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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. Well, there was Max and then there was Max/MSP (MSP = Max Signal Processing) so it's more like MSP was an extension for Max, the same way Jitter is, but they were already inseparable by I think the end of the 90s. I wasn't kidding about being insufferably pedantic. Architect looks pretty nice.
  2. Depends on what you mean by "over" The Biden administration has already been signalingthat it's not going to try to hold anyone involved accountable so once he's in office officially we'll probably stop hearing about it so much in the press. But if you mea "over" in terms of going "back to normal" then no, Trump was an unexpected turning point but he's far from the beginning or end of this.
  3. Just have to be insufferably pedantic here and point out that Max has always been MIDI-only. MSP is for audio. They're so fully integrated now that it's easy to forget.
  4. I think Gary Numan's OK.
  5. What's the opposite of OCD where things being organized and neat make you uncomfortable? No shade intended, if I could deal with a neat, minimalist style of living it would be a lot more convenient but it makes me want to escape.
  6. Really in to Penguin Cafe Orchestra ever since I found the self-titled on vinyl in a thrift shop years ago (actually guess a lot longer because I have a vague memory of hearing Music For a Found Harmonium on TV somewhere when I was 9 or 10 and just instantly memorizing the melody, learning to play it on my fist toy keyboard and just about every other instrument I got my hands on for years but never hearing it again or knowing who did it until I finally got Broadcasting from Home in, I don't know, 2011 or 12). I've got a few of them but I never picked up When In Rome, how is it?
  7. The last CD I bought was Jazz Loon about 45 seconds ago.
  8. Last time I bought a CD was in 2014. I bought the Manor Boys CD and Jazz Wolf on cassette and CD that year but I don't remember which one was the most recent.
  9. It's actually literally impossible for an idiom to mean different things depending on who uses it and in what context.
  10. Newbs don't even know what "simp" means. Simp has been a shortened form of "simpleton" for literally over 100 years. Kids these days are appropriating perfectly good albeist terms FUCKING SCIENCE MOTHERFUCKERS
  11. Dropped $2 yesterday to pick up a clean copy of Hello I Must Be Going and complete the Phil Collins trifecta.
  12. One of the ways that internet scams work is the scammers will deliberately make them obvious to weed out the people who aren't gullible enough to get scammed early on. That's why the classic "Nigerian prince" email scams always use the same formula even though it's probably the single most well-known internet scam of all time - it's the most efficient way to filter out everyone who would figure out they were being scammed before it was too late anyway. With those obviously fake hook-up sites, the obvious bot accounts are probably a good way to filter out people who aren't gullible enough to dump money into a hookup site to try to hook up with bots. Probably not to far off from how free-to-play games are marketed also, to be honest.
  13. Real talk here I'd have been the next AFX but my mammoth hog kept knocking the drum machine off the table.
  14. I hear they're going to put this on US currency in place of "In God We Trust" soon.
  15. Trumpet was the second instrument I ever wanted to play, but it made my face hurt so much the first time I tried it that I changed my mind. The first instrument I wanted to play was the accordion, but that should go without saying.
  16. Nah, that just mean you're using it.
  17. Swapped my old EHX 2880 a couple hours ago. Two of the floppies are corrupted, otherwise it's just about perfect. Has the 2x RAM upgrade installed, no 4x but better than nothing. I think that gives me something like 512k of sample memory and honestly, does anyone really need more than that?
  18. I spent literally a month looking for the right tool to mount these stupid 2mm banana jacks, finally found one made for one specific brand of micro-BNC connectors but it's not actually available through any of the company's distributors or direct, so I finally just got some 6mm inner diameter stainless steel tube, drilled it out to 6.5mm and made my own. Took about 15 minutes. Works great, and his style of banana jack is WAY cheaper than any comparable quality type I've used that has a standard nut but these cost me about $10 for 50 and the 4mm variety is proportionally as cheap, so it was definitely worth the trouble. In a pinch it should work on those off-brand 1/8" jacks with the round knurled-and-slotted nuts that you can get cheap on Tayada and eBay, too. I've got plenty of tube left so eventually I'll make one that's open on one side for working with jacks that already have a wire soldered on.
  19. That looks nice but Arturia's site is incredibly broken. I had to try three browsers and disable my VPN just to get the registration page to work right and then after that it still wouldn't let me log in until I reset my password with a link in an email that didn't actually get sent so at this point it's more effort than its worth to me for another chorus.
  20. I misinterpreted the title of this thread and was excited to learn about gabber artists sampling Christopher Cross.
  21. I power everything off of an 800 watt UPS except for the rolling cart with the stuff I use for livestreaming, which is on another circuit but not conditioned in any way. Never had any issues. If I was a homeowner I'd power things correctly but as a renter it's not possible. I've never had ground loop issues except for a couple of times when I tried to power multiple devices from a single USB hub, and my monitors pick up some ground hum if I don't switch their ground off (but they're running on a 120v-240v step-up transformer, so the entire power situation is weird with them anyhow)
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