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Everything posted by caze

  1. didn't the scene where the japanese diplomat guy travelled into our timeline happen a lot earlier in the book, and it happened to the antique shop guy in the book as well. I can't actually remember how the book ended though, it's been a while since I read it. I thought it was ok, didn't mind most of the characters, aside from the nazi spy guy and the boyfriend who both annoyed me for some reason. rufus sewell was quite good I thought, and his nazi mate. and I liked the design of the show. was alright.
  2. lol, afaik many Asian cultures associate darker skin with manual labour, and so whiteness with prosperity. so it's not really racist, just silly.
  3. Thats just a dank meme that's going round at the moment, are you going to knock Japanese people for watching anime, or French for reading comics. Not everyone wants to watch half arsed, tired, boring, pointless, US television. That empire is past its prime, and never really made much that intrested me. I did like satire and surrealistic comedy from england, but they don't seem to make that any more. I'm not knocking anime in general, some of it is great (I especially love GITS). Most of it is pretty terrible though.
  4. The fact that delet almost only watches anime explains a lot. A lot.
  5. caze

    Go Corbyn

    I'm pretty sure he's using bilderberg and lizards to make fun of the Corbynistas who have been attacking him on twitter.
  6. the PrivacyBadger plugin blocks embedded soundclouds, surprised someone as paranoid as your good self doesn't already have it installed ;)
  7. pattern matching doesn't require intelligence, general intelligence requires something else that we're still missing though. either some clever way of hooking up lots of pattern matchers, or something else entirely.
  8. caze

    Now Reading

    recently finished Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson, it's never taken me so long to read a book before in my life - around a year, constantly had to take breaks and read a load of other books while I was reading it (mostly non-fiction). It's terribly written at times, really hard to get into a flow reading it, yet I still found it strangely rewarding - it's fascinating subject matter to me I guess. Hopefully the next two in the trilogy are better written. Just about finished Ready Player One, which took me under a week to read, which was nice and refreshing after Quicksilver. Entertaining plot but nothing amazing, some nice techno-collapse inventions - liked the idea of the corporate indentured debt-slaves, will be interesting to see what Spielberg does with it. Just ordered Zero Zero Zero by Roberto Saviano (who did Gomorrah), looks interesting, about the global cocaine trade, cartels, violence and political corruption.
  9. Making a Murderer - binged on 7 episodes yesterday after watching the first one the day before, got angry after the end of the 8th and spoilered the outcome of the case because I really had to go to sleep but couldn't not find out how it all ended.
  10. recycle it into a new novel, change the main character's name to Tim.
  11. victoria - amazing technical feat, stupid characters, good acting, took them three goes to get it right. great film. the big short - pretty amusing and clever, quite good.
  12. the west coast is the better of the two coasts...
  13. I don't think there was anything wrong with the story, it was simple and effective. Weird that anyone would say the acting was poor as well, I thought it was top notch all round. Film of the year by far for me.
  14. ^^^ from one of the best movies ever made.... Undefeatable. though Don Niam steals the show:
  15. just watched The Martian, aside from the odd bit of bad sciencing and bad songs here and there it was really good.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXcgt6l_LcA
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