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Everything posted by caze

  1. or 1 bottle of not so cheap wine... xD i guess in proportion to our income we might end up paying almost the same... you're from portugal right? you can get a bottle of perfectly drinkable wine there for €1.50! and a nice Alentejo for €3-4.
  2. Louis CK just emailed me this: https://louisck.net/show/horace-and-pete I have no idea what it's about, and the internet doesn't seem to either. It costs $5.
  3. jesus, that 'I'll kill your dog' guy was terrifying, weird tiny head with a giant body too.
  4. Isn't 4k being included by default in most new big TVs anyway? anyway, fuck TVs. projectors are the way to go.
  5. nah, even that stuff is terrible for me. the over-dramatic and ever excited tone of the voiceover, the shitty music. horizon have boards of canada and shit, and the voice over people are calm and serious sounding. maybe there's some good stuff, I've not seen a lot, maybe it was just bad luck with the ones I saw.
  6. I enjoyed wondering at the awfulness of the Transformers movies, only saw the 1st one in the cinema though. I knew the rest of them would be terrible but watched them anyway, some kind of morbid fascination I guess.
  7. The idea of found footage was the worst thing to ever happen to cinema.
  8. I got that recently actually, not got around to it yet. Peter Sarsgaard is usually pretty good.
  9. I can't take modern US produced science shows seriously, so cringe inducing. Look at the Brits to see how to do it properly, e.g. Horizon.
  10. Never walked out of a movie at the cinema, have occasionally fallen asleep during films (most recently Gaspar Noe's latest, Love) but will finish them off the next day or eventually. Only film I can actually remember finding completely unwatchable was Cosmopolis. I'm sure there have been countless movies on TV I watched 5 mins of while flicking around and have completely forgotten about, but if I sit down to deliberately watch something it'll be a near certainty I'll watch the whole thing. Snowpiercer was great btw, a bit of a mess, and a rather silly political allegory, but great fun.
  11. this is a hilariously awful movie, thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
  12. yeah, good film, great acting, especially Anne Dowd, the manager. incredible how dumb some people are.
  13. Not sure if I'm a fan of this new trend of medium rare burgers. It's fine as long as their grinding their own beef (and tastes better of course), but once it becomes a thing you'll have people defrosting mince and serving medium rare burgers and then you'll end up with food poisoning.
  14. is that SDC? what's happening in this pic though? it took me a while, but I think it's the reaction from the guy on the left to getting yer wan with the pink hair's hair in his face.
  15. The main US Presidential race thread seems to have disappeared? Anyway, Trump today retweeted an actual white supremacist. The user name should've provided a clue.
  16. http://www.npr.org/2016/01/19/463589100/comedian-jon-benjamins-jazz-album-is-full-of-real-untapped-un-talent
  17. It's not the most exciting thing ever to have existed, but it's still quite nice. Will probably sound better when there's a better quality version of it available too.
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