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Everything posted by caze

  1. this is a classic: "no wonder he's in the fucking reserves" lol
  2. Over the weekend I also watched Ace in the Hole (great, a classic) and Champion (mildly diverting boxing picture) in honour of Kirk Douglas, who turned 99 the other week.
  3. The revenant - outstanding film, best I've seen in many years. Music is wonderful, cinematography outstanding (Roger Deakins of course), acting top notch, and brilliantly directed. Also saw Sicario at weekend, very good. Star wars pretty good, a good homage to the originals nothing else.
  4. I wasn't being serious, geez. I also suck at timekeeping, it takes me forever to leave the house, always leave everything to the last minute.
  5. Years ago me and my flatmate found some random woman sleeping in my bed, the front door had been left unlocked. She was very confused and disoriented, and scared, was convinced we had broke into her flat. Think she was on acid, took about half an hour to calm her down and get her back outside and back into the correct apartment. Very strange experience.
  6. I didn't like the first couple of episodes of season 1 at all, Bilbo from The Office being shit being the main reason, once it got going though it was much better, and even Bilbo became tolerable later on (when he embraced his cuntishness). didn't think Billy Bob was much like Chigurh either. the second season has been a lot better.
  7. there was this that supposedly happened a bunch of years ago too: quite possibly fake as well.
  8. sadly that's a fake news site: http://www.snopes.com/walmart-attic-homeless-people/
  9. we won't, we'll just have to assume given other corroborating evidence.
  10. caze


    moomintrolls are pretty cool, not sure if they're dank tho.
  11. radical skepticism and solipsism are also impossible to disprove, but they're just something we need to assume are false if we want to get on with our day to day life. assuming other conscious beings actually exist is another such assumption we must make for the same reason.
  12. I've not been listening to any of this in a while, decided to listen to the whole thing from the start again today, currently two and a half hours into around 20 hours of music. Still hard to get my head around how awesome this has been. I've even been liking some of the earlier tracks more this time around.
  13. That music at the end when they were covered in zombie guts was really terrible, that dumb kid really annoys me as well. Not one of the better episodes of the season.
  14. yeah, cats are pretty dumb, operate far more on instinct and have less personality than dogs. cats are still cool though.
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