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Everything posted by caze

  1. the last The Night Of was excellent, the whole thing, great finish to a good series. only quibble was that I lolled at the dog/cat charity ad, which they kind of ruined by showing the cat afterwards.
  2. the cautious speculation at this time points towards terrestrial military communication. should be able to confirm that quickly with more observations. 95 light years is pretty close, all things considered. http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/08/seti-has-observed-a-strong-signal-that-may-originate-from-a-sun-like-star
  3. that was the first time he ran, he actually won comfortably the 2nd time.
  4. it'd be next to impossible to pull off recreating the same style of the original, in terms of the production design, atmosphere, etc (though Villeneuve's Enemy has some quite successful nods towards Blade Runner so maybe he's more capable than anyone else). the original was a pretty singular film in that regard. so much more meat in the original story as well to pick from as well. I think The Thing remake was actually supposed to be a prequel for some reason, real shame they didn't release the proper version of that with all the original practical fx they did, the rest of the movie was actually pretty good, ruined by crappy CG.
  5. I thought it wasn't a sequel, but a re-adaptation? edit: notices the thread title. maybe they changed their plans and I didn't spot it, but could've sworn that was the original plan.
  6. Why would they get Vangelis? They want to make their own movie, they're not doing a remake. The original soundtrack is great, an inferior modern copy wouldn't do anyone any good.
  7. Garry Johnson seems like a likeable, relatable, guy. He's got some silly policies of course, but also lots of good ones.
  8. I think she talked about it in season one, her parents are in massive debt, so she wants to wipe out all debt.
  9. worrying about the quality of your posts in the stupid first world problems thread is a pretty first world problem
  10. ha, I saw a group of women getting scared by a single cockroach when I was in Seville as few weeks ago, it was running around the table they were sitting at outside a bar, one of them climbed up on her chair. my mate walked over and stood on it. we don't get them over here.
  11. I can still roll perfect tight joints, even though I almost never do these days (a couple of times a year maybe). I take forever doing them though (2-5 mins maybe - depending on my state of inebriation), if you're doing it regularly you should have that down to under a minute. Growing up we never had weed so it was always tobacco and hash, so don't have much experience rolling weed only joints. Have been thinking of getting a vapouriser and some weed and seeing if I could cut down on the boozing of late, but not sure if that's a great idea.
  12. yeah.. he's just so all over the place and his dumb one liners and focus on himself are just absurd. i've seen some things posted on reddit titled "If America sees this speech by Trump he'll win the election easily" and it's just him doing his same old dumb shit.. which just makes me think the person is mining for upvotes or is really dumb or sheltered and has never seen/heard a good speech. but all the stuff farage says is so sheathed in fascism and racism and anti-immigrant code i don't know how people didn't get it? maybe they did and it's what they liked about him? and then there's the "protest vote". hopefully enough of the bernie supporters see the writing on the wall and realize how far a trump win is away from their platform and they do the smarter thing and vote for hillary. In most states the protest vote seems to be going for Garry Johnson, who at the moment only seems to be really taking votes away from Trump. Stein is the only one who you'd think could spoil for Clinton, and she's thankfully doing pretty pathetically at the moment (as she should, she's fucking terrible).
  13. I like their collection of weird spoons: http://www.adultswim.com/#/streamsProduction%2Fcrossword%2Fweird_spoonds_max?_k=7m29c5 lol I was only saying yesterday in chat how it was weird nobody in the media had picked up on this yet, especially after doing blackface.
  14. Arsenal have several CBs lined up by the looks of things, they'll probably carry on haggling over the price until deadline day, and either manage to secure a 'bargain' or cave to Valencia's demands for Mustafi.
  15. they're trying to nick Everton's striker target, Lucas, from Depor.
  16. When I say badly written, I mean in terms of realism. The characters in those roles are doing things they would never do and vice versa. I thought the prison scenes were decent, except for the bit about Naz being in GenPop Have you watched the original series it's based on? I haven't gotten round to it yet, would be interesting to compare the two. actual court cases are long and boring, they spend an age waffling about the minutiae of things. the lawyers and witnesses are often badly spoken and dumb. so lack of realism in courtroom procedurals is a good thing imho. haven't seen the original.
  17. the courtroom stuff has been better than the prison stuff, they had spent far too much time on over-developing the characters, and not enough time on the plot. starting to pick up the pace now though.
  18. caze


    no, they're not. everyone else is the cunt in this situation.
  19. caze


  20. caze

    Go Corbyn

    lol http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/23/jeremy-corbyn-virgin-trains-disputes-claim-over-lack-of-seats
  21. having to deal with people who don't respect hummus
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