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Everything posted by caze

  1. That was exactly my point with respect to falling asleep and waking up again. I don't think it's a more subtle point, just the logical conclusion of the teleportation idea. This was something that seemed obvious to me as a fourteen year old reading science fiction novels from the 60s and earlier, so I can't imagine it's a new idea.
  2. There's not even any real continuity between the active conscious self between the time we fall asleep and wake up again, is that any different to the idea of the teleported self? The nature of identity and teleportation is a pretty common trope in science fiction btw, it predates Parfit's formulation.
  3. I thought the pilot was hit and miss, looks like they got an increase in budget to produce the rest of the series though, it shows. Much better so far.
  4. yeah, some birds are surprisingly smart despite their teeny brains.
  5. great mix. shame about the cut outs, we must be straining the single DSL link coming out of Cornwall.
  6. yeah, just notes. the solenoids are hitting at a very high frequency.
  7. It seems fairly obvious to me that most mammals at least are conscious to some degree or another, based on some necessary assumptions of course. We have to make similar assumptions in order to accept that other people are conscious as well though, so it seems like a reasonable approach to take. It's even conceivable that an ant colony might be conscious, in some manner at least. Not an individual ant, but the entire colony. Same with bees and other social insects. Even networks of plants seem to have primitive information processing abilities that aren't well understood. If consciousness merely arrises as a by-product of the information processing capacity of the brain (and there's not many better theories around), then there's no good reason to think it can't arise from the information processing capacity of other biological systems either (though there may well be some limit with regards to required levels of complexity that could rule these types of things out). We have close to zero idea how the subjective experience of consciousness comes about, and what it is exactly, so it's easy to speculate without having to completely rule this kind of stuff out.
  8. too much turkish food. eurgh. was nice though
  9. wow, communist propaganda has gotten really bland and irritating. it's like one of those awful ads for british energy companies or something.
  10. oh, cool. grogatron is my soundclog user
  11. d'oh. i clicked on the wrong button and blanked out all my favourites.
  12. Maybe he's been catching flak for his recent comments and has binned the lot as a response.
  13. only season 1 was based on a book, and it ended without it going anywhere also, so I don't think the author knew what it was about either. the point of the whole thing is more about the characterisations and so on, so I don't think it actually needs a destination necessarily. I don't think plotting is Lindelof's strong suit, which was a problem with Lost, but maybe not so much here.
  14. it's ok to retain an air of mystery about something, but I don't get the impression that it's quite that deliberate when it comes to Lindelof, mostly I don't think he really knows what he's writing about to begin with, making it up as he goes along.
  15. love the theme tune on the new season. acting is good. story is nonsense though. last episode was quite cool though, surreal, reminded me of flann o'brien.
  16. made naan bread tonight with my dinner, came out much better than usual, thanks new recipe!
  17. lolmazing he did there's​ this as well:
  18. Baklava - filo pastry, nuts, and honey. It's Turkish.
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