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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. immigration has kept USA w/a strong workforce of a young age. a lot of those people pay into social security they have fake SS numbers, and they don't take out because they are here undocumented. it's something like several million paying into the system who will not benefit from it. a shitty situation. regardless, immigration and open society is what saves american work force. places w/closed borders and difficult immigration scenarios will have a tough time as fewer native people have babies etc.. japan for example has been aging.. also, china has a "population bomb" of sorts. there's some of this info on nate hagens youtube channel in various chats. worth digging into. different people think it will play out in different ways. but a lot of people seem to think global population will peak at some point and then fall precipitously. "toxicity is moving faster than climate change" is what some think. anyway.. if you go through some episodes you'll find some stuff where people get into the details of population decline etc.. i forget which episodes and there are many but they're indexed
  2. i also think he's sort of gaslighting people over it because he wants to feel like he has something figured out that other people don't. he wants to feel smart and special.. like he's the one who really knows what's going on and he's the one who can solve the problems.. "i'm so smart.. listen to me" when really he just gets off and dumping his junk into a bunch of different women and have lot's of offspring for whatever weird reason. he's soooo concerned for humanity's future that we have to make a bunch more people so they can continue on mars after earth is all used up... and he thinks there's a star trek future of humans being space going species and exploring the galaxy. all these billionaires w/space dreams are just serving their boyhood fantasies at the expense of everyone else and the planet. bezos is a weird sociopath, musk is an absolute twat. they're playing some weird game that they make up along the way when they think they need to change the rules.
  3. AI could kill creative jobs that ‘shouldn’t have been there in the first place,’ OpenAI’s CTO says https://fortune.com/2024/06/24/ai-creative-industry-jobs-losses-openai-cto-mira-murati-skill-displacement/
  4. i'm all for exposing government bullshit and secrets etc.. and support things like the pentagon papers coming out back in the nixon era.. and i think what happened more than once in recent times with leaking of classified docs is simply a continuation of that type of event. the problems came when that data was shared with the wrong people who didn't treat with respect it needed and shared wrong info at wrong time and exposed people to harm who were either in middle of a war or some kind of clandestine action. lives were put at risk because of the carelessness of assange. the people around the massive amounts of data did a mostly good job. but there's enough word of mouth type evidence that assange was grandstanding during all this and made some really bad choices that were self serving to his ego and profile. this, to me, makes me think he was the wrong person for this job. the wrong person to be involved in handling the release of this information. so, kind of a prick. there's documentaries about this and his interactions with newspapers and journalists etc.. so, if you go back through all that info you can see where he was selfish and went again better judgement of people around him.. like an arrogant prick. edit: but i don't think he's enemy number one like some seem to think. a lot of this was blown up to a big story because of US 3 letter agencies being butthurt. edit edit: also, who were you expecting to face trial? i didn't think there would be a trial. anything is/was possible and i guess someone would step up to represent him but w/o snowden also around to play a part it seems like not all the details would come out.
  5. what do the clintons have to do w/this? are bill and hillary running for office and no one told us??? and it's surprising you don't mention Bush 1 and Bush 2 and cheney etc. I think they did a thing or two in the middle east i kind of remember. but the scale of the wars is only thing that seems to differ.. USA is always bombing someone or enabling someone else to do some bombing. there's a conflict w/US direct involvement or influence/supply etc just about every year since.. i don't know.. forever? all of modern history certainly... there's no debating biden trump except on harm reduction within US borders.. so, in america some people will experience less harm if biden is elected... health insurance, child tax credit, women's health etc etc.. you think trump is going to walk netanyahu back to the peace camp with palestine? lol. he moved the fucking embassy. he gives no fucks about anything but himself. trump presidency would see further taking apart of USA departments both foreign and domestic. he'll put cronies in everywhere and we and the world will suffer more. anyone who is "Other" in the usa is going to have a roughed time. otherwise.. both parties are suck.. but one seems more attached to reality and maybe doing some token things for giving us a shot at doing a handful of things we need to do or pretend to do.. we'll see. there are differences.. but it's hard to argue for either one of them and mostly just argue against the one that is obviously worse imo. but america is going to keep doing america things regardless. we're going to use more energy, continue to wreck the ecology.. continue to enable israel etc..
  6. good. one less mine field for biden admin to dance through during the election year. also, assange is kind of a prick so i think it's good he goes elsewhere.. we have enough pricks here in usa.
  7. Ai generated diss track that people don't seem to understand is fake. Viral ‘BBL Drizzy’ AI Drake diss track company gets sued https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/tech/riaa-lawsuit-ai-copyright-infringement/index.html AI-generated ‘BBL Drizzy’ started as a Drake joke—but music creators are now terrified it spells the beginning of the end https://fortune.com/2024/06/06/metro-boomin-bbl-drizzy-drake-kendrick-ai-beats-pay/ Metro Boomin’s ‘BBL Drizzy’ Is More Than a Joke – It Could Signal the Future of Sampling https://www.billboard.com/business/tech/metro-boomin-bbl-drizzy-future-ai-sampling-1235682587/
  8. i think some places will population boom while others are population crashing.. meanwhile we'll eventually have some mass migrations so large they won't seem "normal" and also some mass death events from climate events and famines. framing it as a sensible goal or choice is nice and is a more pleasing image to hold on to but i don't think anything about it will be sensible or considered pleasant. it's going to be pure trauma for a lot of people. one big crop failure somewhere is going to be a powder keg. but also just fewer kids being born in western/industrialized countries for all the reasons.
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/23/technology/personaltech/ai-phones-computers-privacy.html? edit: oh and this.. https://futurism.com/the-byte/company-replaces-writers-ai WRITER ALARMED WHEN COMPANY FIRES HIS 60-PERSON TEAM, REPLACES THEM ALL WITH AI
  10. i don't mind the raccoons. they're kinda cool when i happen to see them.. but why they gotta poop on the roof? too lazy to go all the way to ground floor? they stay in teh big tree mostly
  11. conservative religious fucktards do this kind of shit periodically in different states just to see if the supreme court will rule in their favor since they know they will be sued for blurring the line between separation of church and state etc. we'll see.
  12. the raccoons and perhaps some cats use the pitched roof of my backyard shed as a poopy place. pile of pine needles up against the sky light seems to be the preferred spot. i always forget about it so when i see that it's time to sweep the pine needles off the rood i'm still surprised by the poop mess. dry poop pile photo below.
  13. he's rich af now and has been for a good long while. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-69027955 worth around $800 million
  14. also, i love this performance. saw them for the Dirt tour. Layne had a broken ankle and had a cast on. did the whole show leaning on a crutch. sounded incredible. this performance is peak AiC i think. Mike Star on bass is on another planet. they all sound so good here.. even at 144k or whatever fckn bitrate this is at..
  15. this hypocrisy has been lost on them for all time. "rules for thee but not for me" has been their guiding principle for as long as i can remember.
  16. never heard of this guy. doc is interesting.
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