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Everything posted by caze

  1. luke vibert - big soup still as good as ever.
  2. what makes you think it will cost tax dollars? there was no mention of that in the article. $1800 per trip sounds sounds like a pretty good way to finance it.
  3. that article is a perfect example of why I hate music journalism. eugh.
  4. zombies are such a ridiculous concept, I just find it amusing to list realism as one of the things to look out for in the genre. how come when all the flesh rots off all the other parts of their bodies it doesn't damage the brain? eh? answer me that.
  5. Not especially, I watch the show because I enjoy watching the show. I liked the comic, and I find the show pretty entertaining despite some obvious flaws. I don't expect much from it in terms of the writing at this point. Not everything has to have the most detailed and believable characterisations, or even coherent realism, as long as there are other things to enjoy about it (since the uneven first season it has been well shot, acted, and directed for example).
  6. yeah, I've always heard that said about the original movies. I always thought they were terrible though, so maybe that's why I'm so unbothered by the silliness of TWD.
  7. none of that changes the fact that it's just fucking zombies. zombies have to be the dumbest fictional invention of the modern age. doesn't mean they can't be fun, but come on...
  8. New Mr Show was really good! Was worried it was going to be terrible. Nice to see Cyriak doing the intro, nice bonus.
  9. Animal Kindgom. Cracking australian crime drama, set in 80s Melbourne at the height of their crime wave there. Great performances all round, especially from Ben Mendhelson and the one who played the mum. Great story, simple and effective direction as well.
  10. can't stand most modern R&B and shitty pop hip hop, love this track tho: the vocal is great, nice break, subtle and relatively interesting music too (especially the bit at the end) everything else she does is pretty awful and boring
  11. the hive will have virtual forests as well, so best of both worlds. you'll no doubt still having ppl complaining about the virtual ticks not being encoded in a high enough bit rate and that they can totally tell the difference when really they can't.
  12. certain things are natural monopolies (rail for example), and it probably doesn't make a huge amount of sense to force a market system on them, not that governments are particularly good at running them either. not sure that applies to medicine or school though (and there are ways to get around problems preventing universal access there, some kind voucher dealie for example, this leaves you with a somewhat mixed system, implementation via the private sphere, some funding from the public - where needed).
  13. sure, it's a constant battle, it's still far better than one giant all encompassing monopoly though.
  14. that's why we have anti-monopoly laws. to paraphrase, capitalism is the worst economic system we've developed, aside from all of the other ones.
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