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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i liked when she bought that church to live in and pissed off all the christians.
  2. ftfy.. people are getting fucked in the brain
  3. as an IV drug user it was just too dangerous. i liked getting high but i didn't want to die. snoopy cartoons, one after school special and mr T with nancy reagan on his lap saved me i think.
  4. from reddit.. posted by a guy who works in a logistics center handling distribution.shipping of the vaccine.. from one of the drivers scheduled to pick up a shipment.
  5. i quit doing heroin when HIV came on the scene. i was only 12 so wasn't so hard to quit.
  6. also a longshot congressional candidate in arizona. all this reminds of this one line from a Mr. Show skit about the super pan. i also think he was trying to cover is own ass though right? i mean.. in case something legal hit the fan he was getting out ahead of it a little. not 100% his only motivation but i think there's some essence of that in his actions.. same way there's an essence of fruit flavor in fizzy water.
  7. i've never thought of Taoism as passive as it takes so much personal action to achieve harmony. haven't read the tao in a long time but there are parts of it that deal with interaction w/the outside world.. though there's a lot of 'it is what it is' vibes and not living amongst the people so much. ? "we'll see"
  8. i agree.. i mean.. the tools today are much more sophisticated and totally free from regulation. essentially stealth. roll in the addiction aspect of social media and it's another thing completely. i do think there's unexpected consequences as there probably were in the Hearst era but probably factored in as collateral damage and maybe expected in some vague way. i watched "The Social Dilemma" again recently just to see how it landed now that i hadn't watched it since it came out and it's even more creepy in some ways.. .but a good reminder of just what is going on. i haven't watched "The Great Hack" a 2nd time because i don't think i can stomach that burning man coder chick at the center or it. there's other CA breakdowns on youtube though w/that pinkhaired guy who was instrumental in making it happen and revealing it.
  9. since before. advertising existed already... newspapers were a thing everyone read. manipulation was happening. the history of journalism in america is littered with pushes one way or another.. just check out william randolph hearst, yellow journalism, spanish american war, his war on jazz and black people and cannabis etc etc . that doesn't mean what we're dealing w/now is the same thing.. it is and it isn't. i mean.. the ideas have taken on a life of their own. someone births a virus into the social media platforms and it infects people who then evolve and mutate it into something else. results are unpredictable. also, social media and the various platforms have addictive qualities that people cannot easily break free from. i guess this is starting to morph into the "social media's effects on our lives" thread.
  10. People are laughing at Trump’s new company https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/people-are-laughing-at-trumps-new-company-214853729.html the whole thing sounds like a grift in the making. a way to be shareholders, suck out the capital as stock gains, then dump the company. devin nunes will be president of it. the article includes more fishy details but i didn't want to post the whole thing
  11. and w/the various 'audio to midi' functions you can convert everything to midi and then make that a 'groove' or whatever.. even after editing the midi etc. then it'll be saved as a groove and you can use it on anything.
  12. several DAWs have beat maps and tempo maps.. you can import/export them and remap midi parts to them. i think "groove pool" is what ableton calls it but i can't remember.
  13. i'm an idiot but.. the mRNA aren't a piece of the active virus. you can't get the virus from the mRNA vaccines. whereas the non-mRna vaccines are a slice of the actual virus but modified. i probably explained this using the wrong terms and only added to confusion but you can google the differences and find a good source that isn't a mom's group on facebook for the data/details. all kinds of results pop up when searching on google. antibiotics and mRna technology are way different. cdc is a good source for how they work mRNA info https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mRNA.html?s_cid=11347:%2BmRNA %2Bvaccines:sem.b:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21 traditional "virus vector" vaccines https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/viralvector.html
  14. total douche. "i hope to be stronger". "last time i cried" - see i'm a human being.. really i swear..i have feelings too. have sympathy for me. think of me and how hard this is. btw you're fired.
  15. that article is cray and kind of scary really. they're going into full jim jones cult behavior. could get pretty weird and scary. if this guy motivates these people to do something to harm themselves or others... wtf. One of those followers gave her name as Kelly, explaining that she had made the journey from Minnesota to be present for Protzman's prophecies. "He's wonderful," she said. "He's what we call a truth-teller. And us, we're all called truth-seekers." Meanwhile, Vice News has reported that Protzman's followers are having their phone calls and text messages monitored by Protzman's closest confidantes. Some have also been coerced into consuming a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and probiotic supplements, family members of the QAnon cultists told Vice. A woman who was in her mid-fifties and from Delaware announced to the others that there would be a "mandatory" meeting in the Hyatt's basement conference room later that night. “It’s about a heart connection, and loving each other,” she told the Observer, offering a hug. “Chest to chest.”
  16. ignatius

    AI Art

    so, if you're on an iPhone there's "Dream by WOMBO" which works REALLY quickly and makes some killer looking stuff. edit: lols.. just looked above at your posts w/the wombo in the pic. duh.
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