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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. a week or so ago i got an email about a couple of my early releases which used to be free on line from ouotrecords.com which is now offline. so, dude wanted the releases and asked if i could put them on bandcamp. told him i'd just send him a wetransfer link w/the releases. couldn't find one of them so a friend is going to send the files to me once he's done moving. i sent a wetransfer of one of the releases as mp3 320 and wav. he's being kind of an entitled dick. "can you just put all your releases on spotify?" ah, no. "is the wetransfer link the CD version? i'd prefer that version as it has more tracks." after i sent the link i get this "does the link expire? i hope it doesn't expire" - it expires august 1st. dude still hasn't downloaded them and the link expired yesterday. i didn't mind doing it as it doesn't take much to make a folder and drop it in a wetransfer and send it off. still.. dude didn't even say "oh thanks i appreciate it" or anything like that so fuck him. if he sends another email i may resend the wetransfer but might just ignore it or tell him to pirate them somewhere. "get soulseek, fucknuts"
  2. it's his "new look" that apparently was trending on social media. the cringe to me is the painful use of 'thieves' riff as opening walk on which sounds just kinda badly done here. i've never seen them live or anything or even heard fred durst talk.. does he typically sound like that? like he's doing jeff spicoli character.
  3. gonna need to speak to the manager of opening riffs.
  4. yeah sure.. i mean i'm sure she did some good but overall i'm deeply suspicious of religious charities, missionaries and their motivations/fund raising efforts. I have a very hard time giving them the benefit of the doubt. Also, the cases of negligence, which some would consider abuse, are documented in other places beyond christopher hitchens' work. they touch on some of that in the video. my take on it is that her efforts created a poorly run shit show but can probably point to a handful of people who's lives were positively changed by interacting with the things she did/created but in the long run didn't make a dent but made some christians for jesus and maybe fed a bunch of meals to people daily etc. it's well established she thought suffering was good for people and pain management wasn't a thing they did or did well for people who needed it.. i confess that i do like to shit on the church and think they need to be called out about all their bullshit and abuse and taken down a peg but it's not a pre-occupation w/me and i can see there are genuine people trying to do good here and there and the church is important to a lot of people locally and plays a big part in their communities.
  5. i'm still masking when i leave the house. seems about 60/40 in favor of maskers when i go to the store or whatever.
  6. dick went from 2 to 2.5 inches. not suing anyone.
  7. this is fine. https://www.hcn.org/articles/climate-change-trans-alaska-pipeline-under-threat-from-thawing-permafrost Thawing permafrost threatens to undermine the supports holding up an elevated section of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, jeopardizing the structural integrity of one of the world’s largest oil pipelines and raising the potential of an oil spill in a delicate and remote landscape where it would be extremely difficult to clean up.
  8. that's a doozy. his geo-political history wrap ups are pretty amazing and concise. good speaker. lot's of big picture thoughts w/a historical perspective. his disclosure theory makes sense if you believe the alien technology part of it. it's an interesting listen. so much of the conspiracy side of it is just taken for granted as fact even when says "i don't know could be wrong". the petro dollars and russia/china/USA rivalry to control currency etc is fascinating to think about. all the snark that's in grained with little quips about the media and stuff are a bit lame snark style of 'we're the cool conspiracy kids' vibe that happens sometimes and would make me nuts if i had to be around these people. that being said it's an interesting world. he explains the who/what/when/where/why in pretty logical rational kind of way... if one buys into it all. i think his education and training as a historian really pays off.
  9. which vaccine? pfizer is doing pretty well against delta variant. still break through cases but so far those people are only experiencing mild symptoms *mostly*. we'll probably get a booster at some point of same vaccine or new version that is modified for other variants. i think israel is doing boosters for over 65 people who are 6 months from their 2nd shot. i don't think the vaccines are being oversold when you consider they can prevent serious case of the disease.
  10. read somewhere that narrative needs to be raised that the unvaccinated/anti-vaxxers are part of the experimental process and are considered the control group and they could fuck up the experiment if they got vaccinated.
  11. i'm almost done w/this now. it's amazing. classic UFO conspiracy stuff. i love the "secret shadow gov't fascist plan for a space war" angle wrapped up in stock market capitalism and all that. it's great. so entertaining. all the people w/links to important aero space people throughout us history etc.. love the hear-say and "i saw the documents" stuff. so great. i love the spooky piano music throughout.
  12. immediate deal breaker unless the sex = cum/fard/shid/piss at the same time. even then it's a minimum of 2months longevity. summer raver festival dub/reggae in USA is the lowest common denominator of like-ability. it's homogenized when the DJ has no personality and just wants to please the widest group of people enough for an hour or so.
  13. 32 hours being considered “full time” would be huge for a lot of workers who work just under 40 hours as a means of being denied benefits by their employers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. indeed. to me they just seem like FWP now because have had various nuisance type health issues since like 2004. so when there's a new one it's just one more thing. sometimes i laugh. literal lol at all of it because everything is absurd. i try to tone it all down as far as what i share w/people and where but sometimes it comes out in the FWP thread because it seems like a weird puzzle or task to complete before i can do normal things. but i digress..... fwp the little thin metal/rubber thing that is a liner in the root of my car over the side window flew off. it's fine for now but once it starts to rain it might cause a leak through the door frame. found the part on line. $75 for a stupid thing.
  15. maybe one of their probes ran into our probe? could be some koind of chance meeting in space.
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