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Everything posted by caze

  1. at times she really struggles constructing even basic sentences.
  2. It's not a synth, an AKAI mpk61 midi controller.
  3. Palin scares me more than Trump actually. If he died in office, and she had to take over... *shivers*
  4. the transhumanist god minds will be disappointed in you.
  5. i like that better, lovely. album cover material.
  6. Naan, like Pizza, is hard to get right at home. You can do an ok version on a cast iron frying pan and finish under the grill, slightly better if you have a hot oven (250 C +) and a pizza stone, but nothing will replicate the tandoor/pizza oven exactly.
  7. I've not watched the last two seasons I don't think (not entirely sure when I stopped), can't remember it ever being plot based, though it always had recurring characters. It was never amazing to be honest, but occasionally had some great bits.
  8. did he give you any indication whether he was still going to do anything with the data?
  9. Another vote for The Proposition Traffic yeah, twas very good alright. McCabe and Mrs Miller is another one you should check out, definitely a big influence I'd say. Disagree that Sicario or No Country were better than The Revenant though, thought the latter was far superior (the others are both still great though). There Will Be Blood has a lot more going on though, and manages to equal it in terms of epicness and production quality, so is probably marginally better. Read this last night and it was good for some lols: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jan/17/revenant-leonardo-dicaprio-violent-meaningless-glorification-pain Rewatched Moshen Makhmalbaf's A Moment of Innocence again, wonderful film, made more sense to me this time around, it's quite confusing at times. Need to see more of his stuff actually, just seen a couple of others - Kandahar is great too, and two of his daughter's (The Apple and Blackboards) which were also very good.
  10. this came up on chatmm recently:
  11. unfortunately that was another thing with a great premise and location, but awful execution. the plot got really dumb.
  12. the setup and universe is good, very poorly written though. the expanse that is.
  13. caze


    fire, and the fact that another building fell on top of it.
  14. Well it was fun while it lasted, every track that he posted was a wonderful bonus. I hope he just got bored, or ran out of things he wanted to upload, rather than that he got annoyed by understandable flack from posting obviously controversial opinions. Either way though, he doesn't need to justify himself, like I said the whole thing was a great bonus. Cheers afx
  15. caze

    Now Reading

    Just started reading Anti Fragile by Nicholas Taleb, has started off in the same all over the place style as Black Swan, but seems have settled down into a more readable and coherent style by chapter 4. Where black swan was all about pointing out flaws in the system, this one is more about solutions. Good stuff so far, and less belabouring the point and repetition (and more diverse examples).
  16. nice loop, kanye is such a shit emcee though.
  17. Spectre, mehish with good parts. Good opening sequence followed by the worst title sequence/song combo in Bond history. Really dragged in between the action bits, which were pretty good, except the car chase - which was incredibly boring. Waltz was good, though the escape from his lair was a bit too easy and uneventful, the end bit was quite good though. A lot more Bond-like than the previous one, which had started off well but was crap for the final third.
  18. http://tvline.com/2016/01/07/deadwood-movie-reunion-hbo-premiere-date/ great news!
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