself at this point. It's really badly directed as well, and visually awful.
  16. wasn't she supposed to be a libertarian when she arrived on the scene? massive amount of cognitive dissonance going on in her head presumably.
  17. caze

    Now Reading

    Mona Lisa Overdrive was a lot better than Count Zero in the end, but still not perfect, spent a lot of time dealing with bullshit and then totally rushed the ending. Currently reading Time's Arrow by Martin Amis, was worried it was going to be a bit gimmicky (the story is entirely told in reverse (from the main character's death to his birth), and reverse as in watching a video in reverse, with the narrator even having to translate the backwards speech noises which takes him a while to figure out how to understand at first, and getting used to sucking shit into his ass and regurgitating food and reforming it into packets to return to the supermarket), but it's holding up so far, and it's a pretty short book so should be fine.
  18. the architects of the financial collapse were already working for the US government, the regulators and the people in charge of the Federal Housing Association for example, the financial people just made some money as the whole thing collapsed, crooks sure, but not really the people who caused the problem in the first place. This is utter nonsense. Read any analysis on the extent to which federal regulations had on the depth of the crisis and you'll soon realize that they constituted a tiny fraction of the problems. the housing bubble was caused by a mixture of cheap credit and the FHA pushing the govt banks to give out mortgages to people who couldn't afford them, by the regulators I meant the people regulating the ratings agencies (and the rating agencies themselves, made up of ex-regulators often), who allowed the fraudulent AAA ratings stand when they were really just junk, and when a few canny investors realized this they started shorting (which no doubt exacerbated the issue, added to the contagion, but it would've all collapsed anyway at that point). The FHA had been doing a reasonably responsible job of increasing homeownership in america, but under either Bush or Clinton (can't remember off the top of my head) they changed tack and went a bit mental, totally overheating the market (a similar thing happened in Ireland with two successive governments overheating the market with various tax incentives). the banks were certainly complicit and part of the problem, but silly to say they were the architects of the whole mess.
  19. the architects of the financial collapse were already working for the US government, the regulators and the people in charge of the Federal Housing Association for example, the financial people just made some money as the whole thing collapsed, crooks sure, but not really the people who caused the problem in the first place.
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