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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Pacifism is the wrong response to the war in Ukraine Slavoj Žižek https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/21/pacificsm-is-the-wrong-response-to-the-war-in-ukraine? For me, John Lennon’s mega-hit Imagine was always a song popular for the wrong reasons. Imagine that “the world will live as one” is the best way to end in hell. Those who cling to pacifism in the face of the Russian attack on Ukraineremain caught in their own version of “imagine”. Imagine a world in which tensions are no longer resolved through armed conflicts … Europe persisted in this world of “imagine”, ignoring the brutal reality outside its borders. Now it’s the time to awaken. The dream of a quick Ukrainian victory, the repetition of the initial dream of a quick Russian victory, is over. In what looks more and more as a protracted stalemate, Russia is slowly progressing, and its ultimate goal is clearly stated. There is no longer any need to read between the lines when Putin compareshimself with Peter the Great: “On the face of it, he was at war with Sweden taking something away from it … He was not taking away anything, he was returning … He was returning and reinforcing, that is what he was doing … Clearly, it fell to our lot to return and reinforce as well.”
  2. most free state in the union... unless you're a parent w/wants to get your baby vax'd.. sorry.. governor decided for you.. that answer is no.
  3. that dude is a huge piece of shit. pretty sure he's in the middle of his 2nd divorce due to sexual assault/abuse issues etc. he's a full maga chud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Greitens#Affair_and_sexual_assault_allegations In 2015, Greitens had an extramarital affair with his hairstylist.[150] She accused him of coercing her to perform oral sex, undressing, kissing and touching her without her consent, and threatening to release a nude photo of her if she told anyone about their encounter, which took place in 2015.[236] Greitens has claimed a 2018 report by the Missouri House Special Investigative Committee on Oversight, which concluded that the woman's accusations were credible, was discredited.[237] In December 2016, before Greitens took office, Sheena Greitens was robbed at gunpoint at a St. Louis-area coffee shop. She was unharmed. Three suspects, ages 14, 15 and 19, were arrested a short time later. Eric Greitens said at the time that he was glad "the men and women of law enforcement found these young men before I did."[238] After the incident, Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain John Hotz said the patrol would begin providing security for Sheena Greitens. The patrol provided security for the governor-elect immediately after the election, but Hotz said security detail for the spouse typically begins only after a governor takes office.[238] On April 11, 2020, Eric and Sheena Greitens announced they were ending their marriage.[239] Soon thereafter, Sheena Greitens said she had accepted a job as an associate professor of political science at the University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. She focuses primarily on East Asia, American national security, and authoritarian politics and foreign policy.[240][241] In 2022, in a sworn affidavit, Greitens's ex-wife accused him of physical abuse "such as cuffing our then-3-year-old son across the face at the dinner table" during their marriage and said that because of the abuse, "steps were taken to limit his access to firearms.
  4. well, technically this can still be a product for one person.
  5. oof. The Minimum System Requirements are as follows: Intel Mac Apple Silicon Mac via Rosetta2 macOS 10.7 – 10.15 & macOS 12 (Monterey)* *Oddity2 DOES NOT WORK with macOS 11 (Big Sur).
  6. this piece of shit.. peter thiel wants to create a parallel economy in the USA that caters to the right. this is another step on the road to complete division and america having 2 realities based on politics and where people shop, what their news feeds feed them etc... it's real cyberpunk stuff.. like part of the world built by Neal Stephenson in his novel "Fall or Dodge in Hell". amazing. https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2022/06/19/peter-thiel-helped-build-big-tech-now-he-wants-to-tear-it-all-down/
  7. when does this become a critical situation for the millions of people living in vegas, la, phoenix, etc?
  8. get the nicotine gum. lowest dose available. bite a piece in half. chew that. craving will go away.
  9. i wonder if it's a tape edit. "it's too long need to cut the end" - "but if i cut the end it'll sound weird.. i'll cut some out of the middle." and maybe those weird shifts are where the edits happened? idk. anyway.. i love the riff/beat in the carwash.
  10. i hate how they just change the rules of how shit works. all the time they do it for the sake of whatever plot. was cool to see vader do some shit but they really cheese dick it out. it's really focused on the kids and uber fans. some of the fight scenes are so clumsily staged and choreographed it's just ridiculous. they draw it out and build in stupid escapes for obi wan. it's some lazy shit. but i fuckn watched it anyways. lols.
  11. was supposed to go to a bday bbq in a state park near a river. bbq cancelled i assume due to weather. now a get together is happening at local pub that is a really good spot complete w/scottish eggs, tasty fish and chips and like 40 beers on tap or whatever. but i can't consume any of those things because i'm celiac and alcohol does me dirty in a big way these days because of the cancer meds. i woke up feeling kinda shitty anyways and was debating going to the bbq because of this reason. .or perhaps would make an appearance and hang w/friends who i'd like to see... but pretty sure i'm not gonna make it out today. as prep for the bbq i bought some chips and thawed some sausages i had in the freezer but guess i'll make that stuff at home even though i feel like eating something else. my across the street neighbors appear to be setting up their cornhole box thing which is annoying because of the noice the bean bags make when they hit the wood.. follow by sighs or cheers depending on if the bean bag goes into the hole. i can hear it even when i'm in the basement. we live in a society yo.
  12. bike thieves suck and should be forced to do hard labor maintaining trails once they're caught.
  13. i miss the old video for pir which was that crawling bit of lines branching out w/names of drugs at each branch. ah... still on daily motion.
  14. same. i like the plugmon skin a lot. his skins for uhe stuff are awesome.
  15. https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_rdeo48pbEt1u0fuse.mp4
  16. https://archive.ph/j3zjd 'Lots of companies are going to get vaporized': The tech titans of Silicon Valley are in serious trouble — and they're going to take the rest of the stock market down with them
  17. i met a few cool people on it though. we shared tracks we'd made and stuff. once em411 came to life it was immediately more fun to be there and i met tons of people i'm still friends with. [ty bogdan]
  18. i've met plenty of people who are into IDM who are morons though. [shrug]
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